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Last posted Jul 04, 2018 at 11:03PM EDT. Added Apr 07, 2015 at 03:01AM EDT
1707 posts from 86 users

Alright, so here's something that's been bugging me. First, listen to the melody to Lion's theme:

Now compare it to this song from "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening":

Is it just me, or do they not sound super similar. Like, Lion's Theme is slower and has had some notes replaced with pauses, but the basic rhythm and pattern sounds almost exactly the same.

Or am I just crazy?

(Hell, I'm posting this at 6 am. No matter what you guys think of the songs, I probably am crazy.)

Platus wrote:

Is it just me, or do they not sound super similar.

It's a very simple and universal melody, so I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out similar by accident, especially since Steven Universe has got lots of videogamey music anyways.

It could be a tribute too, so I wouldn't be ruling out that possibility either.

But judging by the YouTube comments, different people say it sounds like something from different games, like it'd be from from Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Earthbound, Animal Crossing, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Paper Mario, etc.

@SU pr0nz

I have never seen SU R34 yet and I am sort of happy about that but I know I eventually will and my eyes will get rekt like it did when I first saw mlp porn

Meanwhile on more presentable portions of the fandom:

It's a lovely tribute to Season 1

Just saw "Reformed", I really liked it.

So now we know that Gems can come back from their gemstones at any time they wish, but if the regeneration is rushed they may come out vastly different, like Amethyst in the preview. Also the newest Amethyst form is pretty ok. Not vastly different from the original but it's still pretty good.

So that was an interesting new episode

I think Amethyst episodes are always destined to make me feel incredibly uncomfortable. They do that well.

I really do wonder what gems do when they recede into their gem. Is it like they go into a meditative, reflective state? Would probably explain why Amethyst would want to go into her new form as soon as possible, one's own mind can be a terrifying place.

We have now seen all of the crystal gems (except for Steven of course) change into new forms. I wonder if there's any sort of purpose for these changes happening other than for the sake of character development? It just sticks out to me that the creators felt the need to have all the main cast go through a redesign.

Also, Garnet straight – up says their bodies are an illusion. What about Steven? His body isn't an illusion, but maybe his body is something more? At this point Steven is quickly becoming the largest question mark in the show. What if Steven can still reform like the other gems?

Also it's fun seeing the theories on reformations coming down."REFORMATION ARE BASED ON HOW THEY DIED AND A PART OF THEM CHANGES WHEN THEY REFORM" Well apparently not.

Zaccharine wrote:

Also, Garnet straight – up says their bodies are an illusion. What about Steven? His body isn't an illusion, but maybe his body is something more? At this point Steven is quickly becoming the largest question mark in the show. What if Steven can still reform like the other gems?

Also it's fun seeing the theories on reformations coming down."REFORMATION ARE BASED ON HOW THEY DIED AND A PART OF THEM CHANGES WHEN THEY REFORM" Well apparently not.

But isn't Steven half human and half gem so his body might differ? I mean they can't age also, but Steven still can and he can die also. I dunno.

Does anyone know the what the next episode is called?

Wow, It wasn't what I theorized, but it was a really good episode; we got another good peek to amethyst depts, it was interesting seeing how she can get on garnet's nerves too, even if garnet tries her best to keep her cool. Also, I found very funny the uh, let's say auto-references made under the crying breakfast friends guise ("that show is really weird, who wants to see a cartoon about people crying?"). This one goes in my list of favorites.

It's funny this episode aired when it did, just a day or two ago I was thinking "oh that's right, Pearl got a redesign last season, and so did Garnet in the season finale, I wonder if Amethyst may ever get one." And then BAM this episode. I think Steven's reaction of "aww you barely changed" was a preemptive "expected audience reaction" towards some fans who were hoping for Amethyst's new design to be more different compared to her old one. I like it though, it keeps the "casual" nature of her old design, but feels "more organized" to show she wants to improve herself as well (i.e. the shoulder strap's are now symmetrical, as Pearl pointed out).

Also, new favorite gif:

Last edited May 01, 2015 at 01:50AM EDT

Angelirio wrote:

I'm calling it now, since all the CG's forms are different, there's gonna be a new opening.
crosses fingers

didn't Garnet change in the S2 opening?

Angelirio wrote:

I'm calling it now, since all the CG's forms are different, there's gonna be a new opening.
crosses fingers

It has been bothering me for the longest fucking time that Pearl's outfit has been different since like episode 10 or something and they haven't changed to opening to match it, so I really fucking hope they change it now that everyone has a redesign. Then again, western cartoons have a habit of never ever ever ever ever changing their openings, so I wouldn't hold my breath.


Personally, it doesn't ruin it for me. I was always under the impression that gems could reform whenever they chose and that comic (which was made by one of the SU storyboard artists btw) showed a case where something really bad happened that is making them somehow incapable of reforming right away. That is what made the comic so sad to me, the uncertainty of the gems coming back or not

Last edited May 01, 2015 at 12:19PM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

It has been bothering me for the longest fucking time that Pearl's outfit has been different since like episode 10 or something and they haven't changed to opening to match it, so I really fucking hope they change it now that everyone has a redesign. Then again, western cartoons have a habit of never ever ever ever ever changing their openings, so I wouldn't hold my breath.


Personally, it doesn't ruin it for me. I was always under the impression that gems could reform whenever they chose and that comic (which was made by one of the SU storyboard artists btw) showed a case where something really bad happened that is making them somehow incapable of reforming right away. That is what made the comic so sad to me, the uncertainty of the gems coming back or not

Pheraps they're waiting for a Steven reformation (If that's even possible?). And that is a good point, but as we could see the gem de-stabiliser only made Ruby and Sapphire in their gem-form for maybe a few hours.

Last edited May 01, 2015 at 12:21PM EDT

Zaccharine wrote:

Pheraps they're waiting for a Steven reformation (If that's even possible?). And that is a good point, but as we could see the gem de-stabiliser only made Ruby and Sapphire in their gem-form for maybe a few hours.

I never said it was a de-stabilizer. It could have been anything, really. There's a whole mystery behind what went on to make the gems disappear. I don't think it's really relevant to anything that will happen in the show, but it's fun to think about. Are there things out there that can make the gems permanently or semi-permanently recede? Who knows?

Crimson Locks wrote:

I never said it was a de-stabilizer. It could have been anything, really. There's a whole mystery behind what went on to make the gems disappear. I don't think it's really relevant to anything that will happen in the show, but it's fun to think about. Are there things out there that can make the gems permanently or semi-permanently recede? Who knows?

Cracking/breaking the gem maybe?

So I just had my last friday class for the semester, and to celebrate I did a drawing of Opal

Obviously rough and unfinished sketch. I plan on making a more finished Opal fanart in the future but for now there's this. Summer break is basically going to be the summer of SU fanart for me. By the way, having to draw four arms with a uniform length and then four hands to go with it is literally hell.

I also noticed when watching the clip of Opal's reappearance in The Return that her design slightly changed since Pearl had her redesign. I was wondering if redesigns affected fusion designs as well and it's nice to once again see the creators put thought into everything. Now I wanna know what Opal will look like with Amethyst's new design.


I thought it was really good. But one thing bugged me: the description said it was about a corrupted gem, and the episode was called "Reformed," so of course we all went in there thinking "oh snap! they're going to reform a corrupted gem!" And then it was about Amethyst getting a new form. Well troll'd there, SU writers.

@Other stuff

So I was actually out of town until a few hours ago and have been catching up on my internets. While I was gone, I read the book "Trilogy" by the poet H.D. and it included these lines:

Your walls do not fall, he said,
because your walls of made of jasper:

but not four-square, I thought,
another shape (octahedron?)

slipped into the place
reserved by rule and rite


for no need of the sun,
nor moon to shine

So, how, first thing I thought of was a picture of the scene from Attack on Titan where they reveal the titan's face inside the wall, but with Jasper's face Photoshopped in and these lines written in the corner. (Please someone make that.) Then I looked up the book's annotations to this bit, and it included an interesting note on gem symbolism:

In Revelation, in a vision of the New Jerusalem, the walls of heaven are made of jasper, beryl, and sapphire.

So, hey, maybe Jasper will come back with another gem named Beryl and fight Sailor Moon fuze with Sapphire for some wacky religious symbolism. That sounds like fun.

Last edited May 04, 2015 at 01:47AM EDT

Crimson Locks wrote:

'So someone totally made a complete version of the Crying Breakfast Friends quiz":

For anyone wondering, I got sniffling croissant

I got Spilt Milk.

Isn't that the one Steven thought Pearl should have, or am I mis-remembering?

Crimson Locks wrote:

'So someone totally made a complete version of the Crying Breakfast Friends quiz":

For anyone wondering, I got sniffling croissant

I got Spilt Milk.

I'm Spilt Milk. Strict, yet practical. I could have sworn most of my answers were more in tune with Amethyst :/

… Did the episode ever reveal which CBF Amethyst is?

EDIT: Btw my sister got pining grapefruit. Who is pining grapefruit?

Last edited May 05, 2015 at 01:17PM EDT

So I've been watching Rose's Scabbard way too much than I should, and I started to wonder who the best mom would be for Steven. I think I then noticed something: He shouldn't have only one of the gems caring for him, he needs all of them. They were all very close to Rose in one way or another, but it seems like she treated each gem differently. If Pearl is trying to be what Rose was to her for Steven, then are Garnet and Amethyst trying to do the same?

During "The Test", Amethyst did acknowledge that Steven shouldn't listen to her and that Pearl can't control him, but have they tried to work together in raising him? I am just wondering if it'd be best if they raised him together instead of individually.

I'd also like to add this: I think Pearl wanted to show Rose's armory to Steven so the two would/could bond with each other. Or maybe she just wanted to find Rose's Sword to finish the set.

Last edited May 06, 2015 at 04:13PM EDT

I need to watch more episodes of this show. I really need.
Also Steven is so huggable. It's one of the characters that it is hard to watch when he's angry/sad.

Cutest and most sympathetic gem is obviously Lapism but others are really good.

Jasper's voice is weird tho.

Ricenburg wrote:

I'm Spilt Milk. Strict, yet practical. I could have sworn most of my answers were more in tune with Amethyst :/

… Did the episode ever reveal which CBF Amethyst is?

EDIT: Btw my sister got pining grapefruit. Who is pining grapefruit?

That would be Greg.

"Would this count as "played straight" or "exaggerated"?:

Here I thought the sudden thread activity meant there was a leak, or the hiatus was ending. Turns out everybody is just talking about the hiatus, trying to scratch that itch for SU. W̜̲͕͈̟̘̜e͈ ̭̫͢ͅW̳̟͚̠̜̞i̼͍̪̗l̸̲͉̮̠̹̻l͎̣̘͍͍ ̞̙N̝̙͓̙̝̼͘ͅo͇͓̬͜t҉͓̘̮ ̺̩̱̠şu̶͎r͖͎͓͉͖̘v̘̣̗i͕̖̮̞͇̣vé̪͍̭

from the tvtropes thread I found an interview with Rebecca (Warning, the host is io9, a Gawker subsite.) of note is what Rebecca said about Stevonnie:

Rebecca Sugar: Stevonnie is an experience! The living relationship between Steven and Connie. What I love about Stevonnie is that we are working with a metaphor that is so complex and so specific but also really, really relatable, in the form of a character. Stevonnie challenges gender norms as an individual, but also serves as a metaphor for all the terrifying firsts in a first relationship, and what it feels like to hit puberty and suddenly find yourself with the body of an adult, how quickly that happens, how it feels to have a new power over people, or to suddenly find yourself objectified, all for seemingly no reason since you’re still just you… and they are still just them, they’re Steven and Connie who you already know and relate to, and if you do you can feel, for this episode, what all of those feelings are like. And they feel it too and that stays with them. I knew that was bound to be interesting to people, for at least one of all those reasons!

What do you think? (Of the quote, I am well aware of recent opinions of the site's parent and the movement primarily opposing it and I do not want to derail it to that)

Last edited May 15, 2015 at 12:28AM EDT


I love Stevonnie (favorite fusion for having such a fun episode; my feelings involve being confused as to what gender Stevonnie is and being happy because it's just a nice episode to watch.) The way they describe fusions, especially good ones, as experiences, is very fascinating to me; makes me kind of want to be a fusion/ in a fusion to know how that feels.

Also, Kevin is a creep. It was also a bit weird to know he was hitting on Steven just as much as Connie (who are both kids mind you.)

I think I get why Sugar doesn't want to give a specified gender for Stevonnie. Sugar is likely aware of how trans and agender SU fans see Stevonnie as sort of a positive representation of either "trans or agender" character representation on TV, and doesn't want to outright call Stevonnie "male" or "female" because of it.

Well that or it's a case of "we don't wanna say, we just want fans to imagine whatever." Still her answer about Stevonnie acting as an experience is a good answer too, since, as she said, in that one day fused together both Steven and Connie got to experience things like "suddenly being a teenager with a new body" and getting hit on by a creep at a "club," while at the same time they both got to share a sense of closeness probably like that of a relationship.

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