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If band names were literal, what would their live shows consist of?

Last posted Oct 30, 2016 at 10:25AM EDT. Added Oct 19, 2016 at 01:27PM EDT
36 posts from 35 users

Swans – A lake filled with swans

Napalm Death – Would consist of someone getting burned to death

Riot – Name says it all

Goatwhore – A woman getting gangbanged by goats

Suicide – Some man hanging himself

My Dying Bride – Someone’s wife dying

Explosions in the Sky – A fireworks display

Iron Maiden: Some guy gets put into, well, an iron maiden.

Eagles: Eagles fly around in the sky.

Rage Against the Machine: A bunch of guys destroying any and all technology.

Guns N' Roses: People use roses as a gun target.

Black Sabbath: Satanic worship (or probably a really shitty weekend).

Last edited Oct 19, 2016 at 06:39PM EDT

Of Monsters and Men: Nothing's really changed except the band members are all in monster costumes
Panic at the Disco: Everyone is screaming and there is a disco ball there too I guess
Imagine Dragons: Nothing's really changed except the band members are all in dragon fursuits
Florence and the Machine: Robot fetishism the show

Yes: The band is asked a series of questions and their answers is yes.
Rush: The concert only lasts 5 seconds.
Dream Theater: A projector shows what the band dreams about.
Megadeth: : Everyone dies.
Slayer: The band starts slaying people.
Anthrax: Everyone gets poisoned by Anthrax.

Last edited Oct 20, 2016 at 03:49AM EDT

Seventh Wonder-- shows are always in natural wonders of the world

Stratovarius -- All band members must play a Frankensteinian hybrid of Stradivarius and Stratocaster.

Sabaton -- All band members play in metal-plated boots

Kamelot -- Shows are always set in Medieval fairs

Blind Guardian -- eyeless bodyguard never lets anybody stage dive or start a mosh pit

Pet Shop Boys – a circus style act consisting of two fashionable men and a pack of dogs and cats. The guys advertise their pet store while the animals bark/meow a catchy jingle.

Helloween – Demons put on Halloween costumes and act like hooligans on stage.

Suicidal Tendencies – the members talk about their tendency to commit suicidal acts

Exodus – The band members lead the audience to another venue two or more states away.

Gama Ray – A giant ass gama ray shot into to crowd (truly an experience for the few that survive).

Electric Wizard: some dudes trying to kill a dragon on stage. The show is full of light effects and huge scenarios a la Pink Floyd's "The Wall"

Judas Priest: a rock opera representation of the Passion of Christ with Judas as the main character

Animal Collective: a bunch of animals making noises on stage

Dinosaur Jr: Smoochy meets Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

Boris: This guy (with lots of hardbass)

The Ramones:

Panic! At The Disco – A guy having a panic attack during the music
Twenty One Pilots – Name says it all
Disturbed – A disturbed guy screaming the lyrics
Wu-Tang Clan – A group of Wutang masters
Led Zeppelin:

Last edited Oct 21, 2016 at 07:10PM EDT

Megadeth: Exactly one million people die at every single one of their live shows.
Budgie: A band made up entirely of parakeets.
Cannabis Corpse: Some guy using a corpse as a makeshift bong.
Machinae Supremacy: A bunch of racist robots shouting slurs at the audience.

Queen: Exactly what it says. There's a queen. Preferably the Queen of England.
Megadeth: Someone dies a really cool death.
Dire Straits: The performance goes horribly wrong.
The Who: Some guys nobody know about perform.
Pink Floyd: Exactly what it says. There's a guy named Floyd, and he's pink.

Blur: Everything is the same except the band members faces are blurred out.
Foo Fighters: A bunch of UFOs fly around the stage.
Iced Earth: The Earth enters another ice age.


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