Donald Trump - Comments

Saber THE Totodile
Saber THE Totodile

I'm making this one stop to the gallery to post this one thing, nothing related to whatever is going on now as I've kept my head away from politics or anything coming close to it. I don't care if I get downvoted to hell or I spawn a thousand replies. I'm here to say this one thing.

We're a meme website, not a news documentary. Shut up, just shut up.


in reply to Saber THE Totodile

As poor a taste as they are this is a meme website and this event is generating memes and if we're going to document the 9/11 memes it's too late to draw the line here. The comment section is just being a comment section allowing people to comment. Instead of telling people to shut up you might be happier ignoring it.


Lemme paint the worst possible scenario for this that I can possibly think of:

He only has mild symptoms and gets over it, his religious cult who haven't gotten Coronavirus yet point to this one singular case with the help of extremist media to say "Coronavirus isn't that bad Trump got it" and it's used as a justification for pushing to fully opening up the country and on a more local level lots of people not taking the virus seriously at all.


I don't think he'll die, but he may end up very sick for a while, like Boris Johnson did. At a time when he's over already 7+ points down in national polls (and behind in state polls in Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio), he really does not want to be out of the public spotlight for two weeks with only a month left to go before election day.

It couldn't have come at a worse time for him either, since Biden literally just started his own in-person campaigning this week, which means he will be getting basically 100% of the media coverage and a chance to control the conversation instead of Trump, unlike in 2016 when Trump basically got to suck all of the oxygen out of Clinton's campaign and she only really got coverage when responding to him. This is also the guy who made a really big thing out of Clinton having to take a few days off for pneumonia during her own campaign.


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