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Valve just announced Counter Strike 2, launching this summer

Last posted Mar 25, 2023 at 03:12AM EDT. Added Mar 23, 2023 at 08:19AM EDT
3 posts from 3 users


I do see debate going around on whether or not to consider this a "brand new" game though as some are saying "it's just a Source 2 update for CS:GO" and others are viewing it as a brand new game which is just staying true to CS. Even so it's given people hope maybe Valve will be bringing other legacy IPs into Source 2 one day, like there's now hope TF2 could be next for a full Source 2 update.

Seems to be confirmed that VAC bans will carry over from CS:GO.

As far as I know, getting VAC banned for using hax in CS:GO didn't previously VAC ban you from any other game, so this is a first for that game (although cheating in CS:S does get you VAC banned from several other Valve titles).

Last edited Mar 23, 2023 at 10:53AM EDT

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