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Jerk off your favorite user

Last posted Jul 21, 2014 at 08:42PM EDT. Added Jul 20, 2014 at 11:52PM EDT
82 posts from 41 users

This site is much too hostile. Let's change it and give all our favorite users the sweet release they need.

Captain Blubber – Your jokes are excellent and original. I'm sure your mother is very proud of you.

Drpepperfan – Finding a corporate sponsor is no easy job, but you managed to get one from Andrew Hussie, Lauren Faust, and Dr. Pepper/Snapple. Your posts, while non existent, truly show what it means to be a mod.

Cale – You made a good NatRP and quickly abandoned it. That, my friends, is true leadership.

madcat – Going through puberty is a rough time, but you've made great strides on the site while in the process. I hope to one day suck dick as well as you do.

Chris – Being gay and a furry? Now that's what I call bravery.

Last edited Jul 20, 2014 at 11:53PM EDT

Derpy Vasquez Of all the middle-aged men who are neglecting their family to post their valuable input on this website for children and pre-pubescent teenagers, you are easily the best.

HolyCrapItsBob I think your messiah-complex is actually really endearing and I think you have definitely helped a lot of people learn to talk to people they don't want to talk to.

Loli Never have I ever met a male so devoted to pictures of underage girls in sexual poses, and that is saying a lot, I really admire you.

Philip_J Your skills at videogames are something to be praised, you really show your skill when you manage to lose no matter how bad someone else plays, it is hard to be so humble and let lesser people experience victory.

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Philip J. Fry wrote:

Taryn is a very nice, helpful, friendly user who never shitposts.

professorcheese and drpepperfan are rational individuals who do not obsess over pieces of fiction.

Fridge Logic is thick-skinned and has a great sense of humor.

Chris is accepting of others' opinions and not at all pompous and elitist.

Shut up Philip you ass kissing, prepubescent, anal wart

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 12:26AM EDT

RocketPropelledPanda, when you're needed most, you aren't here. I find that very humbling. In a way.

Phillip, when the going get tough, you complain on the internet pretending to be a character from a cancelled TV show. Way to go, slugger.

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 12:29AM EDT

TripleA6900 You really are an expert on how fictional robots would go about having sexual intercourse if they actually existed, you are a true scholar.

Natsuru The fact that you try to keep your gender ambiguous is exceptionally quirky, and everyone thinks it is really clever. Also your ability to attract the worst kind of scum on the planet is similar to that of Jesus Christ, son of God, keep on trucking big guy.

Taryn Your ability to alienate others by simply being yourself is so impressive, if it weren't for your shining personality, I wouldn't be able to wake up in the morning.

RandomMan I have yet to meet another man who so excellently gathers hoards of boys who like girls' toys onto his side, if they weren't all cripples, I bet you could make your own country. Keep on impressing us Ricky ;^]

Moargun, I'd like you to congratulate you on your recent engagement. I'm sure marrying a member of the site KnowYourMeme is very rewarding.

HolyCrapItsBob – Without you, this site would be way more hostile, and we wouldn't have that one user who compares himself to Jesus Christ. Wouldn't that be a crying shame?

ProfessorCheese I'm impressed by your interest in unique media, I still haven't checked out that folder of xeno incestuous vore you sent me, but if it is anything like your choice in interracial used-diaper unbirthing, I bet it'll be great.

bioticzombie You are so sneaky when using the website, I would have thought you were irrelevant if I didn't know better, but I do know better so I value your great activity.

DrPepperfan No one else your age spends as much time on this website studying epic memes and not finishing video games that they bought with their unemployment money. If I had as much free time as you, I highly doubt I would be able to use it as well as you do champ.

madcat Your insistence on pretending you are a cat and roleplaying as furry anthros is something no one else can manage, and don't get me started on how well you can hold string cheese in between your butt cheeks, I didn't even realize there were competitions about that.

Verbose unlike everyone else with an important job like yours on a meme website, you take your work very seriously and that's really commendable. The paragraphs of text you expect people to read are always interesting and never too long. You're definitely someone who can get along with just about anyone with that dazzling personality of yours.

slime 'cap you are a valued member of this website and totally right about everything you say

RocketPropelledPanda you clearly have a good eye for deducing and understanding other users. i can see you going places with such a talent

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 01:07AM EDT

Verbose – I commend your work on being a professional novel writer. While it may seem like nobody cares, I can't stress enough that it isn't true. You take everything on this site seriously, to a painful extent, making you the only one TRULY qualified to call yourself the "best moderator on a forum about memes". Without you, the forums would be a lot less "intelligent". Keep up the good fight.

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 01:13AM EDT

Players of Worlds in Balance – Thanks for all the info on your numerous planets. I appreciate that the majority of you chose to have quantity over quality here. I enjoy writing stats and drawing a sprite for each and every one of them. They are like my babies. Screaming, sleepless babies.

Taryn wrote:

Verbose – I commend your work on being a professional novel writer. While it may seem like nobody cares, I can't stress enough that it isn't true. You take everything on this site seriously, to a painful extent, making you the only one TRULY qualified to call yourself the "best moderator on a forum about memes". Without you, the forums would be a lot less "intelligent". Keep up the good fight.

I thought the aim of the thread was to be sarcastic.

All Y'all: You're all so good at projecting your pent in emotions. All these posts are so sincere and truthful. It really brings a tear to my eye the way you all show such compassion for your fellow users without being spiteful or passive-aggressive in any way.

Slutty Sam wrote:

All Y'all: You're all so good at projecting your pent in emotions. All these posts are so sincere and truthful. It really brings a tear to my eye the way you all show such compassion for your fellow users without being spiteful or passive-aggressive in any way.

That's so kind of you to say. Personally, I love reading the posts you leave scattered literally everywhere on the site. They don't solely serve to clutter it at all, and each one is more productive than the next. Your posts are even more riveting when your insane egomania doesn't shine through.

Captain Blubber : Seeing you being an asshole makes me wet.
Natsuru : You are still the best trap in KYM. Nuff said.
Muffinlicious : you're my favorite torture victim.
Kouhai : Best user in KYM. I wish you were still here with me :(
Ann Hiro : Hearing you getting your ass kicked by Zar in Dark Souls 2 is why i love you :3
No One : Friend me already you little fucker and i will take you to bed~!
RandomMan : I'm sorry but do i know you?
Deltamelon : Dude, Your face looks like Ben stiller~! And that's already awesome~!
HolyCrapIt'sBob : You're my new OTP, my love <3

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 02:23AM EDT

Sam – The way you add "~!" to every single line of dialogue you shit out really adds to the conversation. I really enjoy how you don't follow the status quo by never adjusting your tone in order to fit with the thread at hand. It's quite inspiring.

RandomMan: You gave me a fetish for rabbits
A Furry: You are the only reason I tolerate furries
Captain Blubber: I want to walk into the Tiki Bar one day and have you slide your disco stick into my anal cavern in the bathroom.
Taryn: I want you to give me an eyebrowjob
PaperLucario: You gave me a fetish for Nui
Derpy Vazquez: I get an erection thinking about getting aids from reading your posts
Slime Cap: You gave back my fetish for Cave Story

Madcat: The way you always rightfully put bad users in their place is so valiant of you and really helps clean up the site. The very exquisite way you tell people to "shut up" really makes it and is very convincing to shitposters and egomaniacs such as myself who revel in your high morality which exceeds all the peasantry abound on this site.

Slime Cap' : You can hold strong on your opinions no matter how wrong you may be. You are truly the epitome of persistence.
No Face : You made me watch Spirited Away again, something I will not soon regret.
TripleA9000 : I know I am, thank you.
Captain Blubber : You're a faggot, but a cool faggot. Like Freddy Mercury.
Joshy : You taught me to never question the unknown, and just go on and find out for myself.
Taryn : You made this thread… So that's cool.
Sam : You commented on my profile that one time. That was nice.
A Furry : You put the Yiff in… uh… I'm not sure where I was going with that.

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 02:40AM EDT

Taryn : I Absolutely love your Peasant title. It is certainly the greatest title in KYM, if not then the whole world~! and i also love your Satsuki avatar since she is the perfect mary sue waifu~!

General Shi Gai wrote:

Slime Cap' : You can hold strong on your opinions no matter how wrong you may be. You are truly the epitome of persistence.
No Face : You made me watch Spirited Away again, something I will not soon regret.
TripleA9000 : I know I am, thank you.
Captain Blubber : You're a faggot, but a cool faggot. Like Freddy Mercury.
Joshy : You taught me to never question the unknown, and just go on and find out for myself.
Taryn : You made this thread… So that's cool.
Sam : You commented on my profile that one time. That was nice.
A Furry : You put the Yiff in… uh… I'm not sure where I was going with that.

Don't you dare finish that sentence…

General Shi Gai wrote:

Slime Cap' : You can hold strong on your opinions no matter how wrong you may be. You are truly the epitome of persistence.
No Face : You made me watch Spirited Away again, something I will not soon regret.
TripleA9000 : I know I am, thank you.
Captain Blubber : You're a faggot, but a cool faggot. Like Freddy Mercury.
Joshy : You taught me to never question the unknown, and just go on and find out for myself.
Taryn : You made this thread… So that's cool.
Sam : You commented on my profile that one time. That was nice.
A Furry : You put the Yiff in… uh… I'm not sure where I was going with that.

you deleted your original post so i deleted mine,
was this an elaborate plot of yours, because if it was it was stupid

TripleA9000 wrote:

you deleted your original post so i deleted mine,
was this an elaborate plot of yours, because if it was it was stupid

Oh, I was intending to edit the links and such and add some other stuff, and I was afraid I would take too long, and it wouldn't work, so I just created another one. But yeah, I guess you can say it was a stupid post. (I didn't actually read all the posts, but after comparing mine and Rocket's, I noticed they were similar, so sorry about that, Rocket! … And you too, I guess.)

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 02:57AM EDT

Iran (they are deactivated but IDK where they are now)

You always turned to me when you had problems, and despite how much of a terrible OP when you made that entry/forum post thing that got you a lot of hate, you stayed positive

TripleA9000 wrote:

ASH AGE 10 the fact that you're that young and on a site like this is proof that your parents must love you very much

"Young" is obsolete for someone that never ages ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Those people who keep sending me NSFW furry links:

GIANTDAD (deactivated): You will always inspire me with your whip….cream….yeah…

A Furry:

Rukario (Deactivated): You we're the only person I liked talking to and who didn't send me to the bowels of furry image boards involving 4chan and Bronies

Last edited Jul 21, 2014 at 06:37AM EDT

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