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Bored? Try the Youtube game.

Last posted Mar 01, 2010 at 09:55PM EST. Added Mar 01, 2010 at 07:16PM EST
8 posts from 3 users

I was bored, so I made this.

1. Go to a youtube channel. and look through their subs and friends.

2. In order of what you see, do one of the following actions.

*Furry Avatar: Slap the left side of your monitor.

*Intentionally Offensive Avatar: Yell Derp.

*Avatar Says Free Subs/Sub Me I Sub You: Facepalm and groan loudly.

*Anime Avatar: Punch the air and yell Kawaii.

*Video Game Avatar: Wave your mouse in the air ans yell "HIGH SCORE!".

*Meme Avatar: Rickroll Yourself. No headphones. Volume maxed.

*Pic of someone trying to be sexy for avatar: Look closely at your monitor.

*Same avatar as you (default does not count): You win the game. Start over.

Guaranteed to make you look like a total idiot.
I guarantee it.

Odd and/or Strange looking Avatar: Call someone over and spend at least 5 Minutes telling them how great the Avatar is.

Lame Joke Avatar: Laugh for 30 Seconds, then Fall out of Your Chair and start kicking your legs up into the Air.
Avatar Related to Bad Song/Music Artist: Find one of their Songs on YouTube, and play it on Full Volume without Headphones.

Twilight Related Avatar: Go to the Manlist Looking Guy you can find and, at the Top of your Lungs, scream about how Great Twilight is.

Emo Avatar: Pretend to Cut Yourself, in a Public Place. When surrounded by Other People.

Ultra-Conservative Avatar: Go to Your most Liberal Friend, and tell him how you love to watch FOX.

Ultra-Liberal Avatar: Go to Your most Conservative Friend, and proceed to tell him how Great of an idea Socialism is.

Same Avatar as You: Start talking to yourself constantly for no apparent Reason, but act Sane whenever People start to Question your Sanity.

Sporty Avatar: Go to Your School's Biggest, Meanist Jock and tell Him that you could Pwn Him at Halo.

Nerdy Avatar: Go to Your School's Nerdiest Nerd and tell Him that He needs to go outside more often.


Sonic Avatar: Go to a Mario Fan and do the Same thing as The Mario Avatar, with some slight Variations.

Zelda Avatar: Go to a Hardcore Zelda Fan and tell them that Final Fantasy is 100 Times better that The Legend of Zelda.

Final Fantasy Avatar: Go to a Hardcore Final Fantasy Fan and tell them that The Legend of Zelda is 100 Times better than Final Fantasy.

Same Avatar as Vlad's: Tell them you know an Awesome Guy with the Same Avatar that they have accept that Vlad's Avatar is 100% Better than their Avatar. (Even though they're the same exact thing.)

Run into an Advertising Account: Watch this Video; Run Vince Run.

Get Punished by an Administrator: Watch this Video; You Betrayed the Law.

Spread one of those stupid Chain Comments: You don't have to do Anything, but You are now Dead to Me.

Luigi-Themed Avatar: Watch this video; Wheezing Insanity Isn't it?

Troll: Watch this Video; You deserve to be Punished with a Migrane of the DESU KIND!!!!! Desu. Warning: It is NOT ETHICAL to force someone to watch this for Over an Hour. Desu. Also, I can't make head or tail of Japenese, but I know that this thing Contains the Word "Desu" exactly 527 Times. Desu. And yes, it would be Torture to watch this this for an Hour straight. Desu. Also, I do not approve of this for use as a Punishment AT ALL. Desu.

Realize that someone's Spying on You: Watch this until they go away; They sapped your Sentry, now it's time for you to get revenge.

Zelda CDi-Related Avatar: Watch this stuff Dawg; Great, now I want Dinner.

Last edited Mar 02, 2010 at 09:57PM EST

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