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Last posted Apr 18, 2024 at 05:25PM EDT. Added Aug 02, 2014 at 01:37AM EDT
1764 posts from 204 users

There are two kinds of people: the ones who liked all Soda Stereo's works after Dynamo and ones that hated this record and everything that came after, for how different the band sounded.

And considering how this record sounded I can understand it. There's not anymore that old 80's sound in songs like "La ciudad de la Furia", "Persiana Americana" and instead you have the shoegaze influence and more experimentation, in songs like this one and in "Ambea", specially their later works.

As for this song I'd rate as a 7/10, personally I liked "Ambea" more but I gotta honest it really picked my interest in Ceratti's solo works (Colores Santos, Bocanada)

Hearing this song 9000+ times in my childhood doesn't do it any favors, but the dated arena rock sound 10 years after the gravy train crashed and burned is what really kills it

Last edited Sep 22, 2019 at 08:18AM EDT

7/10 They didn't make a reggeaton version in this mashup.
I'll be honest, after the 2 min mark, I kinda got tired of that 80's synthesizer sound in the keyboard that most songs of that decade used back in the day.
That being said, I agree with Todd in the shadows that A-Ha deserved more that being the band that make "Take on Me"

Last edited Sep 24, 2019 at 09:16PM EDT

6/10 Before this I was only familiar with the two most famous songs off this album; now that I've heard this, I can say that it's not as mesmerizing as some of their other songs, but then again this is only a first listen.

Though I'm not fond of SIivaGunner's sense of humor I do like how he makes video game mashups so seamless and easy

Last edited Sep 25, 2019 at 10:20PM EDT

Honestly, its not good.
Its another rap song about flaunting your wealth and fucking your haters girlfriend, set to a generic boring trap beat. Feels as if author is overcompensating for something. If someone thinks I missed something, feel free to blow my mind. 1/10

I like the progression of the guitars and rhythm. Might give this some future listens.

Time to get emo with some classic My Chemical Romance

Posting Dead without The End smh. The levels of cheesiness like this were only possible in 00', but I don't mind it that much. It's just plain fun. Also reminded me of Phoenix Wrong the Movie 2. 7/10

It was a nice music video and a nice good whoppity whoop rag piano song, they don't make music like this anymore.
Although, I thought this was gonna be a goth-emo rock song…

Last edited Oct 05, 2019 at 01:49AM EDT

Lemme just post the embed code for you…

Anyway, I'd give it a 8.25/10. It's a solid song.

The song I'm going to ask the next poster to rate's the result of a bunch of Tweets compiled into a single song.
Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society:

@Lazlo77, the traveler: 9/10, groovy and, combined with the album cover, gives me this 60s – 80s feeling. Reminds me of Adam West Batman lol.

@C_Mill24: 8/10, Good feeling music that's really uplifting. Reminds me of sophomore year in high school.

Replied to you both because I was ninja'd by C_Mill.

8.6/10 It's a good song, and I especially like the ambient fade, but it feels like it was made too soon, so the details in how it would normally fade and synth today aren't present.

6.9(Nice)/10 -- Dis sum whacked-out shiz. There's a real dystopian vibe I'm getting from this song, like "civilizing people" would involve turning them into robots or something. It sounds a little too video-gamey for me to listen to it regularly, though.

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