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Everything Metal

Last posted Aug 22, 2014 at 02:08AM EDT. Added Aug 01, 2014 at 11:55AM EDT
30 posts from 15 users

new decapitated sounds tight

i hope blood stain child's new album will be as enjoyable and trance synth filled as i expect it to be. i really don't know what i find appealing about it, i can't stand trance music on its own, but epsilon was one of those albums i can listen through in one go without boring myself at all.

also inb4 metulc0r (and bsc :P) is not trve methul

Last edited Aug 06, 2014 at 05:04PM EDT

i dunno if this thread is only meant to have music posted in it, but i'll just take the title as an excuse:
don't you think many metal (or teh other hard music for tough ppl with teh loud guitars) fans take themselves and their favourite music way too seriously?
like, i can't feel at easy on forums discussing metal, or even at concerts talking to some strangers, and the topic is e.g. death metal and i'm like "hey, there's that cool band bloodshot dawn, who are kinda melodeath but more on the death side of it" and i get replies like "melodeath is death for fgts" or "lol, eurofags and their melodic shit", "lol 7 strings". you may even get shit for having short hair, or dressing in an vntrve manner, nevermind listening to the wrong bands.
it's about the same with any kind of -core music, though it's not that common and not that important to be "a trve headbangrz", or in this case "ura sick cunt, u go rough in da pit bro".
i don't count trve kvlt black metal fans becasue that kind of shit is to be expected from them. kinda.
but it's that kind of elitist bullshit attitude that i hate about many metal fans i know and probably the reason why i don't count many of them to my friends.

Black metal with elements of shoegaze and screamo.

I actually agree with you about KVLT metalheads taking metal too seriously. Different sub-genres of metal will take influences from different genres and if those influences aren't other sub-genres of metal, chances are, they will declare that they are ruining metal. Good examples are Sunbather and Aesthethica. Those albums were critically acclaimed by virtually every major review publication, but nope. Black shoegaze isn't TRVE, KVLT black metal, and I don't know any other genres of music other than old, lo-fi, KVLT, black metal, so I'm going to pan this album and call it hipster metal.

@Patrcian /tr/ainer
Hey, seeing that you like Deafheaven, I thought you'd might enjoy this band:

I can't really add anything to what's already been said about it, but I definitely agree that a lot of metalheads take their favourite music too seriously. I don't have any experiences with elitist metalheads at the few concerts I've attended, but the (online) bashing on djent, blackgaze etc. is ridiculous.


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