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KYM Text RPG (I dunno lol)

Last posted Jul 02, 2014 at 12:26PM EDT. Added Jun 14, 2014 at 06:25PM EDT
453 posts from 14 users

You look up, where the rope leads, and see only the magnificent head of a reptilian blocking out your vision. It stops, and twists, to stare down at you with it's massive eye.

"Oh… you found out our little secret, didn't you? Did it feel good, to end someone else, and absorb their essence? How about you take care of your little friends, then we fight, just the two of us, to see who is the superior being?" He growls in approval.

((Everyone else was just interacting with each other, or themselves, so post again! ))

Last edited Jun 23, 2014 at 04:50PM EDT



Dust, and rocks are falling from the passageway, as the Dragon inside is now ramming the edges to smash through. It won't be much longer until it breaks through.

Last edited Jun 23, 2014 at 09:12PM EDT

The Tank Group
Freelancer kicks the vehicle into gear and leaves the area. Dust and gravel still freely falls from the passageway, the Dragon attempting escape. There are several places he can drive his group to, such as the blazing fire in the corner, the tower of tires, or the TV stand. There is also the chance they could attempt somewhere new. It might be a good idea to voice opinions.

General Shi Gai wrote:

PSSSSST, GO SOMEWHERE NEW. Everywhere else is gay and repetitive… Like call of duty. (Cue Rimshot)

>Go somewhere new, preferably somewhere hard for the dragon to find us in when he tries the escape.

Tank Group
You cruise along in your tank to the merry beats of Shi Gai's Ipod. All you want to go is somewhere without the dragon, so you cruise off in a direction yet unexplored. After a while of traveling, you arrive in what must be the "laundry room". It doesn't have any walls that seperate it from the rest of the world, but a washer and dryer, as well as a deep- freeze are positioned here on the concrete.

You walk up to examine the body/rob a corpse, when you realize just who it is you're looking at. Jotaro Kujo, perhaps the pioneer of your group, lies dead, impaled by a shard of glass from the shelf breaking.

Then… weird things start to happen. The body begins to glow, returning to the plastic it came from, though the blood under it remains. The glow spreads into the air and seeks you out, saturating your body. You feel… different.

Name: Jotaro Kujo
Skill: Summon: Star Platinum (Pre-end of part 3, so no time stop.)

Red – This skill is now added to yours.

Shi Gai
Being smaller and lighter than the others is an advantage this time, as you can climb up the article of clothing without it pulling down. Now on top of the dryer, you can see the power button, as well as the gap you'll have to jump to get to the washer. The one to the deep freeze is even more outrageous.

Shi Gai
You dash forwards, and take the leap to the washing machine. It scares you half to death, as you barely make the jump, but you land, and immediately begin to look for things you can use. There is an almost empty bottle of Liquid Laundry Soap, some Change, a Belt, and a Dryer Sheet here.

Last edited Jun 26, 2014 at 01:39AM EDT

((Sorry about the lateness on the updates guys. Busy day.))
You climb a short ways up the hanging piece of clothing, then swing off and land inside the dryer. This doesn't seem like the safest place to be.

Using my fourth wall awareness, I quickly infer that I've been sucked into some kind of gladiatorial arena of which the point is to create the ultimate warrior. Or something. I try to familiarize myself with being "star platinum"'s stand master and search for others.

That wasn't a tongue in cheek post. Red's source material breaks the 4th wall every other episode he's in.

Shi Gai
You run back over to the dryer, the belt trailing behind you. Glancing across to the deep freeze, you see it is a least two feet away… Quite the jump for such a tiny you.

You grab firmly onto the article of clothing… jump…

…And land hard on your ass. The fabric falls down right on top of you, pulled down, since it was unable to sustain your weight climbing up it. Unfortunaltly it seems you've also stranded Honey tiger in the dryer, and Shi Gai on top.

Summoning your new ability comes as easy to you as it did Jotaro. You can call for it's assistance and ask it to leave as if it was moving your own arm. As for the others… you heard something drive by a while ago. You head in that direction, but as they had a vehicle and you are on your feet, it could take a while.

You look out the dryer. It's about as far down as it was to fall out of the storage box, and that didn't exactly work out the best for you.

However, the bunched up clothing on Freelancer could cushion the landing.

Last edited Jun 26, 2014 at 07:57PM EDT

You hop out of the dryer and fall onto the bundle of clothing. It cushions your landing quite well, and as an added bonus you manage to avoid being chopped into slices by Freelancer's "knives".

Shi Gai
There is no bridge… but…

You start thinking you might be able to push the bottle of soap over in such a way it gets stuck in between the machines and creates one.

Shi Gai
You struggle… and push… and push… and finally knock over the bottle so it falls. For a moment it seems your bridge will work quite well.

Until, with a thump, it slides a bit further down and stops. The bottle doesn't exactly seem tight…

Last edited Jun 28, 2014 at 05:45PM EDT

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