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New Nintendo Direct TODAY

Last posted Sep 26, 2021 at 08:33PM EDT. Added Sep 23, 2021 at 03:28AM EDT
29 posts from 17 users

Derptastic Derp Man wrote:

Oh boy time to see how people are gonna be pissed at Nintendo and send death threats to Sakurai again.

If there is a smash reveal – Death Threats
If there isnt – Death Threats

Now personally Im fine if there is one or not. Im more interested in any new reveals for Winter 2021 and the occasional 2022 ones they do even when they say its only for winter 2021.

As far I know, in this Nintendo direct ain't gonna have any smash related announcements, I believe the last smash DLC character is gonna be revealed on the game awards or they're going to save it for the next year.

Imagine if they actually anounce this character:as the last character for smash:

The drama and salt would be GLORIOUS

(I would be happy though)

Last edited Sep 23, 2021 at 05:26PM EDT

I keep forgetting that there is a Mario movie, so the news caused my soul to detach. The reveal that Charlie Day and Jack Black are major roles was what sent it to the 7th plane of existence. In a good or a bad way, I'm not sure, yet I'm concerned.

Holy fuckin' shit, Bayo 3 at long last! Kinda wish it and Splatoon 3 got slightly more defined dates, but at the same time I also don't want them to be rushed.

Also looks like something Spawn Wave kept expecting to happen finally did, Nintendo's gonna do a tiered system for NSO. Resular $20 a year NSO will be staying, for for an extra price (I'm expecting maybe $10 more a year) you'll get N64 and Sega Genesis games too. SOme of the games I saw legit shocked me though, did anyone else notice that right at the end of the "ucpcoming N64 games" list they put FUCKING BANJO-KAZOOIE?! I did not expect Microsoft would actually allow the game to come to Switch. Also pardon my overuse of profanity but IS THAT MUTHAFUCKIN' WINBACK?! OH MY GOSH I'VE LEGIT BEEN WANTING TO REPLAY THAT FOR YEARS, HOLY SHIT! Like I'm probably one of the only people freaking out over Winback of all fucking things coming to NSO, that's how niche that game is, holy shit.

I'd give this Direct an 8/10 on a rating scale, I was hoping they were gonna open with the Smash character reveal, but I can understand Sakurai wanting to do the reveal himself (I get the feeling Nintendo wanted to open with that but Sakurai changed his mind last minute which is why the MonHun DLC set for next summer acted as the opener). Kirby finally going 3D with Forgotten Lands is a very plasant surrpise, and I admit it's smart to save the Animal Crossing updates for a dedicated direct.

Also I was laughing my ass off at the Mario movie casting. Like okay I guess the casting was likely more Illumination's decision though good Charles Martinet is still gonna cameo, but the fact Chris Pratt is Mario, Jack Black is Bower, and Kenen Micheal-Keyes is Toad just had me going "even if the movie sucks like the live action one this casting is gonna result in some hilarious line reading." EDIT: Oh and fucking Seth Rogan as Donkey Kong. Holy shit this movie is either going to be the best thing ever or the best trainwreck ever, no in-between.

Last edited Sep 23, 2021 at 06:52PM EDT

Alright, I've calmed down enough as to not call this stream "the most hellish stream" though nothing worse comes to my mind at the moment.
Kirby game looks cool, but taking away Kirby's ability to fly feels wrong.
Animal Crossing update that adds stuff that should've been there in the first place is alright I guess.
Actraiser despite being a "classic" is a franchise I've never heard of. Pre rendered sprites look like they've been made 2002
Mario movie cast is forever burned into my mind. The moment they mentioned the movie my body was frozen in fear and what came later was like an encounter with an evil deity. I came out of that stream a different man because of this. Hehehe what if Donkey Kong smoked weed hehehe
I haven't played either Splatoon or Bayonetta so I don't care.

Bayonetta 3: kaiju and long braids edition

I gotta say, besides Bayonetta 3, I'm interested on the Switch port of Disco Eylsium and Project Triangle looks good. I was surprised to see the last smash DLC character is gonna be revealed in a few weeks, I guess Mr. Sakurai is just done with the whole thing and he just wants a vacation or start working on that new Kirby game I dunno.

Overall, nice presentation from nintendo.

Oh yeah some of the smaller announcements that were also neat:

-Yoko Taro's new game is coming sooner than I expected (it's that tabletop card RPG), and if Taro's involved you know it's gotta be interesting

-ActRaiser remake shadowdrop (and @ozzim, yeah it does have a very "2D PS1 game" sort of look but TBH I'm fine with that as I feel games replicating the look of 90s games is sort of the new trend in "retro styled" games anyway)

-Castlevania Advanced Collection finally confirmed and shadow dropping (fact it also includes the SNES "altered take" of Rondo of Blood, Dracula X, is a real left-field addition, but one I'm okay with since hey it's a fun extra)

-Chocobo GP might be fun with the tracks are well designed

-Deltarune Chapter 2 is hitting Switch sooner than I expected (guess Toby and co had the port ready to go, but waited on the Direct to launch the update)

-Triangle Strategy is keeping the name after all, and it's coming out right before my birthday, so nice looks like I know a present to get myself next year

Oh also Splatoon 3's campaign involving the "return of the mammalians" has me super interested to see how the lore is gonna be expanded in this game. Octo Expansion already raised interesting questions, so I wonder what Splatoon 3 has in store.

Even though I heard the game got leaked a little early, I'm already invested in the Forgotten Land. I know it's already like a Super Kirby Odyssey, but the setting and gameplay looks interesting enough to play.

Jokes with Mario movie aside, there is already an extremely clutch mode activated. On one hand, the cast seem interesting and recognizable (Especially Jack Black with a good track record, but I can't wrap my head around Charlie Day being Luigi which was a heavy surprise). Then, there is the other hand that it's Illumination making the film.

Even with no footage or teasers available, the cast reveal is bound to cause chaotic buzz. Nintendo seems to be monitoring Illumination heavily to make sure the movie is enough to be faithful to the game series, yet I'm trying to worry how Jack Black would sound like as Bowser. It's a difficult image to process.

OH WAIT HOW'D I FORGET TO BRING THIS UP. So that's interesting, KOTOR is getting a remake on PS5 (which is confirmed as a limited time exclusive), but the original is gonna hit the Switch really soon. KOTOR 2 maybe for early 2022? I heard THQ Nordic is planning physical releases on other Aspyr remasters of Star Wars games like the Kyle Katarn games in one package, and both Episode 1 Racer and Republic Commando in one package, so it'd be cool if next year we get the original KOTOR 1 plus KOTOR 2 in a single package from THQ.

I love playing the Shadowrun trilogy on PC, even though it's a bit bugged. But I'm sure as hell looking forward to play it on the Switch.

As of now, I haven't watched the Direct or any of the trailers yet, and I've only got a cursory glance at all the announcements, so I've nothing to say so far… except for one announcement in particular.

No!! wrote:

Oh wait they haven't released any fire emblem games recently so it will probably not be fire emblem….

Thank god

No New ones recently?
So youre telling me…
… my .01% chance is now .02%? Effectively doubled!
Now excuse me while I wait patiently for the new Kirby, Bayonetta 3, and Monster Hunter Rise Sunburst. My personal highlights of it all.

Last edited Sep 26, 2021 at 08:34PM EDT

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