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King Crimson


Location: Interwebs

Joined Jun 14, 2016 at 02:25AM EDT


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Recent Activity

Commented on Disney's "Primos" Racism Controversy

I watched it out of morbid curiosity and even if you can look past the cringy "Spanglish" and the extremely forced attempt at diversity this show is just miserable. The main character, despite being pretty unlikable, still somehow manages to be the most likable character because her family is just the worst and her life is awful. Her mother invites all her cousins over for the summer and crams them all into her bedroom, which understandably upsets her because cramming 14 kids into one bedroom is just beyond insane. Her cousins are barely even characters at all and just seem to pop in and out to aggravate her while she's trying to have some me time. The worst thing of all, however, is that no matter how much her family stresses her out she always magically comes around at the end and decides she's actually lucky to have them there. In the first episode alone her cousins ruin every aspect of her birthday party by being complete fuck-ups and she ends up being the one apologizing to them because she got justifiably upset about having her birthday ruined. The whole time I also had to ask myself why all these people dropped their kids off for the summer with relatives who are barely scraping by with 3 kids of their own when some of these other family members are clearly better off. Yeah I'm probably looking into it too deeply but basically fuck this show.

Jun 05, 2024 at 04:10PM EDT

Commented on Joe Biden's Evil Smirk

For all this talk of Trump Derangement Syndrome it sure doesn't take much to set them off, does it? Guy doesn't even have to say anything, apparently.

Jun 04, 2024 at 02:43AM EDT

Commented on Mr. Birchum

The gay shipping is the funniest possible outcome to come out of this piece of shit show.

Jun 01, 2024 at 06:26AM EDT

Commented on Hagmaxxing

I think I'm doing this wrong I tried to hit up a hag and it's not fun or sexy at all I just kinda want to kick her off a cliff.

May 29, 2024 at 02:23PM EDT

Commented on Doug Walker on Smiling Friends

It's actually nice to see there's no real bad blood between them even though they always made jokes at Doug's expense. Say what you will about the Nostalgia Critic but he is very good about taking internet mockery in stride.

May 27, 2024 at 09:42PM EDT

Commented on Taiwanese politician steals a bill to try to prevent it from being passed

It's a bill by the pro-Chinese party meant to weaken the incoming democratically elected president, part of which is a provision that would allow officials to be jailed for lying to the legislature, which sounds nice on paper but would bog down the president's party in legal red tape. So yes, his heart was still in the right place.

May 21, 2024 at 03:13PM EDT
King Crimson

Posted in New site layout?

This layout is absolutely horrible. If the idea is to make the site more mobile friendly then how about just making an optional mobile version like all the other big sites do. Or better yet, make an app.

May 05, 2024 at 08:42PM EDT

Commented on Helldivers 2 PlayStation Account Requirement Controversy

I suspect what we are seeing here is Sony's entire reason for doing PC ports at all beginning to play out. As selfish as they are with porting their games to Xbox or even doing crossplay with them, do not be surprised if every Sony game on the PC going forward demands you link a PSN account even if you don't own a Playstation at all.

May 05, 2024 at 03:32PM EDT

Commented on Stellar Blade

Oh come on. I get having to patch out the Hard R but even the blood? It's already an M-rated game, why you gotta be like this, Sony? I was actually thinking about buying this game but post-launch censorship always puts me off.

Apr 26, 2024 at 09:00PM EDT

Commented on Bluey "The Sign" Episode

There is something very cowardly about people who are confused and bewildered about why Bluey resonates with so many adults but refuse to watch even a single episode for the sake of understanding it as if exposing yourself willingly to a preschool show for any length of time will give you the Benjamin Button disease. I'm not even saying you have to like it, but you can spare seven minutes to see what all the fuss is about.

Apr 18, 2024 at 12:51AM EDT

Commented on Fallout (TV Series)

I'm seeing a lot of talk claiming that what happened to New Vegas is because Todd was salty at Obsidian or whatever but I haven't seen a single person suggest the much more likely reason:

They did what they did to New Vegas so they wouldn't have to choose a canon ending from the game.

Apr 13, 2024 at 04:41PM EDT

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