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an absolute chad risked his own life to prevent terror attack in Liverpool

Last posted Nov 16, 2021 at 06:58PM EST. Added Nov 16, 2021 at 05:49PM EST
2 posts from 2 users

the taxi driver noticed that his passenger was acting very suspicious so when they arrived to his destination – the women's hospital, the dude locked all the doors in the cab but his own, and burst out of the car, seconds later, the car exploded blowing his ear off but it was sewn back after he was hospitalized.

who knows how many lives this guy saved? was he aware he could easily be killed? how many famlies remain whole thanks to this magnicient hero?
and yet sadly, i dont see any memes or videos about him and this has to change.

here's the summery of it all for those who are interested?


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