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Last posted Aug 11, 2016 at 04:59PM EDT. Added Aug 11, 2016 at 11:13AM EDT
14 posts from 12 users

Hello fellow Kymers! I'm asking for a good song I can put up on my wall. Anything without vocal should do it. The genre doesn't really matter, dubstep, pop, hip-hop, it's all okay! Thankies in advance!

here's some stuff (spoilered to not slow thread down)
also ignore Sanity Vs Zombies we all know 1930 is Merzbow's best work ;^)

it sounds like anime so highest rec to impress 21 and the other weebs idk

it's aphex twin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's daft punk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's some nice ambient-esque stuff from bowie

breaking the no vocal rule but this is also really fun

All of the songs are awesome thanks guys! But for now, and it's hard to choose believe me, the best is the Xenoblade's Theme X. It's not final yet, so you can still post suggestions, just this is the best for now.


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