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James Gunn fired by Disney after discovery of old tweets relating to pedophilia and rape surface

Last posted Jul 22, 2018 at 06:12AM EDT. Added Jul 20, 2018 at 08:26PM EDT
9 posts from 9 users


This obviously means Gunn will not be directing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and some are already wondering if Sony might potentially cancel a horror film he's making with them in light of this controversy.

blue checkmarks are on full damage control, saying he shouldnt be fired cause they were just jokes, yea, the same who celebrated roseanne getting fired

hungryvenezuelan96 wrote:

blue checkmarks are on full damage control, saying he shouldnt be fired cause they were just jokes, yea, the same who celebrated roseanne getting fired

Well, Rosanne kinda got what she deserved. Remember it was Cernovich who caused all of this.

Well there goes any interest i had in the guardians movies, and the marvel movies in general. Can't wait for Ron Howard's Guardian of the Galaxies 3: Frankenstein's Movie to come out. It'll be just as funny and good as Solo.

As much as I hate people getting fired for saying something stupid online, I can't really fault Disney that much. I mean, when you post a pedophile clickbait link to your website, it's going to make it really hard to do damage control without cutting out the damaged section entirely.

Honestly at this point, Twitter should just go away.

It's not really Twitter's fault people are stupid and decide to post something without looking it over first and decide not to create an internet persona to shitpost and make edgy jokes under and instead use their real name and loudly broadcast that they work for X company.

hungryvenezuelan96 wrote:

blue checkmarks are on full damage control, saying he shouldnt be fired cause they were just jokes, yea, the same who celebrated roseanne getting fired

And was it Mike Cernovich who started this mess.

A alt-right bastard who among other nasty and rapey things, ironically thinks that "masturbating in front of girls who did not want to have sex" is a good idea.

Brad Jones and Korey Coleman basically cover what I think of this mess.

Last edited Jul 22, 2018 at 06:35AM EDT

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