

Location: Argentina

Joined Mar 14, 2024 at 10:35PM EDT


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+169 +186 (91%) -17 (9%)
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Recent Activity

Commented on Friend Inside Me

"Friend inside me" sounds like Woody has a Xenomorph Chestburster in his stomach. Only instead of a xenomorph it's one of the three-eyed green aliens.

“A friend. From the inside. Oooooohhhhhhhh!”

Jun 12, 2024 at 07:03PM EDT

Commented on llddis "Broke Ass Niggas" TikTok

Wait, that logic implies that saying slurs automatically disqualifies you from ALL jobs. Not only is that a bit of an exaggeration, but given the money to be made from far-right podcasts and similar stuff, i'd say in these times saying slurs closes some doors but actually opens a few others, i very much doubt "provocateurs" will run out of lucrative avenues anytime soon…

Jun 12, 2024 at 04:40PM EDT

Commented on Killer Bean (Video Game)

God i hope this shitpost of a game is actually super competent so that it gets a nomination for the Game Awards or some shit like that, imagine the ceremony featuring "Generic Blockbuster Videogame GOTY Contenders" alongside a fucking coffee bean with guns

Jun 08, 2024 at 05:14PM EDT

Commented on Call of Duty "Trans Bullets" Controversy

So, this can:

A) Piss off conservatives because "muh flags everywhere"
B) Make conservatives happy because they can go for the "deranged transgender shooter" gotcha
C) Piss off LGBT+ people because they're sensitive about being associated with guns
D) Make LGBT+ people happy because they can "own teh chuds"
E) All of the above

So a win-win for everyone, i guess…?

Jun 06, 2024 at 06:44PM EDT

Posted in Politics General

Is she as insane as AMLO, who if i remember correctly tried to deflect from his controversies by claiming aliens are real?

Jun 04, 2024 at 12:23AM EDT

Commented on Cordless Hole Puncher

I'll give you my cordless hole puncher when you take it from my cordless, dead glove holders

Jun 03, 2024 at 08:27PM EDT

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