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Can't login into "news" portion of the site. Logging out when trying to access.

Last posted Feb 05, 2022 at 06:12AM EST. Added Feb 04, 2022 at 11:07AM EST
2 posts from 2 users

When I go to the "News" part of the site by either clicking an article on the front page, or using "news" button in the menu, i get into the news section, but I'm suddenly logged out of the site and can't comment or do anything else that requires an account.
When I click either "Log in" or "Sign up" button, I am not given a log in/sign up prompt, but instead transported to the regular version of the site where I am already logged on and site itself functions as normal.

I essentially can't browse News portion of the site as a user with account.

Clearing cache/cookies does not help, and the issue persists across all browsers and devices that I have.

Another one bites the dust-a. It's a common problem among older users. Someone messed something up when updating cookie files or something. If you try to login while in incognito mode it'll work.


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