Alex M

Location: Ontario, Canada

Joined Sep 13, 2010 at 09:28PM EDT


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Hey, I'm Alex.

I'm 20 years old, and a former student who is taking a year off of school from the Broadcasting TV program.

I love video games, RPGs especially, with my favourite being Final Fantasy X, Kingdoms Hearts I/II, Xenosaga and Persona 4.

As you can probably tell, I like to write. I also like to bake, and I plan on uppping Molly on her Rainbow cake eventually.

Yes, I am the Alex who made the original Rocketboom Ringtone.

If you want to bug me, you can find me on Twitter as McDanutza.

If you know the reference to that name, no, we do not make the pizza with the brown potato sauce and quebecquec cheese.

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