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Activision-Blizzard and US Government Subsdies

Last posted Sep 23, 2021 at 01:29PM EDT. Added Sep 17, 2021 at 03:30PM EDT
8 posts from 8 users

So I recently learned that Activision-Blizzard receives a very large amount of subsidies from the American government: in 2018 US taxpayers delivered about $228 million dollars to the company. A I'm pretty sure that number's even higher in more recent years thanks to COVID stimulus packages.

So try as we might to not support the company by not buying their games, if you live in the USA it's basically impossible not to support them if the taxes you pay go to government support. Combined with the fact that most of their customers don't actually care about their internal working and just buy the latest big franchise title anyways, it seems the key to reforming A-B and companies like it is to push for systemic change because I don't think boycotts are going to do anything. It fucking sucks.

Of course, if you DON'T live in the USA you can still not buy any of their products and avoid giving them any money. And even if you do, I don't recommend it for obvious reasons but if there's a will, there's a way…

Boy oh boy do I love this country where my tax money goes to bombing random Middle Eastern countries and giving corporations massive bonuses instead of, yknow. Infrastructure or education or healthcare

So fucking proud to be an American

At this point I am just waiting for Blizzard to be exposed for using child slaves to create Overwatch, that or they are secretly a satanic cult or something.

No but seriously how could they dig themselves any deeper

Alright what else will they be exposed for? Will Blizzard-Activision suddenly have mountains of dev crunch related deaths exposed? Did they threaten multiple games to be canceled in development unless they become more money hungry and anti consumer? At this point I’ve got a feeling that Blizzard-Activision is going to get exposed for outsourcing their game development to sweat shops.

Derptastic Derp Man wrote:

Alright what else will they be exposed for? Will Blizzard-Activision suddenly have mountains of dev crunch related deaths exposed? Did they threaten multiple games to be canceled in development unless they become more money hungry and anti consumer? At this point I’ve got a feeling that Blizzard-Activision is going to get exposed for outsourcing their game development to sweat shops.

Explains Warcraft 3 reforged


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