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No Fap September 2018

Last posted Nov 01, 2018 at 01:58PM EDT. Added Aug 24, 2018 at 11:02AM EDT
547 posts from 43 users

Day 30: In it to win it!

It's around 8:30 pm here in England and I've got an early start tomorrow so I'll be heading to bed soon. See you all tomorrow, looking forward to reading your victory posts.

Day 30; 8:30PM
Status: Disqualified by Permanent Hiatus
Sanity: Harmful Slothfulness

First off, I apologize for only popping in now. I have no objections being dragged down into the Dumpster of Shame. But anyway, whether I fapped or not this month, the answer is No. No I did not. But disregarding the disqualification, did I win or not?

With absolute certainty, I can say I didn't masturbate and ejaculate, but I did some roundabout ways to obtain some degree of physical pleasure, like, caressing my inner thighs, scratching the bottom of my crotch, hard-pressing my lower half onto the top of my bed, etc. etc. Sooo technically, that's pleasuring myself, which is what you're not supposed to do, but it's the No Fap Challenge, and I didn't fap.
But it doesn't really matter, don't it? I'm disqualified. Though I would like to know anyway in the case that I retry next year.

Last time I did this, I made it a habit to include music with my entries. Just to somewhat entertain myself while writing. Maybe, by the off-chance someone reads my entries, they might like what I shared. Very unlikely though…

One thing I also did in my previous NFS attempt is make my Status Report an extensive entry of how my day went as well as relevant thoughts and notable changes. But what my past self had that my current self didn't is part-time work, and therefore the required time and energy to spend hours daily just writing entries that most people don't even care about. Also, I have like, 3 time-intensive mobile games that I play that have daily grinds and quests. Using up 2-3 hours of my limited time for daily entries just didn't fly. Ain't nobody got time for that. So 30 days worth of "I'll do it tomorrow" led me to being disqualified. Heck, even just writing this one entry is already inflicting physical pain on me. Well whatever, RiP me.

Well, for what's it's worth. I'll still write out a status report…

To be honest, it was pretty cut and dry. Wake up, rush preparing going to work, do work, come home tired. Do my mobile game dailies then eat dinner. Though half of my nights, I didn't get to to those because I just pass out immediately. And then there's college classes… Another sink to drain whatever remaining time and energy I have left.
It's quite frustrating, really. I'm only working 25 hour weeks but in my non-working hours, I'm a drained sack of useless biomass too weak to even do things I like. In the past, I kept telling myself that I'm a useless pathetic excuse of a mistake for being an unemployed parasite leeching off those who care about me. Well, now, I have work and earning my own income… But my depression and anger never faded away. Even worse, my anger got unrestrained and isn't contained as much anymore. I find myself suddenly lashing out to those around me even though they did nothing to wrong me. It feels bloody horrible whenever I realize I just did something so despicable. There's also me having even less of an appetite, but that's really insignificant compared to other negative changes I've went through. These changes aren't because of No Fap September, though.

Half of the fun of participating in this challenge is the deep introspection I get to do whenever I write the daily entries. The other half being getting to discover what kind of physical, mental. and emotional changes happens to me as a result of abstaining from masturbation in an extended period of time.
Last time I participated, which was 2016, there were more times when I was significantly chipper and elated. My mental images were also more vivid. Particularly, my visions of lewd things. Chronological coherence, visual details, etc. etc. They were all improved. However, as the month passed, maybe about 2/3rds of the way, I start to have impure thoughts about things I found repulsive. Last time, it was elderly women and Zalgo R34. There was also that huge spiel where I got tempted to stick my finger inside my bum.

This time around, I did get the improved visions, though not as much because I didn't have enough mental capacity to really immerse myself, but I did find that in my visions, I was more sexually aggressive in my actions.
I don't think my built-up thirst caused me to have impure thoughts about anything repulsive this time. I guess that's one upside to not getting to explore my improved imagination.
However, I didn't experience as much, if I even did, any periods of heightened happiness and energy. So that's quite unpleasant…

Old habits die hard. I never stopped listening to some of the Japanese ASMR videos on Youtube, though they're more for relaxation though more than for sexual purposes. The ear licking ones in particular. Although, finally managed to find one that triggered the signature ASMR tingles once again after years of it disappearing, only to lose it again after listening to the same ones a few times. However, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, one youtube ASMR channel that keeps getting taken down, once again made a return. This one specific channel used to provide the significantly more risque audio. Hopefully their future uploads is just as risque. I'd say auditory lewds is about the most effective of them all.
From time to time, I kept going back to Danbooru to look at some images. Though about in the last quarter of the month, I got tempted to take it up a notch and upgrade to Gelbooru and look up some IRL Webms. I usually prefer Hentai over IRL Porn, but my unsatiated libido found it more lewd than usual.
There's also that one Hentai Mobile Game from Nutaku I play called "Armor Blitz." Just another game about war machine waifus. The game devs are quite small though so the game itself is quite minuscule compared to ones like KanColle, Girls Frontline, and Azur Lane. Though unlike those games, this one is a Hentai Game. Its lewd CGs also has narration, not dialogue, narration, which I found to increase effectiveness of lewds. Over the course of this month, I managed to unlock two of those CGs.
And speaking of Mobile games, Azur Lane recently got a global release. So the void of being unable to play KanColle is now filled. Now even more waifus have made their impression. I'm looking forward to looking up some doujins.
Suffice to say, I have quite the stash built-up, and in a few hours, there shall be BUSTED NUTS.

(Post is still In-Progress)
(BOI is typing. Please wait warmly until it is ready)

Last edited Sep 30, 2018 at 10:08PM EDT

Well shucks. Apparently there's a time limit in which you're allowed to edit a post after creating it. Hrmm… I still have things to share for a part 2. But I don't really feel like typing anymore, especially after my WIP entry got suddenly uneditable.

Bah, I don't think anyone's interested anyway. But regardless…

To everyone who have made it this far:

Congratulations and Good Work!
I wish you the most satisfying and exemplary of NUTS.

Oh my goodness, i forgot to post updates for the past few days. Very sorry.
However i will say this, i have passed and made it to the end of No Fap September.
It was a fun and very interesting ride. Can't wait to do it next year.

Hopefully next year, i'll remember to post updates about my condition.

Mission accomplished

Last edited Sep 30, 2018 at 11:13PM EDT

Day 28 – Happy day but still sick. Went out to dinner with gf and I wasn't going to let being sick stop me. Slight temptation, but I'm good.

Day 29 – Alright day. Still sick. Went shopping for work clothes and bought new cold meds. Hope they help. A bit of tempting but I shall win

Day 30 – Those cold meds worked nicely. Slept in to 12pm since the night cold meds knocked me out. Relaxed till 4pm then got ready for work and came home with 30 minutes till October 1st.

10 minutes left.
Sorry I wasn't as active in this forum as I would've liked to have been. It was being preoccupied with schoolwork or just pure laziness on my part. That being said, it was still fun participating. Here's to next year.

Congrats to everyone who participates. Hope you endured this high test, and remember: not only on september you can do a no fap (but it's fun to participate with friends), so remember to take care of yourself. Also, it's now the time.

Last edited Oct 01, 2018 at 01:06AM EDT


(Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to engage in celebratory activities.)

Last edited Oct 01, 2018 at 03:00AM EDT


…I had put you out early because i didn't think you'd post again, but as you're technically within the time limit…

Finally October, what a ride…
Badges are handed out when everyone's status is known…


Last edited Oct 01, 2018 at 05:12AM EDT

Ah fuck it. It's 3:00 am where I'm at, too much shit in my mind keeping me up. Posting now to declare that I have successfully not fapped in these past 30 days.

We have made it brothers (and sisters). At the top of this peak, I look down and see before me the hardships we have went through. Were it not for our vigilance and our own forms of encouragement to move forward, more of us would have surely failed.

In just a few more hours the cheers you are hearing will be replaced by another form of verbal excitment. One more drawn out, and caused by some rigorous activity. And I will be joining in that chorus soon enough.

Until then, I take the two hours and forty-five minutes of sleep I have left and look forward to participating in next year's no fap (maybe).

Well, we did it, comrades, after 30 days (32 in my case) of endurance, we managed to complete the challenge, we had hardships and sad moments, fellow journalers who fell to the dumpster along the way, but we, the winners, managed to pull through.

Congratulations to everyone who passed, and best of luck to everyone next year, also be sure to pleasure yourself now, no matter what society might think of it, the act is actually pretty helpful to your health, especially if you do it as a stress reliever. (me)

I have to admit, this month was.. less anti-climatic than I expected, but it was fun nonetheless. After abstaining for a month, masturbating is going to feel kind of weird now, but I'm sure things will go back to normal in a week or so.

Oh yeah, I also managed to defeat Nedhitis in my personal commenting stand-off with him, so that's pretty neat as well.

Now if you excuse, it's finally time to get spooky.

Last edited Oct 01, 2018 at 08:24AM EDT

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