Blue Screen (of Death)

Scrapbooker & Elocutionist & Media Bus Boy

Location: Moved on with his life. brb. except not really brb

Joined Nov 08, 2011 at 08:42AM EST


Karma Received
+17,173 +18,183 (94%) -1,010 (6%)
Karma Given
+3,298 +3,634 (91%) -336 (9%)


I came, I crashed, I fagged up this site. Thanks KYM

WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!? Please post on my wall and introduce yourself. If I don't really know you or talk to you, I will not friend you. If you are still just embarrassingly sitting in my follow list then it is because I have no idea who you are and I find it awkward. If you seek to change that then socialize!

The error of terror…The fatal exception of deception…

No spambot survives

See my entry on KYM for more about me

TF2, Starcraft 2, Borderlands 2, Star Conflict, Guns of Icarus and more. Find me on Steam, same name there as here.

90's gaming will always live on in my heart

Ponies, Homestuck, gaming and Carl Sagan. If you hate those, too bad. But I'm cool with other fandoms.
Carl Sagan is best pony

DnB, Trance, Dubstep and a bit of House. Favorites include BSE, SoM, Pendulum, The Upbeats, Shapeshifter and Seba.
Metal is fine too. Don't mind Rammstien, Disturbed or System of a Down.
I am a bass addict. No bass, not interested

Sometimes I draw shit. I'm terrible at it.
But hey, at least my pony OC was not drawn with some pony creator program"

I'm a trained PHP web developer. I'm all about the code.
I started the famous trend of themed profiles when I discovered a way to inject my own CSS and Jquery into my profile….but then people abused that and now you can't do it anymore. Dumbasses

I browse KYM because its a fast way to follow what's happening in internet culture. Net culture fascinates me and how differently it works compared to every other culture in the world despite being part of every other culture in the world. Plus I like the discussions we have here

I like sci-fi. But not the "UFO blows up New York" crap, I mean real sci-fi such as Star Trek, Stargate, Aliens, Predator…you know all that stuff from before Hollywood ran out of ideas. Then again the internet is pretty much my TV nowadays. The following summarizes my modern TV experience:

Obligatory profile music:
I'll leave my final message to you all in the format of the music I love best

Cherish always, the cancer I gave you, KYM. And remember me by it

I was the last original bronemod of the cabal. Anyone who says otherwise are fake shit posers

Recent Activity

Commented on Blue Screen (of Death)'s wall

i know the prophesy all too well. It cannot be broken.

This is why I didn't deactivate, despite no longer having any time to post here. I knew better

Feb 07, 2016 at 10:56PM EST

Commented on Blue Screen (of Death)'s wall

Merry Xmas 2015 KYM. Even though I don't really post here anymore

Catch me on Steam or Skype

Dec 25, 2015 at 12:03AM EST

Commented on Blue Screen (of Death)'s wall

Indeed not, You wont see me on KYM much if all anymore. But I'm logging in anyway to say Merry Xmas

Dec 25, 2015 at 12:02AM EST

Uploaded an image .

BRONY TONIGHT SHOW THE LAST BRONEHICANS Owens-ch l emptied Top Comments Poken Blue Screen (of Death) ut 9001 years ago +9001 OP IS A FAGGET +1 DEADPOOL RATE YOURSELF Thats a nice character-limit breaking post you are writing BSOD An Ch Anonymous 05/16/10(Sun)03 op is a fagit Anonymous 05/16/10 SAGE un)03.02 41 No.228097Xxx address? OKI D Notie KA DESU
Dec 08, 2015 at 12:11AM EST

Commented on 2015 San Bernardino Shooting

>Pair of Pakistani immigrants radicalized by middle eastern influences
>Connections to terror cells
>Planned on detonating pipebombs in addition to shooting
>ISIS tweets about America Burning
>Some people are immediately faulting gun ownership and not International terror cells

This is why the gun control debate only goes around in circles, folks

Dec 03, 2015 at 10:53PM EST

Commented on Blue Screen (of Death)'s wall

I cant believe I've been a moderator long enough to see this day without been demodded for misconduct.

Happy modday

Nov 11, 2015 at 02:42AM EST

Commented on Nude-Free Playboy

Don't give up hope, Playboy. You can still run a porn printing business in 2016

You just have to print it on dakimakuras instead of magazines

Oct 20, 2015 at 10:03AM EDT

Commented on Alarm

Either that or "save me from my employers rage for being late to work"

Sep 30, 2015 at 01:59AM EDT

Commented on Blue Screen (of Death)'s wall

I figured as much. But I had never heard of splash up until this point since I neither fap to squids or kids

Sep 24, 2015 at 11:44AM EDT

Commented on Glorious Gaming Race

Rise my fellow gaming brethren of all platforms! Let us form the new United Gamer Empire by adding each other to all our friends lists!

He's my account on Steam, Battlenet, Xbox Live, PSN, Tomadochi, GFWL, Uplay, Gamespy Arcade, Gamespy Comrade, Origin, Miiverse, Relic Oline, Minecraft Server, my pokedex…..[several hundred more accounts….]

Sep 24, 2015 at 11:41AM EDT

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