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Replace "Show Fewer Ponies" button with "Hide NSFW/Spoiler/Looong images" button

Last posted Oct 20, 2018 at 11:55PM EDT. Added Oct 18, 2018 at 05:26AM EDT
5 posts from 4 users

MLP isn't all that relevant nowadays and the site is sometimes flooded with these types of images I mentioned above (except loong but you get the point). Not saying it's a bad thing, but it can be annoying when the site slows to a crawl while browsing or when the majority of images for the day are just cheesecake, creepy shit, and spoilers.

Last edited Oct 18, 2018 at 05:46AM EDT

I have been also just asking if the button has any effect to this sites loading times or anything? The button doesn't bother me but it just makes me wonder if removing it could make the site load a bit faster since the whole button is pointless at this point. I never got any answers to this question. Probably fourth or fifth time i'm asking about it.

I also remember asking some months ago if we could get some other buttons like "hide politics button" and the answer was that making something like it would be pretty damn hard and would affect this site's loading times a lot or something like that, i can't remember for sure but i honestly don't see any of those hide buttons happening anymore on this site. Not enough people care about seeing shit like politics in here like they did with cartoon horses.

I understand your frustration in asking over and over again, but not getting an answer you're happy with. That said, the answer isn't going to change.

First of all, ArchaicEX has made a pretty decent client-side script that will stop NSFW and spoiler images from being thumbnailed. Fiddle with it if you want this to work for long images as well, but keep in mind that any kind of filtering means KYM is now working double-time to index and thumbnail images just for you. This is why more site-integrated filters would cause massive slowdowns and isn't on the to-do list for anyone at the moment.

And no, I'm not just shitting on your idea to save us work, because I was for this idea too.

In terms of site load times, the metric fuckload of back-end javascript is responsible for far more responsible for a slowdown on your end than anything else (except possible a bad internet connection).

Your best bet? Wait for our new Rails developer to get hired, and but them. OR rig up an adblocker to do this for you. It's not the same, but this thread is a good place to start for how to filter out more content (this will also slow your browser down).

Last edited Oct 20, 2018 at 10:34PM EDT

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