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Last posted Apr 18, 2024 at 05:25PM EDT. Added Aug 02, 2014 at 01:37AM EDT
1764 posts from 204 users

Calm, very sweet, a good choice for the times when the only thing you want to do is to cuddle with your lover. The lyrics are beautiful too, and the end of the song sounds like we're indeed going to be transported somewhere. 8.8/10

Now, something twisted. (And French.)


Warning: the image used on YouTube for this track is rather graphic (it's a stylised drawing of a monster eating three people), therefore some viewers may feel disturbed. This is why the track is hidden under a…

I know I'm not on Tumblr here and trigger warnings are perhaps more necessary there than here, but, y'know, "just in case"…

Last edited Jan 26, 2015 at 02:03PM EST

9/10 Like Phantom of The Opera with bass. I seriously liked it. Justice actually brought me to the electronic music genre before LMFAO came in 'bout 2010

Boy, another NeoTokyo one. But something more spoopy

7 / 10. I like what Einaudi does, and the added beat+remix gives a pleasant touch to the piano melody.

Still an instrumental track, but this time, a Swedish one. Prepare ten minutes.

(Additional info: this 10-minute piece was composed by Adam Nordén for the Swedish TV channel SVT2. This channel played this theme during "programme-table" breaks, as well as during technical incidents. It went on air from 2008 to 2012.)

Last edited Jan 30, 2015 at 04:26PM EST

heuueh wrote:

7 / 10. I like what Einaudi does, and the added beat+remix gives a pleasant touch to the piano melody.

Still an instrumental track, but this time, a Swedish one. Prepare ten minutes.

(Additional info: this 10-minute piece was composed by Adam Nordén for the Swedish TV channel SVT2. This channel played this theme during "programme-table" breaks, as well as during technical incidents. It went on air from 2008 to 2012.)

Nice and uplifting 8/10

It's a bit long, I know.

6/10 Not as interesting as some other songs I've heard in this genre.

Now the reason I'm posting this song is because it's my favorite song of last year, and yet Todd in the Shadows completely looked it over. It seems that he didn't even know it existed since he called Ain't it Fun the "hardest rocking" song of the year. Really Todd? I want to hear what you people think about it because no one seems to acknowledge this awesome song.

Sounds like a nice slow song that I wouldn't normally listen but could be liked if listened many times.

"Better than the Japanese version"- personal Japanese friend

7/10 I quite liked it and I'm going to give the same comments to DJKing's track too and both had great starts but I didn't like it as much towards the end. In Adam's song the repetitions were done really nicely but I think you have to feel for that lyric more to like it.

this is my song:

Last edited Feb 12, 2015 at 10:22PM EST

I dunno, I felt some repetitive at the end

The legend says if you put this track backwards on a midnight's road trip, over the quiet full moon of July, you can invoke their spirits. Dammed spirits of mighty, glorious Celtic warriors who fall in disgrace, condemn forever to vague between the world of the living and the dead.
And if you are lucky, they may have mercy on your poor and disgraceful soul if they don't sing their sorrow chant…


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