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[Riff-Raff] good fffriggin comment

Last posted Aug 18, 2016 at 01:09AM EDT. Added Jul 17, 2014 at 02:26PM EDT
1596 posts from 155 users

Mom Rivers wrote:

I like this one.

Fucking christ, have we found yet another user that's shit in the politics section? Time to commence the witchhunt.

he's suspended PFFFFFFFFFFF

Last edited Aug 09, 2016 at 11:23PM EDT
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PatrickBateman96 wrote:

As soon as we get rid of the annoying liberals.

Most of the bad comments are made by the alt right and the politically incorrect. Could you at least agree to that?

chowzburgerz wrote:

Most of the bad comments are made by the alt right and the politically incorrect. Could you at least agree to that?

Ah well here we have CrazyseanDX

Who could forget Goat4421?

There's nothing wrong with being politically incorrect. Political correctness is the death of free speech. Have you forgotten microaggressions are a thing because of political correctness?

Last edited Aug 10, 2016 at 01:00AM EDT

Antibot wrote:

don't worry, the election will be over in a few months. then we can at least stop giving a shit about one of them.

Ha! I'm already not caring about them at all! In all, I could give my two cents but I'm short a Penny.

Ah, I remember Goat4421. He flamed out in record time. First he gained good will by posting plenty of Crying Michael Jordan images, only to destroy his reputation by posting dozens of tasteless, confusing political images. It was something to behold. Something stupid.

Imgur link

Says "this is the first time I've been vocal on this," but yet he made this comment not that long ago:

I also find it laughable he thinks I was "triggered" by that comment. Especially when I replied with a Deus Ex joke and clarification that frankly I'm not supportive of Trump's immediate political rival either.

This guy's wasting his time giving his shitty views on whatever and we're just sitting here circlejerking.

Also, this… thing.

Last edited Aug 14, 2016 at 02:14AM EDT

I want context on that last bit. Or a source, cause reading that just makes me confused, and the more times I reread it, the more confused I get.

Penny wrote:

I want context on that last bit. Or a source, cause reading that just makes me confused, and the more times I reread it, the more confused I get.

gotcha covered, post edited

Bilbo Swaggins wrote:

taken from KYM's facebook page


Where's that one image that insults the peasant non-kym account holding facebook commenters?
they're probably angry likes or something but still
no, all hope is lost

Cold Hard Crash wrote:

Here he goes again!

Dammit, was just gonna post that.

Honestly though… this guy is either incredibly stupid or a troll, maybe a mix.

EDIT: Actually, I take that back.

He's pretty obviously a troll.

EDIT II: Oh whoop dee fucking doo, he's been sus'd. Won't be surprised if the good fffriggin warning response thread gets updated.

Last edited Aug 16, 2016 at 07:58PM EDT

Antibot wrote:


Where's that one image that insults the peasant non-kym account holding facebook commenters?
they're probably angry likes or something but still
no, all hope is lost

Wherever it is we're gonna need it 'cause we got a good one…

from the "Taxation is Theft" article

I'm not really posting this for the comment itself, but for the fact that the comment saying it's bullshit has -6 karma while the actual comment has 15 karma.


Last edited Aug 17, 2016 at 12:30PM EDT

Antibot wrote:

I'm not really posting this for the comment itself, but for the fact that the comment saying it's bullshit has -6 karma while the actual comment has 15 karma.


People gonna hate this, but I don't find that top comment strawman-ish, maybe cause it's bashing at both sides…. Until the black text part… Well anyway maybe I don't find it strawman like cause I'm not american so I literally experience all of these only that I read here… or more precisely I should read but I don't.

AugustDay has actually managed a reverse strawman at this point.

He's either (willfully?) ignorant about Trump's inane policy plans or just wants to keep them out of the spotlight, so he paints Trump as an innocent victim of librul oppression instead of the moronic demagogue he actually is.

Last edited Aug 17, 2016 at 01:26PM EDT

Antibot wrote:

I'm not really posting this for the comment itself, but for the fact that the comment saying it's bullshit has -6 karma while the actual comment has 15 karma.


I like how his takeaway from liberals accusing Trump of donating to NAMBLA was liberals accusing Trump of being gay. That's clearly the part of NAMBLA that liberals have a problem with.

Antibot wrote:

Good riddance ;-;7

You were (kinda) a fine troll, ZBB, but your short reign of terror will be… forgotten, most likely.

Move along people, they're getting the banhammer.

Aw cramps! I wanted to see it too!


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