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Last posted Aug 13, 2017 at 08:41PM EDT. Added Jul 13, 2017 at 01:43AM EDT
311 posts from 22 users

Month 2

It is now August 18th, and all considered, things are going well. Although, given that included in the consideration is a shipwreck and an epidemic, applying the descriptor of "going well" to the country of Switzerland 2: Revenge of the Swiss is of dubious merit. Regardless, things could be worse!

The disease has been staved off a bit, with the number of infected roughly halving. It's been discovered the disease definitely spreads through the usual suspects – bodily fluids, including coughing and sneezing – and just for safe measure, people are being careful to prevent spread through excretion or the dead. A stockpile of medicinal items is also being created, helping out with the current situation and likely to bring benefit in the future. Less popularly, the sick have been isolated from the healthy and people are being told to stay in their shelters unless they have very good reason to leave. While people aren't very fond of this, they understand the danger the disease poses and are sticking with it for the time being.

Two groups of people were sent out to help the group, and unfortunately, both did not do well. As mandated by the Cartographer Bill, a group was to be sent out to scout the island for resources of interest. Not longer after the group of 3 were sent out, the most experienced of them was badly injured when he fell from a high place. They made it back to the main group, but the other two didn't want to go out until the expert had healed.

The group of 5 sent to get freshwater for the caravan are an even more unfortunate story. It seems they had decided to abandon Switzerland 2, as there was evidence they had begun to head towards the stream, but they were not there. Wherever they ended up, they took many of the few vessels we had.

Switzerland 2: Revenge of the Swiss will live on regardless. It's still having issues with the disease, but the powerful protections placed on the country nearly certainly have doomed the epidemic to extinction. It managed to make it to the shore of the freshwater river, and has begun making more permanent institutions there. Along with basic shelters, a bathhouse, a central communal boiling pot, and a school facility have been constructed so far. The school will use few specialists we have to teach anyone willing, as well as encourage research and art, once the curfew lifts. The specialists are very happy about this, and have begun trying to put together basic classes and, from those, curricula. Citizens as well are glad, and are eagerly awaiting the ability to learn and express themselves through art.

With this and the new basic code of laws, things are developing pretty well. While the idea of crime was, for the most part, fairly absent from the will of the people, now basically no one left in the populace wants to commit a crime. Given at the moment everyone's needs are being tended to as well as possible, and inequality is almost nonexistent, the only things to worry about are crimes driven by great emotion.

Lastly, a new section of the government has been created, and is now ready to be filled. 4 Departments have been created:

  • Department of Internal Affairs, handling issues such as policing, emergencies, and elections;
  • Department of Development and Science, responsible for the country's infrastructure, intellectual aspects, and resources;
  • Department of Finance, handling the nation’s economy and treasury; and
  • Department of Justice, maintaining law and order.
    These departments will be able to manage their fields faster and more unilaterally than the legislature can.

Alright everyone, it's election time. The next three turns are probably going to focus a lot on that. On this turn, you can announce your candidacy for one of the four Departments, and people will vote for or against you for the position. As a privilege of winning the position you will be able to unilaterally pass 2 bills per Month for areas of your jurisdiction. You may be recalled by a vote of the legislature.

Also, FTEC section 3 will initiate on Month 4.

Instead of a single leader appointed every three turns, a party or coalition will be elected every four turns to form a congress. This way, it will not be a single person responsible, but a group of individuals that have the chance to communicate and debate on a potentially serious matter. Three turns is quite short, but four turns should be enough to get something done.

On Month 4, the vote for the party or coalition will be held, and on Month 5 the party will take power. Now, there's not a lot of details in this section. What happens to people who aren't in the party, for example? What if no party is yea'd into power? You have the ability to pass new bills to change this section if you so desire. Also, you may wish to start building up your membership for this, and join a party or start a new one if you aren't already in one.

Month 2 Bill Proposal Period

For the next 24 hours, propose bills. Also, if you are interested, propose your candidacy for running a Department.

For Month 2, there are 2 issues to handle:

  • The Department positions need to be filled.
  • The curfew is limiting activity.
Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 12:08AM EDT

name: Go Vaccine Go!

This Bill proposes to give vaccines against the disease to everybody medically appropriate in Switzerland: The Sequel, the event will be advertised with posters and cosplays of non-specific-action-figure -because why not-

All who reject the act of vaccination shall first be enlightened on why vaccinating is good, if that fails, they shall be told of that they are also committing heresy against the sun god, if that fails to convince them to vaccinate, they will be charged with treason.

Also can I create another party, 2 party systems don't seem to go very well.
Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 12:38AM EDT

You may nominate yourself, and also Hot Blaster Bot – we don't the ability to vaccinate people right now, or the ability to create good action figures.

Yes, you may create a new party. The current parties are the European Left style People's Party, the and far-Right style National Coalition for Economic Expansion.

Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 12:42AM EDT

Mom Rivers wrote:

You may nominate yourself, and also Hot Blaster Bot – we don't the ability to vaccinate people right now, or the ability to create good action figures.

Yes, you may create a new party. The current parties are the European Left style People's Party, the and far-Right style National Coalition for Economic Expansion.

Fair enough, then I'll nominate myself for the Internal Affairs position while also inaugurating the Moderate’s Advocacy Non-partisan Loyalty Yearning Party
(MANLY Party) & would like to make this amendment to the bill:

Step zero: Get Switzerland to -Oh look another pun- the point where we can make good cosplay & vaccines ASAP

Step (after being vaccinated): Allow the citizens to go their merry way and become productive within the boundaries of the law

Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 01:15AM EDT

i nominate myself as head of the minister of finance as it is my main goal to increase the wealth and luxury of this island, triangle mare for the deparment of science as he is the most capable person amongst us and senator stoffe for department of justice as he seems to have initiative

Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 01:58AM EDT

Bill Name:

Architecture Board of Crafting

Now that we have arrived on the shores of the fresh water river, we should focus on settling down and building a proper town. Our leader has informed me that we are in possession of one highly advanced engineering marvel, an axe. With this axe, we can create tools, and with those tools, we can produce artisans and craftsmen. Our first objective is to build houses and buildings. Thus, the Bill will accomplish the following:

  • Section I. – Tools – The axe will be used to create more primitive tools. Sharpened stone and or wood can be used for weapons and tools. Basic weapons can be used for hunting, and if need be, defense. Tools will be made for construction projects and perhaps agricultural needs.
  • Section II. – Housing Project – Trees will be cut down and modified for log houses. The first buildings should be for government needs, later on residential buildings will be constructed.
  • Section III. – Apprenticing – Volunteers will be trained to use and craft tools. For the time being in our primitive state, they will work on building the first structures. Over time, as we establish a formal agriculture system, housing facilities, weapon factory, etc, the techniques used to create and innovate such products will be taught at the school.

I'm writing this pretty late while I'm sick, if anyone sees room for improvement, please feel free to write an amendment, but the general idea of this Bill is to form some sort of construction crew so we can get buildings started.

I wish to form my own party called the Contingency Party (CP) and nominate myself for Department of Justice. And another bill. (Yes, dear boys and girls, it's another satanic worshiping bill.)

Bill Name: The Restoration and Reward To Beasts Unknown Act

Bill Description: It is clear that the group that went for the freshwater have never returned. It shows that a beast may have consumed them as sacrifices. To prevent more sacrifices from taking place, we must burn offerings to the beast as it has confined us to this island for the rampant consumerism and Ayn Rand capitalism of the current society of the world.

Se must make offerings by purging the filth of the island by fire. Examples of offerings are cell phones, mobile video game consoles, handbags, wallets, and paper currency. No human offerings are allowed. Sightings of the beast must be noted and taken to security.

Bill Name: Seed Preservation Act
Description: Seeds of any edible food, whether found on the island or leftover from the shipwreck will not be wasted but preserved in containers, separated by type for later agricultural use.

As a humble worshiper of the Great Sun, I would like to spearhead the formation of a new party:

Party Name:

Sol Invictus


           We are humble servants that take it upon our limited mortal action to praise and revere the brilliant rays of the Great Sun. The Sun is what brings life and color to this earth, sustaining the vibrant greenery of the forests and grasses, the luminous azure of the sea and sky, and all that breath and between these great bodies. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father!

           Our faith compels us to do good and just governance in this world. A government rules a people, and a people ruled must have morals and a spirit of righteousness and purpose. Such a purpose is only natural to be in appreciation of the all-giving light. Is there no greater privilege than to toil under the light of the Sun?

           We seek order and conviction in this brave new world, not chaos and disarray. Do not mistake us for savage cultists. Savage cultists do not champion into empires, from the legacy of the Aztecs to the Romans, glory will last.

           We do not kill for simple and petty reasons. Illegitimate blood spilled in the name of the Sun is forbidden, if the Sun demands tribute, it will ask for tribute. And this is no cause for fear, the Great Light needs no fuel until the end of days, and that time is far off in the waves of time.

           As adherents to the Lord of Sunlight, our group can be defined by many terms. A religious organization, a holy hospice, even a cult if you so desire, it matters not to the Great Sun. And similarly the light in the sky cares not for what name it goes by, Sol, Sun, Great Being, Blinding Light, Almighty Beacon… As long as you identify yourself as a worshiper to the star above, then you have a place by our fire.

  • Mandate I: Do not forsake the spirit of the Sun – Wrongful and unlawful acts committed in the name of the Sun will be met with punishments
  • Mandate II: All are equals under the Light – It matters not your background, your ambitions, your wealth, your possessions, your power. We are all mortals, and as such appear as nothing but mere flames passing on the light, one generation to the next.
  • Mandate III: A nation needs law and strong central government – Our faith binds us to serve not only the Sun but the people beneath it. Thus we seek to enforce peace and justice, humanity and comradery.
  • Mandate IV: While the government has ultimate power over the economy, the people have freedom to exercise private industry, enterprise, and exchange. – The government will only intervene in economy and business when necessary, otherwise the people will be left to their own desires when performing transactions and doing business.
  • Mandate V: A government must serve and protect the people – Because of the fragile conditions in our nation, strong leadership will ensure the survival and health of the public. Thus, human needs such as healthcare, housing, food and clean water, must accessible through the government. This does not mean the government is in total control of every facility. Rather, the government has services offered to those that need them. Military and policing will be conducted by the government, vigilant activity will only bring more harm and unrest.
  • Mandate VI: Fittingly, a citizen cannot be denied basic rights – All citizens, even criminals, still deserve basic needs such as food, water, clothing, and shelter. Criminals must also have a chance to justify their own actions/give reasons. Ultimately, due punishment under Bills and Laws will be carried out.
  • Mandate VII: The labor and toil of the people will be rewarded – Payment for those that actively participate in government sponsored programs will receive some form of recompense in recognition for their deeds. Those will special merit, talent, and commitment will earn more.

           I encourage any benevolent and righteous legislators to join and support the Party of the Great Sun, Sol Invictus. Please, help rewrite the mandates, mission statement, anything you want to contribute, it'll be taken into consideration!

OOC: It's way past government curfew normal sleeping hours, I'm so tired…

Edits: A whole bunch of rewriting and formatting…

Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 01:26PM EDT

the Legislative Reform Act of 2017 (LRA17)

In the current legislative process of Switzerland 2: Revenge of the Swiss, we have rather weak defense against the exploitation of the rules, exploitation that can be used in order to more effectively push one's own agenda in undemocratic ways. In order to strengthen the democratic ideals of our young nation before it's too late, we need a reform. I, with the NCEE behind me, propose the following:

1 Any person shall be allowed to propose an amendment to a bill proposed earlier during a proposal period.

2 If the amendment passes but the bill does not, all sections of the original bill that do not contradict any sections of the amendment shall be enacted, and all sections of the amendment shall pass as well.

3 If contradictions are found between passed amendments or between the amendments and the original bill, each individual contradiction shall be put to a vote in the voting period to choose which section shall be enacted.


To best show why our reform is needed in the first place, I shall give you an example. Consider the following ridiculous bill and its amendments:

All horses in the nation shall be known as Paul, all pigs shall be known as John, all dogs shall be known as George, and all goats shall be known as Ringo.

Amendment #1
All horses in the nation shall be known as Joseph, all pigs shall be known as Vladimir, all dogs shall be known as Lev.

Amendment #2
All horses in the nation shall be known as Winston, all pigs shall be known as Neville.

Suppose the leglislators are big fans of the name Ringo for goats and George for dogs, so they vote for the original bill. Suppose they also like horses named Joseph, so Amendment #1 passes as well. Suppose, also, that everyone loves Neville as a name for pigs, so Amendment #2 also passes. All three pass, so what happens?

In the current legislative process, the voting period gives the voters ONE vote on the issue. They have to choose between amendment 1 and amendment 2. If 1 passes, no pigs will be named Neville, despite the will of the people. If 2 passes, no horses will be named Joseph, despite the will of the people. No matter which one passes, there is no possibility for dogs to be named George, they will be named Lev no matter what, even if everyone hates the name Lev.

Now consider our new system. With our system, the people will be given three different votes to settle these contradictions. One will be on whether horses should be named Paul, Joseph or Winston, one will be if pigs should be named John, Vladimir or Neville, and the last one will decide if dogs will be named George or Lev. That way, the voters do not need to comrpomise their beliefs and can adapt the bill more freely. It's the democratic way.

Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 08:31AM EDT
the Drastic Revitilization of the People's Ambition, Vigor, Empowerment and Love (DRPAVEL)

On to more current matters, we need to lift the people's spirits during this curfew. The people of Switzerland 2: Revenge of the Swiss do not have anything to occupy themselves with during this time of disease, and I think this would be an ideal time to try to form a cultural identity for our nation. I propose that, during the curfew, people are to work in their homes on some form of art, be it music, dance, poetry or sculpting. It will keep their spirits high during this time of crisis. When we feel that it is safe to lift the curfew, we will celebrate by holding a Cultural Festival. On this festival people will share what they have created during the curfew, and it will be the first large stepping stone to forming our own distinct culture. We should also provide the winning household with some manner of prize, I propose a large meal, and perhaps something smaller to all participants, to motivate the people.

Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 10:49AM EDT

Tchefuncte Bonaparte wrote:

I nominate Triangle Mare as the head of Department of Development and Science.

First and foremost, I gladly accept the nomination for the Chairperson of Development and Science.

Secondly, I disagree with Qiu's bill – while I enjoy the idea and making progress towards civilization is my goal too, I do not think that it goes far enough. We have about 40 people able to work and a month, we can do much better than that with a little of know-how. Thus, I would like to present to you the…

Restoration of Civilization Initiative

Resource Acquisition Executive Order

  • An expedition of four will be sent upwards the river up to the mountains, searching for deposits of natural resources: clay, limestone, different common minerals (gypsum, table salt, chromite, manganese, phosphate, potash, sodium carbonate, sulphur), coal, ores (primarily iron, copper, and tin), building-quality stone, gravel.
  • After the deposits are located, one person will be designated to collect clay, four for lumber and six for mining ores, minerals, and coal. They will use stone tools, until better tools are manufactured in the metallurgic process.
  • A storehouse will be built up in the mountains, right next to the river to store collected materials for transport.

Resource Processing Executive Order

  • From clay, multiple processing devices will be built: egg-shaped lime kiln, blast furnace, coke oven, puddling furnace, glass furnace, all near the storehouse and complete with buildings to house the workers. Additionally, a construction of a grain mill, sawmill, "cold pantry" will be ordered in the capital. Some devices, such as sawmill, grain mill and the puddling furnace would be powered or assisted by the flow of water.
  • One person will be appointed as a glass worker, three as smelters (also handling lime), and two people as mill workers.

Explanation: From lime, gravel and sand we will be able to make solid portland cement. From mashed sodium carbonate, sand and lime we will make glass, and from iron ore, manganese and chromite we will be able to make steel.

Establishment of Capital Bill

  • Our primary settlement and seat of government shall be established a little below the lake, due to sanitary reasons.
  • Thus defined capital will be named "Bern 2", in spirit of our nation's glorious name.

River Transportation Bill

  • Raw materials from the storehouse to our capital will be transported through the river, using the technique of log driving . One person will be designated to this task, which would be tying logs together with a rope (or substitution of a rope), loading crates of raw materials onto it, and then sailing down the river stream.

Construction Executive Order

  • Eight citizens will be designated as construction workers, one as an architect.
  • Residential, government, and utility buildings take priority. Amonst the main construction materials are: wood, concrete, and glass.
  • Expansion of the capital city is ordered to the building team.
  • A sundial clock should be raised on a square in front of the main government building. The town square will also serve as a gathering place.

Tutoring Act

  • Before more permanent education is established, knowledge will be passed by a tutoring system – every specialist will be assigned a student, who will learn their trade and help them at work. General education will be provided to the youngest by older citizens, not able to work.

Farming Executive Order

  • Land next to the lake will be cleared of trees in order to both provide resources for construction and room for farming.
  • The cleared land will be thoroughly irrigated using an irrigation system connected to the lake.
  • Artificial selection of best seeds should slowly help us in making our crops better.
  • A group of six will make an effort to domesticate some wild animals, for meat, furs and manure. If successful, they could also try building beehives.
  • Lime will be used to de-acidify the land. Acquired phosphate salts, manure, and compost will be used as fertilizer.
  • Food should be processed into its most durable form – for meat and fish, smoking and drying meat; for fruits, drying or turning into a jam. The food will be stored in granaries, cold pantries and, in terms of residential houses, in pot-in-pot refrigerators.
  • A fishery ought to be established near the lake.

Hippocrates Act

  • Three citizens, who are skilled in medicine, will establish a small hospital for the sick and wounded. Since one of the to-be medics knows about herbs, they will bring useful plants to the hospital's backyard, for them to be planted.

Summary: A package of bills and executive orders, aimed to improve the standard of living, restore crucial elements of a technical civilization, and establish a foothold on the island.

Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 12:10PM EDT

Ending the Curfew Bill

This bill ends the curfew.

Repressing the population this early on will probably lower morale very quickly very soon. There are only 40 Islanders, and the ones that get sick can be quarantined. There is no reason to punish everyone else.

"Police Can You Please Protect Us, Thanks" Bill, or PCYPPUT.

This creates a police force to better care for our citizens' safety. It will be lead by the head of the Department of Justice.

The department head will decide on who can be a member of the police force and what weaponry can be used to maintain law and order. For now, I propose 2 somewhat able-bodied people with spears. This will keep the peace until we have the population to sustain a wider range of officers.

the 420 act.

hemp has a fiber that has many industrial uses such as papers and textiles and there is plenty in the island.

Establishing hemp farms will give us an abundant amount of materials to work with for years to come.

Last edited Jul 22, 2017 at 04:09PM EDT

Despite Mare's detailed proposal, I find it far too ambitious of a scheme and overly confident in the abilities and willingness of the populace. Just look at the five that abandoned us. Thus, I would like to draft a revision copy of my previously written bill. This is the new version to be voted on. Please ignore the contents of the previous version. Thank you. Also note, this Bill is primarily for architecture and civil engineering purposes. It does not render Mare's Bill void.

Architecture Board of Crafting – Draft 2


Arriving on the shores of the fresh water river, we can begin constructing a proper town. Currently our most useful item, a single axe, will be used for a variety of purpose. Guidelines, design philosophy, and procedures will be outlined as follows:

Section I. – Planning

  • Cartographers will map out the immediate surrounding area for land best suited for establishing a community. Ideally, the area must be flat, have firm soil which can take the pressure of dead, live, and lateral loads. While we are not at the liberty of accessing information such as soil bearing capacity, column loads, rainfall intensity, we can a least get a rough idea of terrain and land quality. The soil must also be workable for agriculture, and the freshwater source close. Furthermore, the land must be at a slope for future draining and irrigation projects.

Section II. – Design

  • Buildings must go by a system of codes. Despite our primitive state and lack of proper utilities, consideration must be made when constructing buildings. 48 inches (1.2192 meters) should be acceptable for doorways/egresses. Because of the presence of the sick (and future cases of disease), hallways and entrances must have proper width to allow stretchers to pass. The alignment of houses must also be considered. Good use of space and windows means that they face either sunrise or sunset so natural light may pass into homes. Remember, a good rule of thumb is that moss grows to the north. At least one side of a residential building must contain no windows, this is for privacy reasons. Because of our tropical island conditions, worrying about winter or freezing is not an issue, so heat loss/gain will not heavily contribute to construction constraints.

Section III. – Materials

  • Once the cartographers have scouted the immediate area, a team of scavengers will scour the area for items such as sharpened rocks and ideal trees for timber/lumber. Branches will also be collected. Flat stones are also valued for the construction purposes. The axe will be useful for sharpening out wooden poles or creating an edge for rocks. This will aid in construction. We will make due without nails for now, in the past successful buildings have been built without the need for nailing. Insulation is important, dried grasses and plant life will suffice. It is key to not allow moisture to form inside walls, which causes rotting and deterioration. Thatch will be used for roofing. Given our tropical surroundings, we can make abundant use of palm fronds, but other plants may also be used. The axe, being the best piece of sharpened metal, will be used to cut down trees. Logs will be debarked and bucked, and air dried in proper conditions. To cement an idea, all materials must be dried and removed of moisture before use.

Section IV. – Transport

  • Timber rafting will be used to transport materials across bodies of water.

Section V. – Building

  • Unfortunately we are far from the technological stage to produce concrete, which is crucial in establishing a good foundation. (Also, I don’t know where we can obtain glass, but I digress) Instead, we will clear a ground (with fire and tools) so it is flat, solid, and workable. Flat stones / rock slabs will be laid over each other as a first layer to a foundation, framing the walls which will be built on top. Logs will be laid over on top of each other. Openings and gaps will be filled with insulation mentioned above. Rafters and trusses will be employed for the roofs of buildings. They will be at a slope so thatch can be added over, and water can run off without penetrating into the house. Thatch must be at least three layers thick.

Section VI. – Tools

  • Makeshift tools will be made from stone and wood, otherwise the axe will be used. Chisels, planes, saws, adzes, these can be just as effective in wood or stone form.

Section VII. – Employment, workers, and apprenticing

  • A team must be assembled for numerous tasks. Every day, half of all able bodied citizens are required to do one hours worth of scavenging. These two teams alternate between days of scavenging. Volunteers will be put to work on refining the materials and constructing the buildings. A specialist will lead the project and outline the plans for each building project. One young and healthy worker will closely apprentice and work under this specialist, learning the principles of basic civil engineering and architecture. Any workers putting efforts into housing development and construction will be paid a proper wage and fed three meals a day. They will work a hour after daybreak to an hour before dawn, with a hour-long midday break for recovery and meal purposes.

Section VIII. – Projects

  • First, a storehouse must be built to shelter the tools. This need not be large and expansive, for now it only needs to keep our materials secure and away from the rain. Without well managed tools, we cannot put it into use. Next, a government meeting place must be built to house the legislators and departments. During the night, it can be used as a shelter for citizens until residential buildings are completed. The hospice/care center is the next focus, as the sick and needy must have optimal conditions to stay under, as this will better ensure survival. Afterwards, homes and residences will be made. These will not be elaborate and spacious, small enough to house a basic family with room for bedding, minor storage, a fireplace, essentially the essentials. As a bonus and/or incentive for the workers who volunteered to do construction, the first residential houses will be for their families and households. After all this, a proper Bathhouse may be built, as that does not require reinforced shelter compared to the other buildings.

Approved and sponsored by the Sol Invictus Party

Seal of the Great Sun

Unrelated to the above Bill, but I’d like to mention here that this is the revised flag for the Sol Invictus Party, and again encourage anyone interested to join and announce their allegiance to the Party. Details several posts above, PM me for questions/input.

Join us today! For a brighter and truer future!

Last edited Jul 23, 2017 at 12:01AM EDT

Responding to Qiu's bill – I do believe that it would halt progress that could realistically be done with a month, knowledge and a month worth of time. Non-hydraulic concrete, made from burnt limestone (very common mineral), sand, and gravel, is something that I could easily make alone with a campfire. Hydraulic cement is a bit more tricky, but if you would make a clay furnace, also very easy.

As for glass, you may or not know that it's made from sand. That's it. Everything else is just an addition. Lime and sodium carbonate will make the glass almost completely transparent and completely resistant to weather, but technically you could do it with sand alone. I don't see the problem with this technological process either.

We possess the knowledge, resources (they are on the island, according to Rivers), time, and more than enough manpower. I see no reason to stall the technological progress of our glorious nation.

P.S. Moss grows to the north only on northern hemisphere, and the effect becomes harder to observe the closer you are to equator. In topical climate areas, near the equator, it would be impossible to see. Moreover, in a tropical climate you would simply find out that moss is absolutely everywhere.
If you want to know which way is north, you have two options: either mark it on a stone in accordance to either northern or southern celestial pole (north star and southern cross, respectively) or get a little piece of magnetite (semi-common) floating on a leaf on a body of water to get a compass. Mark north and south on the tiny compass according to the night sky.

^ I know how glass is made, but I still find it difficult (and not entirely necessary) to produce. We'd need high temperature furnaces and proper tools to handle the hot glass. Even if we were to not mold them, do we have the right metal tools? That's my main concern, what metal technology do we have? We only have one axe to start with.

As for concrete, well I'm not knowledgeable on this front. But again going back to metal tools, I wonder if we have the proper stuff for this.

I'm not looking to stall technology, I'm wondering if we have the available means to produce them.

I completely blanked on the moss, since I live in the northeast us that's what my architecture teacher taught us. It's late, that's my bad.

edit – Okay so after some basic research, it seems concrete production doesn't require considerable technology. So sure, if we can make concrete blocks, that's wonderful. Just have to collect the right minerals and mixing components. This doesn't look terribly difficult:

Well it'd be ideal if we could form some kind of mold (wooden like in the video), maybe we have some spare nails lying around… Anyways, point is, basic concrete blocks can be made on the island, and that'll be used as the foundation for housing.

What I had in my mind when I wrote about concrete was these large slabs that you'd purchase for sizable construction projects. Obviously there are alternatives, silly me.

Still, what's the value in glass? Are we referring to glass planes for houses? Is that necessary for our survival? There are plenty of ways to make windows without the need for glass.

Last edited Jul 23, 2017 at 03:39AM EDT

Glass is a long shot, and has to be preceded by metallurgy, which my bill also aims to introduce. Making iron at our stage is feasible, as well as making casts for them. Surely, the tools made this way will likely be a bit clunky at first given the lack of experience with steel working among our populace, but making rods, axes, pickaxes, shovels, buckets et cetera shouldn't prove to be insanely difficult. As for the high temperature furnaces, this is what coke is used for – it can easily reach the required 1250-1500 degrees Celsius for iron and 1600 degrees for glass if used properly. Clay holds well in high temperatures, and it's widely available for us. Glass has been around since 3500 BCE, it's not a new invention – the only difference was that the ancients did not know how to make it transparent. We know how to do it now, just by adding lime and soda into the raw sand.

I do believe that in a month we will be able to establish basic steel working as well as glass manufacturing, and that this would be a good starting point for further, more sophisticated projects. It will take time for the workers to master their craft, but the most important element – knowledge – is here.

I'm not denying that glass is old and impossible to make, but my Bill is about making basic shelters that'll hold up to weather, glass isn't a key component, while concrete would definitely help. In the future, glass can be applied to the houses, but for now I just want to establish basic housing so people have a roof over their heads.

After reviewing ABC, I've realized some important mistakes. First off, roofs must slope at least 45 degrees, 60 is ideal. Second, thatch must be at least a foot thick to be effective. Next, thatch should be replaced/repaired once every 5-10 years for good measure. Finally, from the above conversation, concrete will be used for the bases of buildings, once available. Take these revisions as amendments.

Also, my post above should say "I’m not denying that glass is old, nor am I saying glass is impossible to make…"

Bill name: Shipwreck Scalvage act
Description: Once we have tamed animals to act as beasts of burden, sleds or carts will be constructed in order to bring back scrap metal to be converted into tools, and any scalvageable equipment from the ship, whether it currently works or not for either restoration or parts for other projects.

Month 2 Voting Period

There are 3 sections of things that must be voted on this time. Firstly, several nominations are up for the Departments. You can vote for or against any of them. If any are left empty, a new vote will go up next turn.

Secondly, the normal process of voting for or against bills is present.

Lastly, this voting round will also vote on contradictions between bills. Essentially, it is a pre-emptive secondary voting round. "A and B contradict, so if they both pass, which do you wish to take precedent?"


  • Internal Affairs
    Hot Blaster Bot
  • Development and Science
    Triangle Mare
  • Finance
    Dean Blunt
  • Justice



  • The Restoration and Reward To Beasts Unknown Act
    Presented by Deblod100
    Demands offerings to an unknown beast.


  • Seed Preservation Act
    Presented by Tchefuncte Bonaparte
    Preserves seeds.


  • Boys Under Strict,Harsh Discipline In Detention 9/11 Act (BUSH DID 9/11 ACT)
    Presented by CombatNife1337
    Outlaws whipping and beating of children.


  • Legislative Reform Act of 2017 (LRA17)
    Presented by Stoffe
    Suggests reforms to the current legislative process.


  • Drastic Revitilization of the People’s Ambition, Vigor, Empowerment and Love (DRPAVEL)
    Presented by Stoffe
    People are to create art during the curfew and a festival will be held afterwards.


  • Restoration of Civilization Initiative
    Presented by Triangle Mare
    Large bill presenting several means of jumpstarting civilization.


  • Ending the Curfew Bill
    Presented by Taryn
    Ends the curfew.


  • “Police Can You Please Protect Us, Thanks” Bill (PCYPPUT)
    Presented by Taryn
    Creates a police force under the Department of Justice


  • 420 Act
    Presented by Dean Blunt
    To grow hemp for industrial purposes.


  • Architecture Board of Crafting
    Presented by Qiu
    Proposes a way to jumpstart civilization, in contradiction to the Restoration of Civilization Initiative.


  • Defense against the inevitable act
    Presented by TripleA9000
    Starts a weapon stockpile and training program for civilians.


  • Shipwreck Scalvage act
    Presented by Tchefuncte Bonaparte
    Tame animals for transport and then bring shipwreck from the shore to the settlement.


Ending the Curfew Bill and DRPAVEL

DRPAVEL assumes the curfew will be up for a bit longer, while Ending the Curfew Bill ends it immediately. If both pass, would you prefer:
1A) Ending the curfew, but not immediately;
1B) Not ending the curfew; or
1C) Ending the curfew immediately and not holding the festival; or
1D) Ending the curfew immediately and creating art afterwards to hold the festival.

Architecture Board of Crafting and Restoration of Civilization Initiative

The entirety of ABC essentially contradicts with portions of RCI. If both pass, would you prefer:
2A) ABC to take precedent; or
2B) RCI to take precedent.

Voting will end in 24 hours.

Last edited Jul 23, 2017 at 05:42PM EDT

Didn't Crow nominate himself for Development and Science?

Also, ABC is only for building/construction, RCI's other topics like farming or resource processing don't contradict it. Does precedent indicate that whichever we vote for will be applied for construction, while RCI's other proposals still continue?

edit – okay thanks for the fixes

Here are my votes.


Hot Blaster Bot for Internal Affairs.

CrowTheMagician for Development and Science.

Dean Blunt for Finance.

Stoffe for Justice.


Abstain from The Restoration and Reward To Beasts Unknown Act.

Yes to Seed Preservation Act.

No to BUSH DID 9/11 ACT.

Yes to LRA17.

Abstain from DRPAVEL.

No to Restoration of Civilization Initiative. I was partial to RCI, but if one isn't willing to recognize the need for safety guidelines and procedures of ABC, then I have no reason to support this.

Yes to Ending the Curfew Bill.


Yes to 420 Act.

Yes to ABC.

Abstain from Defense against the inevitable act.

Abstain from Shipwreck Scalvage act. What animals can we tame? Besides the fact that domestication isn't easy and is a lengthy process, what beasts of burden are here on this tiny island? Oxen? Goats? Horses? I agree we need to salvage the ship, but we'll have to do that through human labor.


I vote for 1D and 2A.

I'm going to state here again what ABC is and why it's important. Essentially, it's a thorough set of instructions and plans to create safe and basic housing for the populace. Currently our shelters are makeshift and susceptible to the elements. With proper houses and roofing, we can withstand rain and wind. Please note the 4 revisions I made regarding thatch and concrete. I've included rules which consider efficient use of space as well as safety procedures. Civil engineering and architecture need detailed guidelines to create the safest and most efficient buildings for humans to reside under.

Last edited Jul 23, 2017 at 05:58PM EDT

Department of Justice: Stoffe
Department of Finance: Twisty
Department of Development and Science: Triangle Mare
Department of Internal Affairs: Hot Blaster Bot

  1. - Against
  2. - For
  3. - Against, Dostoyevskij Act handles it already.
  4. - For
  5. - For
  6. - For
  7. - Abstain
  8. - Abstain, it should be under the Department of Internal Affairs. Once someone is elected in power, they will have the authority to organize a police force anyways, so nothing is lost.
  9. - For
  10. - Against
  11. - Abstain
  12. - For

Contradictions: 1D, 2B.

Last edited Jul 23, 2017 at 06:00PM EDT

No to #1.

Yes to #2.

No to #3. Note that child abuse is already outlawed according to § 4 of the Dostojevskij Act.

Abstain from #4. It sounds like it would add a lot of complication and time between rounds. I'm not opposed, but I'm not certain about how effective it will be. After all, you can just propose your own bill.

No to #5. The curfew should end. We can deal with our nation's culture once we actually have a nation.

Yes to #6.

Yes to #7.

Yes to #8.

Yes to #9.

Abstain on #10.

No to #11. The department heads should handle this.

Yes to #12.

For contradictions I vote for 1D and 2B.


Abstain from Internal Affairs.

Yes to Stoffe.

Yes to Dean Blunt.

Yes to Triangle.

Last edited Jul 23, 2017 at 07:23PM EDT
  1. 1: No
  2. 2: Yes
  3. 3: No
  4. 4: Yes
  5. 5: Yes
  6. 6: No
  7. 7: Yes
  8. 8: Yes
  9. 9: Yes
  10. 10: Yes
  11. 11: No
  12. 12: No

Department of Justice: Stoffe
Department of Finance: Dean Blunt
Department of Development and Science: Abstain
Department of Internal Affairs: Hot Blaster Bot

I vote for 2A on the contradiction section which I almost forgot to vote on.

Last edited Jul 23, 2017 at 06:42PM EDT

Department of Justice: Stoffe
Department of Finance: Twisty
Department of Development and Science: Triangle Mare
Department of Internal Affairs: knife1337

nay to #1
yay to #2
nay to #3
yay to #4
yay to #5
yay to #6
nay to #8
yay to #9
nay to #10
yay to #11
yay to #12

as for contradictions, RCI and DRPavel should take precedent

Last edited Jul 23, 2017 at 07:33PM EDT


Internal affairs: Hot Blaster Bot
Development and Science: Triangle Mare
Finance: Dean Blunt
Justice: Stoffe


NAY to #1
YEA to #2
NAY to #3
YEA to #4
YEA to #5
YEA to #6
NAY to #7
YEA to #8
YEA to #9
ABSTAIN from #10
NAY to #11
YEA to #12



Internal affairs: Hot Blaster Bot
Development and Science: Triangle Mare
Finance: Dean Blunt
Justice: Stoffe

NAY to #1
YEA to #2
NAY to #3
YEA to #4
YEA to #5
YEA to #6
NAY to #7
YEA to #8
YEA to #9
ABSTAIN from #10
NAY to #11
YEA to #12



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