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Reboot a Franchise in the Worst Possible Way

Last posted Jul 19, 2016 at 11:56PM EDT. Added Jul 16, 2016 at 10:33PM EDT
17 posts from 16 users

Reboot rugrats where they're all transgender, omnigender, etc. and tumblr users. They are also deviantart users who draw various types of fetish art. There are no longer straight couples on the show. Reptar will be removed entirely and replaced with feminist frequency. Angelica would still be the villain but she would be a cis male named milo.

Reboot Devil May Cry.
Instead of the main protagonist being a likeable, human, and overall extremely fun to watch partygoer, let's turn him into a troubled, stereotypical 90s Anti Hero who is unlikeable as hell and--

Oh. Right.
Had to make the joke before someone else did.

Reboot the Souls series, but…
-Resistance stat returns
-Magic can't be used by the player due to complaints about balance
-Player character has voiced dialogue
-In-depth, barely interactive tutorial
-Item descriptions removed; all lore is explained in detail in the cutscenes
-Dying to a boss two times will trigger a non-optional phantom helper to appear the next time, which will easily defeat the boss for you.
-One ending
-Motion controls
-The Pendant does something

Reboot Ghostbusters with all female cast and make it shit
Sonic but make all of the characters slow and give them annoying voices and they never shut up

Reboot Postal but make the main character a feminist who's part of the LGBTTQQIAAPGKDSA group with 632906 genders and they have to go through the day being in many "triggering" situations like a white cis male asking what time is it RAPING them on the street and being asked to leave the building after screaming at the store clerk about pointless bullshit DISCRIMINATED IN THE STORE.

Reboot Pokemon

.Everything is politically correct
.Males are potrayed as dumb and weak
.Females characters that were completely fine are now completely wrong

Reboot Undertale with Pan's Labyrinth theme and a part of the story and mix it with Satanism

Frisk is a refugee of the Spanish Falange that accidentally enters a underground realm of fantasy full of ghoulish abominations that worship Satan

Toriel is a Faun that guides you through the ruins of the underground and teaches about its cruelty and hostility
Sans and Papyrus are lost souls that escaped from purgatory, they are cursed slaves of the Pan king (Asgore) and are sentinels on lookout for wandering human souls in the Underground
Undyne is a acolyte of Cthulhu, forever cursed with immortality as her soul is forever tormented. She is a seeker of human souls.
Alphys is a Witch that prepares necromantic rituals and attends the annual Witches's Sabbath
Burgerpants is a cursed demon with deformed face that is forever cursed to prepare feed all demons in the Underground
Mettaton is a automaton animated with necromancy with the finality of consuming the soul of every human that wanders in the Underground
Asriel is the son of the Pan king, but once he's reborn he becomes Baphomet incarnated

Oh yeah and rename it Underhell

Last edited Jul 19, 2016 at 04:40PM EDT

z3-IRO wrote:

ITT we create straw feminist reboots of popular franchises just to be angry at them

No ideas huh? Then stay on topic!

Super Mario Bros.
-the Tanooki Suit is made from real fur.
-jumping on enemies penalizes you.
-Luigi becomes a vengeful villain angry over being stuck in Mario's shadow.
-Rescuing Peach only results in the game mocking you for working so hard to save a woman.
-Bowser is presented as a woobie instead of a power obsessed King.
-Yoshi is an enemy.
-Wario is no longer fat.
-Waluigi has an actual backstory.
-The Mushroom Kingdom looks like something out of Mad Max.
-Microtransactions for stage attempts and power ups.

> No ideas, huh? Stay on topic!
Well, if you insist…

One time I had a dream where the Lord of the Rings was adapted into a crappy all-cgi kids' cartoon with animation quality only slightly above Veggietales and had inane plots revolving around blatant morals, like a "lesson of the day" format, ending in a dumb song each episode.

@Cold Hard Crash

To be fair, z3-IRO is mainly pointing out that a lot of the people above them were basically just repeating the same joke over and over.

@Farm Zombie

That exists, it's called the System Shock remake. [suddenly I can hear a wave of System Shock fans about to hit my house like a tsunami] It's a joke! A bad joke I'll admit (I'm actually looking forward to the remake), but a joke all the same.

@this thread

Reboot Grand Theft Auto, but instead of being open world it's now a linear Gears of War styled shooter, cars are only driven in like two missions and going off the designated path results in a mission failure, and absolutely no licensed music on the radio at all.


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