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Commented on 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

After seeing enough dumb vatniks online go on how Russia is "gaining ground," seeing a refinery makes one wonder how many vatniks are still too high on "Russia land gains" and "failed Ukranian counteroffensive."

May 14, 2024 at 01:11AM EDT

Commented on Stellar Blade

I dunno about gamers, it just seems like groups of idiots screaming about a video game character being too sexy or not sexy enough. Then again most of the screeching I seen was just Twitter idiots having a slapfight over a video game.

Apr 28, 2024 at 06:56PM EDT

Commented on Stellar Blade

Yeh, it looks pretty meh especially when compared to other games that have done the sex sells angle and having something that gets my interest. I wouldn't be surprised though if this whole "more sexy or less sexy" thing got enough traction from equally partitioned terminally online groups that it allowed some other companies to slip by and do their predatory monetizations and the like until someone else drums up the attention to these companies or said companies already shooting their entire foot off like with the Tarkov devs releasing $250 DLC and their subsequent handling of the fallout.

Apr 28, 2024 at 06:25PM EDT

Commented on Fallout (TV Series)

Funnily enough one of the original creators, Tim Cain, said he'd see China as the one to drop the bombs albeit due to the bio-weapon that was FEV. And as for what Blobbem said, it is correct that Vault-Tec vaults was a means to just test people in order to see how viable space travel would be until the Enclave found the FEV. Plus I thought Vault-Tec itself was a shell company of a sort. Using them to be the reason behind the nukes could no doubt of been better written than just "evil corpo capitalism" such as "shell company doing what the shadow government may want in launching the nukes to begin the vile experiments" though even that can be a stretch since not every vault might of gotten enough people in on time.

Apr 16, 2024 at 02:00AM EDT

Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

As someone that's a fan of Fallout but doesn't watch TV or anything beyond Youtube, the Fallout show doesn't give me any interest or concern. I can't really care much for whatever "butchering" it does to Fallout lore since I already treat video game based movies and shows as a wholly separate entity from the games they are based on.

Mar 25, 2024 at 04:47PM EDT

Commented on AI PS2 Filter

Same. As someone who played a lot of PS2 as a kid, these just come off as music video CGI. Maybe the closest to gaming would be more of something like earliest days of Second Life, but not PS2.

Mar 20, 2024 at 03:20PM EDT

Commented on How sweet baby operates

Earlier, I saw a guy on Twitter note that while he wasn't a fan of SBI he also noted the whole "Jew" thing to be stupid and that the whole angle just makes the group anti-semitic. And I know it's Twitter so brain rot is to be expected but cue the people coming in saying it's the truth and saying how Jews were the problem and all that. Wildest claim was one using some blurb of an interview from one Jewish pornographer as proof that all the Jews want to destroy video games or some other junk like that.

Mar 20, 2024 at 03:18PM EDT

Commented on 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

As much as aid is just giving Ukraine and Taiwan assistance, I can imagine some people direly critical of the US and NATO thinking it's all a hegemonic power move even though these countries already have their respective sovereignty threatened. That said, with how people think isolationism is a good idea because "why should this country help Ukraine/Taiwan?" The US pretty much guarantees itself another ally with whatever benefits there are in having an alliance. Plus as much as one can say how these aids are billions of dollars, I wouldn't be surprised if these somehow end up being chump change compared to whatever else the US government spends and that no amount of "isolation" could help if the US government and bureaucracy doesn't even try to amend whatever amount there is to the debt. Plus I can imagine this isolation means turning backs on other allies who may as well shack up to other nations and make better deals with them.

Mar 17, 2024 at 09:50PM EDT

Commented on Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy

Nope. That's pretty much how we all are. Yeah we could say we find this thing in a dumb or not, tasteful or tasteless, etc. The weird NuCulture War needs to die off since no one here needs to see another slapfight over video games and the like because a character is a straight white guy or a black lesbian. That said, with the mention of how games are live service hellscapes and full of microtransactions, I would not be surprised if someone wanted to a NuCulture War just to keep people focused on that rather than unfinished games being live service money grubbing trash.

Mar 16, 2024 at 10:00PM EDT

Posted in Why is everyone tryna make GamerGate 2.0 a thing?

While GamerGate itself would of had some division, it no doubt would not be what made this community collapse. A lot of us would no doubt move to greener pastures after having our spent our time on this site. Some of us would stay on this site no doubt but even those days can be numbered before one either leaves the site or gets banned or has their account deactivated.

Mar 11, 2024 at 06:18PM EDT

Posted in Why is everyone tryna make GamerGate 2.0 a thing?

I'll say from experience and what me and friends have seen: a culture war can ensure clicks from outrage bait for anyone that is able to run a Youtube channel. Imagine how much money one could try to make from a grift in complaining about a game having gay black women and rainbow flags on a building or a game cover having some white male or whatever other dumb things there are tied to the culture war from 10 years ago. We all want to play video games but some people really don't want to keep quiet, at least not when knowing of how you have someone like that guy complaining about pronouns in Starfield.

Only other reason I can imagine would be some trolls might want it for lulz since it means seeing idiots screaming. Honestly with the SBI thing, they could of just kept quiet while reporting the steam group to avoid the controversy though that itself probably would lead to some culture war rattling.

Mar 10, 2024 at 05:30PM EDT

Commented on Sweet Baby employee disrespects Toriyama

I'd say "worst black characters in anime" would be a stretch. Officer Black would no doubt not sit well today in design but there was at least one worst than him from another anime called Cyborg 009. It's sole black character, Cyborg 008, had a design that one could say was much worse even though it's more or less the earliest manga and anime that would be the worse compared to the newer iterations.

Regardless of context, I can see their tweet being off base in claiming Toriyama did the worst black characters though I'm sure there'd be some weebs out there that consumed enough anime to either back up the tweet's claim or show evidence to the contrary.

Mar 10, 2024 at 05:12PM EDT

Commented on Sweet Baby employee disrespects Toriyama

In regards to designs for a human character, Officer Black is not even the worst designed black guy I seen from looking up anime. Cyborg 009 did it years before with one of its characters who honestly would look leagues more racist than Officer Black in terms of design.

Mar 10, 2024 at 05:08PM EDT

Commented on Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy

It would spare the internet of any possible GamerGate 2.0 or at least the usual drama/culture war drama. At the very least it may as well give any youtuber something to make money off of in delivering their own takes for or against the company.

Mar 10, 2024 at 05:06PM EDT

Commented on Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy

Toriyama gave the worst black characters in anime? The only ones I can even recall was Commander Black from Dragon Ball and that's about it. Worst part was no doubt the lips but even then, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mild one compared to other things one could find in anime that could actually be on the level of offensive.

Mar 10, 2024 at 04:58PM EDT

Commented on Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy

Nice to see her self-quote on a Twitter profile reminding me how Twitter used to be a polarizing hole in the internet before Musk bought it out and the bots were more open with crypto-scams and fake profile pics of "sexy women." And that era was still as dumb as the modern one today.

Mar 10, 2024 at 04:55PM EDT

Commented on Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy

Make room for one more, I got a top of the line Windows 95 PC with a Trident GPU that can run Minesweeper and 3D Space Cadet pinball on max settings.

Mar 10, 2024 at 04:52PM EDT

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