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let's add things to this image and see if we can create the best wallpaper - KYM style

Last posted May 12, 2017 at 06:56AM EDT. Added Dec 07, 2016 at 09:15PM EST
90 posts from 41 users

might not be an original idea, but oh well. if anyone is up for it, we can use this classic Windows XP wallpaper as a base and see where that takes us;

just photoshop or draw in Paint stuff here and we'll see how it turns up. continue where other users left off with their own additions. being reasonable with what you add is encouraged, but there's nothing stopping you otherwise.

This wallpaper is for Firefox users only. Chrome users will just see the image above mine.

Lens flares are a pain in this kind of thread because real lens flares are always on top of the objects in the photograph. When each subsequent user keeps adding things that overlap with them, it doesn't make sense and it bugs me.

Last edited Dec 07, 2016 at 11:30PM EST

"Godammit Steve. We're landing a missile when you have to show us your mee-mees."

Also, first forum post ever for me. So horray.

Also 2.0, I'm too lazy to do the entire thing so there's just the front row.

Also 3.0, .psd file for those who want to download for quality:

Last edited Dec 13, 2016 at 09:48PM EST

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