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[Riff-Raff] Pachirisu has been banned

Last posted May 16, 2016 at 05:08PM EDT. Added Apr 20, 2016 at 03:40PM EDT
164 posts from 67 users

You will forever live on in our hearts…

Great, now I need heart surgery. Thanks Pachirisu.

Last edited Apr 21, 2016 at 10:37PM EDT

So, I've been busy and didn't get this until after it happened, but I shit you not, I got this PM from him like an hour or two before his ban.

jemkins wrote:

where was that picture from? i want to know so i can go there and make fun of Pachirisu since i didnt get to do that before he was banned

Lol that's exactly the kind of place that runs a "we are not your personal army" rule.

Anyway here's proof that mod aboose is real and Particle was out for pachirisu's blood:

Tchefuncte Bonaparte wrote:

Oh hey, another conservative facebook poster found the signup button. Someone show him the way to the forums.

I ship him with Lisa.

You know, I wasn't bothered that much with him until I read that post.
He landed on my shitlist of worst KYM users right now.

Also what is that site?

jemkins wrote:

>"Haha, let's break the rules, act like an ass, and do other shit that will surely get me banned!"
>Gets banned.
>"Guys I was only PRETENDING, gawd! Those mods are such power abusers, amirite!? I did nothing wrong!?"

This is the internet equivalent of a toddler crying to his older brother to protect him after another kid got mad over shit he did.

Captain Blubber wrote:

i'm very sorry that pachirisu has gone to EDF2 he is a bad poster and i hope they make fun of him

They will mock him in much more inventive and horrid ways than any of us ever did.

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Pachirisu since you're likely viewing this thread here's what you do. You email the admin Ari Spool by finding her email on her profile page, and then tell her what the issue is. If you have legitimate reasoning and upon her looking into what actually happened she finds you were in the right, you'll be let back. If you are wrong, she will likely keep you out.

As for the people in this thread, though you have posted some easy to mock shit in the past, I think a lot of the posters in this thread are exposing their assholes a bit too widely in their shitposting.

Emperor Palpitoad wrote:

Pachirisu since you're likely viewing this thread here's what you do. You email the admin Ari Spool by finding her email on her profile page, and then tell her what the issue is. If you have legitimate reasoning and upon her looking into what actually happened she finds you were in the right, you'll be let back. If you are wrong, she will likely keep you out.

As for the people in this thread, though you have posted some easy to mock shit in the past, I think a lot of the posters in this thread are exposing their assholes a bit too widely in their shitposting.

epyc are you fucking serious

Emperor Palpitoad wrote:

Pachirisu since you're likely viewing this thread here's what you do. You email the admin Ari Spool by finding her email on her profile page, and then tell her what the issue is. If you have legitimate reasoning and upon her looking into what actually happened she finds you were in the right, you'll be let back. If you are wrong, she will likely keep you out.

As for the people in this thread, though you have posted some easy to mock shit in the past, I think a lot of the posters in this thread are exposing their assholes a bit too widely in their shitposting.

jemkins wrote:

On another note, I have to applaud jemkins here, who seems to have joined just to show us how equally ludicrously pachi is acting on their own forum.

Three thoughts occur after reading this insightful screencap:

1) Confusing RandomMan with "Randomguy" should be triggering to RM tbqh.

2) "Check my banned account" > banned profiles are inaccessible by regular users, so lol no. And the idea that ppl will go through all the image galleries just to see some irrelevant posts from some "newfriend" (hah, how PC).

3) Killing "by writing about killing them" which seems, well, very psychotic.

Derptastic Derp Man wrote:

Guys we finally have the face of Pachirisu

He looks like Twisty

btw, it seems he fully adapted to the ED forums

Gotta love how he went there trying to raid us and now he's their laughtstock.

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 04:26PM EDT

He looks like Twisty

I don't know who you just burned harder, Twisty or Pachirisu.

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 04:28PM EDT

Derptastic Derp Man wrote:

I'm currently lurking in the thread and they are basically decimating him.

It's pretty fun. But I don't know why he would come to EDF after leaving here. It's like leaving a dog kennel and then proceed to go into the lion's den. I hurt his feefee's the most though as he's asking me to not hate him anymore. lol

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 04:38PM EDT

NoxNocti wrote:

It's pretty fun. But I don't know why he would come to EDF after leaving here. It's like leaving a dog kennel and then proceed to go into the lion's den. I hurt his feefee's the most though as he's asking me to not hate him anymore. lol

From what interactions I had with him he was just a Mega Edge Lord.

Derptastic Derp Man wrote:

From what interactions I had with him he was just a Mega Edge Lord.

He's certainly an edgelord. But, that façade quickly crumbled and is the forum's bitch now, even by the lowest on the totem pole.

Two communities collectively roasting marsmallows over a burning pile of autism.

It's like Christmas Eve in the trenches.

Derptastic Derp Man wrote:

That is a perfect reaction image. Mind if I post it boss?

>posting in the reaction images gallery
>supplying that awful gallery with more content


>you did it and tagged it as "reaction image"


Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 05:06PM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

Two communities collectively roasting marsmallows over a burning pile of autism.

It's like Christmas Eve in the trenches.

One man's autism and angst can unite two unlikely groups. It truly is a Christmas Miracle.


Real talk tho, this drama is glorious. Haven't seen things like this since ages.

I wonder how will this escalate tho.

Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire wrote:


Real talk tho, this drama is glorious. Haven't seen things like this since ages.

I wonder how will this escalate tho.

Probably gonna get the police involved since everyone is going ham on him.


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