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[Just For Fun] Forum President

Last posted Apr 18, 2012 at 12:07AM EDT. Added Apr 15, 2012 at 08:16PM EDT
403 posts from 59 users


Do you want some themed party running your forums? Do you want to see so much more ponies and Homestuck that you won't see other memes ever in this forum again? I think not.

The 'No Changes' Party is here to keep the KYM forums the way they are. You know the other parties? They're most likely thinking 'there's gonna be some changes around here'. That's like saying KYM isn't good. But it is, and The NC Party will keep it that way.


Because KYM's too good to be changed.

User Name wrote:


Do you want some themed party running your forums? Do you want to see so much more ponies and Homestuck that you won't see other memes ever in this forum again? I think not.

The 'No Changes' Party is here to keep the KYM forums the way they are. You know the other parties? They're most likely thinking 'there's gonna be some changes around here'. That's like saying KYM isn't good. But it is, and The NC Party will keep it that way.


Because KYM's too good to be changed.

>implying the Forum President will have the power to do anything

Also, you need a catchier name for your party. Damn Karmmunists got us all.

Twins the Serendipitous Serval wrote:

>implying the Forum President will have the power to do anything

Also, you need a catchier name for your party. Damn Karmmunists got us all.

I just want to believe…

I think 'NC' is catchy enough.

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

Do it, and this will happen:

Obviously those are fake cops. Real policemen are too hard to be tased in the nuts. And busy protecting our city streets from crime, and totally ignoring the internet, just as Gog intended it.

A vote for Memestuck is a vote against SOPA, PIPA and CISPA, by the way.


Quantum Meme wrote:

Green hair will be shopped in 3….


I think I should give my image editor a break. They're getting worse. ಠ_ಠ

Phillip J. Fry wrote:

Are we really doing the votes by karma? I hope you realize someone can just make a bunch of alts and rig it.

Good job giving away my plan! Some running mate you are…

But seriously, Karma based polling is a bad idea. How about we just message Troll King with our vote when the time comes? I doubt anybody is actually desperate enough to create alts to win a forum popularity poll where the prize is jack and shit, but users should not get to downvote participants. If you tried to nega-vote in the real world, you would flunk out of Electoral College, and that isn't even feasible.

Last edited Apr 16, 2012 at 10:32PM EDT

Fridge wrote:

Obviously those are fake cops. Real policemen are too hard to be tased in the nuts. And busy protecting our city streets from crime, and totally ignoring the internet, just as Gog intended it.

A vote for Memestuck is a vote against SOPA, PIPA and CISPA, by the way.



*bursts into laughter*

But seriously, there's a Homestuck party.

Sounds like some people's jimmies are being rustled

Are you not properly being listed in your party? Is Troll King getting your name wrong? Are you worried about vote rigging or the overpoweredness of either the Homestuck party or the Brony party?

If these things are rustling your jimmies, this is only more reason why you need to vote for the JIMMY PARTY

As your leader, I can unrustle those jimmies of yours so you don't need to worry about names and votes at all.

Don't let your jimmies be rustled. VOTE JIMMY

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Sounds like some people's jimmies are being rustled

Are you not properly being listed in your party? Is Troll King getting your name wrong? Are you worried about vote rigging or the overpoweredness of either the Homestuck party or the Brony party?

If these things are rustling your jimmies, this is only more reason why you need to vote for the JIMMY PARTY

As your leader, I can unrustle those jimmies of yours so you don't need to worry about names and votes at all.

Don't let your jimmies be rustled. VOTE JIMMY

NC Party don't exist no more, joining Jimmy Party.

I bet every one of you are wearing pants right now. Aren't they comfortable? KYM could be just as comfortable a place for your junk if you vote Wsxdas of the Pants Party in the upcoming election.

Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender wrote:

I bet every one of you are wearing pants right now. Aren't they comfortable? KYM could be just as comfortable a place for your junk if you vote Wsxdas of the Pants Party in the upcoming election.

My pants weren't made by you, Wsxdas. Your digits aren't articulate enough to control the complicated stitching necessary to create a pair of pants.

Ric Te$l@ wrote:

>Implying Jesus is God himself instead of God's son.

I thought trolls were the name of your species you got equal rights and deserve them as any other citizen no matter what race, you deserve rights just as well.

I was trying to get through this thread in its entirety before commenting, but I had to toss in two cents here. Note:

Colossians 1:15-17 (my emphasis)
The Son (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

You'll find that even Jehovah's Witnesses--who are in the minority of Christian denominations in not believing Jesus to be God--accept that Jesus created the world due to the above passage.

> I know…
> implying anyone cares…

Since we don't have to officially apply until TK's thread tomorrow, I'll just express my interest in running.

Come Troll King's new thread think I'll formally announce my potential candidacy for the Gamer Party.

Click the controller, and play this in the background while you read the rest.

Now I am a brony. It is the only fandom that I've been a part of. It's the sole reason I am here on KYM today (although, it isn't the reason now.) I had weeks of the warm and fuzzies when I first started watching the show and when I started to post here. I post ponies a lot. Heck, I've spent literally days in actual time trying to sort through data for a survey of the community so I could then spend more hours writing up a literature-reviewed report of the findings and statistical analyses for it, while finishing my grad school work.

But I've grown up with video games. Long after I'm done watching Friendship is Magic, I know I'll still be playing video games.

  • I remember the music from Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3 when I was really young, and how much it scared me to see The Blue Bomber explode when you died…along with the immediate silence…
  • I remember playing Streets of Rage with my older brother and being able to beat my brother when you had the option to fight your teammate to "become the Big Boss."
  • I remember pausing Columns after placing each piece later in the game to see what it looked like, because it was the only way I could keep up with its speed.
  • I remember only playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to the end of Sky Chase Zone, because I could never figure out how to beat that metal Sonic thing…
  • I remember convincing my brother and parents to get a Nintendo 64 instead of a Playstation, because I liked its games better.
  • I remember playing popular ones like Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart 64, and Banjo-Kazooie, along with less popular games like Beetle Adventure Racing! and NBA Showtime.
  • I remember getting the Playstation 2 and spending full weekends playing NCAA Football of various years while I played full weeks football in high school.
  • I remember when my mother got me a Wii for my birthday and how much I enjoyed playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl with my friends.
    • /Ike

But that's a very brief timeline with my experiences with video games. I've felt joy, accomplishment, terror, sadness, anger, exhilaration, and many other feelings. I've had experiences that I won't likely experience outside of a game and many that I'll never experience. I've played out stories of epic adventures and have overcome great odds to help characters I've come to like…and love to their respective good ends.
At 24, I've giggled to myself after getting a new game that I really wanted and have had feelings of nostalgia from jury-rigging my broken Sega Genesis to hear the sound tests for some old games of mine.

Not everyone can get behind ponies, Homestuck, trolling, anime, or even cats.

But we all know people who play video games…if you haven't spent hours and days…and weeks…and months playing them yourself. You can play from a variety of genres and a variety of games within those classes. You can share them with others or you can sit by yourself and play them.

It is that sense of variety and inclusion that I truly believe will be best for the forum. It is the basis by which I will propose an initial platform (ha!) and will adjust it to suit the needs and desires of the users. Even if I am not selected to be the Gamer Party candidate, I will stand behind the user who is. Thanks for your time, and I'll hope you'll all consider supporting the Gamer Party.
▲ ▲
And really. What other party could have such epic campaign themes?

Last edited Apr 17, 2012 at 12:28AM EDT

Jackal Lantern wrote:

Beetle Adventure Racing! wasn't popular? It should've been.

It's no Mischief Makers, I'll tell ya that.

When people talk fondly about the N64, they talk about Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Pokémon Stadium, Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask, among others. I don't hear Beetle Adventure Racing in the conversation much. I generally have to bring it up.

Which is sad. The police car was boss. And Sunset Sands was Best Track.

Okay, made it through the thread, and assuming Verbose is correct and one can still enter the elections…

I considered running under the Communist Party, but since RF wasn't doing so, I wondered if there was a point in making my own party.

I then considered that in some ways, joining an existing party as a candidate rather than just a supporter dilutes the efficacy of the "primary" season, whatever that may end up being in this case. (You all witnessed the clusterfuck that was the Republican primary this week, right? It was like this thread in real life!) So I thought maybe I should make an entirely new party, like the Tea Party (Not about taxation, just about tea.)


For a while, I was thinking about parties whose platforms I liked, such as the Cat Party or the Meme Party (which is now apparently disbanded) and then I realized that I was continually missing the real opportunity, and there was only one rational choice:

I, Brucker, am announcing my candidacy as Forum President…running as a member of the Pony Party. Why? Why else?


Vote for me because you know that in this glorious nonsense, I am the only candidate who makes sense.

Brucker wrote:

Okay, made it through the thread, and assuming Verbose is correct and one can still enter the elections…

I considered running under the Communist Party, but since RF wasn't doing so, I wondered if there was a point in making my own party.

I then considered that in some ways, joining an existing party as a candidate rather than just a supporter dilutes the efficacy of the "primary" season, whatever that may end up being in this case. (You all witnessed the clusterfuck that was the Republican primary this week, right? It was like this thread in real life!) So I thought maybe I should make an entirely new party, like the Tea Party (Not about taxation, just about tea.)


For a while, I was thinking about parties whose platforms I liked, such as the Cat Party or the Meme Party (which is now apparently disbanded) and then I realized that I was continually missing the real opportunity, and there was only one rational choice:

I, Brucker, am announcing my candidacy as Forum President…running as a member of the Pony Party. Why? Why else?


Vote for me because you know that in this glorious nonsense, I am the only candidate who makes sense.

Hey! Why didn't you join the Karmmunist Party? You just said you were thinking of joining the Communist Party, and we're like the same thing, but with karma instead of money!

Also, Karmrads get free soda.

Last edited Apr 17, 2012 at 01:33AM EDT

The Animu Party supports more than just video games. We support movies, television, books and more.

No need for a Cat party. We also support cats.

Vote Animu Party. Vote for diversity.

Animu Party:

Other Parties:

Ansem the Seeker of Lolcats wrote:

The Animu Party supports more than just video games. We support movies, television, books and more.

No need for a Cat party. We also support cats.

Vote Animu Party. Vote for diversity.

Animu Party:

Other Parties:

But what will you do for the common user, hmm?


How does the Animu party propose to alleviate the rustled jimmies of those who dislike the usage animu in their media?

Not everyone likes Animu, and their rustled jimmies are costing the KYM Taxpayer 50,000 negakarma per year in unrustling fees. Does your party have any plan at all for combating this excessive toll on the forum economy?

Piano wrote:

My pants weren't made by you, Wsxdas. Your digits aren't articulate enough to control the complicated stitching necessary to create a pair of pants.

I will slap you in the eyes with my articulate digits.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


How does the Animu party propose to alleviate the rustled jimmies of those who dislike the usage animu in their media?

Not everyone likes Animu, and their rustled jimmies are costing the KYM Taxpayer 50,000 negakarma per year in unrustling fees. Does your party have any plan at all for combating this excessive toll on the forum economy?

This rustling argument is why I joined the Jimmy Party.

VOTE BSoD 2012

Unrustle yo jimmies by joining our party.

Since Troll King hasn't updated in a while, I figured I'd do it:

Homestuck Party
Kasrkai, the Witch King of Cats
Fridge Logic

Gamer Party
seal clubba (doctorhobo)
random 21
Cpt. Douglas J Falcon
Pope Leox

Cat Party
amanda b.
Arctic Dagger
Derpy Vazquez
Like a Cheese Stick

Brony Party
Ric Tesla
Connor the Brony
Twins the Comatose Vegetable
Muffinator Supreme

Supreme Karmmunists 2: Electric Boogaloo Strikes Back Party
Philip J. Fry
Vermin Supreme Jackal Lantern
Teh Brawler

Animu Party
Derpy Freeman

Troll Party
Slappy The Fish
Quanζum ⁄/\eme

Independent Parties:

The Jimmy Party
Blue Screen (of death)
Dr. Meme

Western Federation
Thomas Nair

Dance Party
404 User Not Found.

Pants Party
WsxdasBones FalconHawk

Pony Party


  • I like the ideology of the Jimmy Party. However, I don't know if they have the charisma to carry the most of the vote. There is also some fundamental differences between the two open supporters (i.e., stances toward the Brony Party,) so I'd expect some issues in finding a proper VP.
  • The Troll Party would be the opposite. They've got some strong candidates along with a KYM mainstay. However, I think it would be hard to get support for their platforms.
  • Patrick will carry the Animu Party well into the actual election. I think if there is a user who could win the election regardless of his allegiances, Patrick would be that user. No one dislikes Patrick. In fact, I think everyone that knows him loves Patrick.
    • Also, Mio.
  • Again, I easily recognize the supporters behind the Karmmunist Party, but I fear that the ideology is flawed along with many other users. Personally, I believe that karma should be earned by the sweat of your own lifting (assuming they do lift…lazy bronies taking our forum space,) and users should pull themselves up by their own wats. I think that belief will be hard to turn without an event of historical proportions involving the distribution of karma.
  • Ah, the Brony Party. The silent beast. The open supporters here will likely rely on the notoriety of CitationNeeded, but that could work to their disadvantage. Ric and Twins are known about the forum at large, but Ric has green hair (there has never been a green-haired president) and Twins may have some sexism to deal with. As is the problem with many bronies, their activity is limited to certain parts of the forum and the site. But if you mess with the Iron Will, you get the horns.
  • The Cat party has amanda. Much like Patrick, she could carry any party to victory by her own merit (although, we know she's historically had a bent toward Cat ideologies.) Daniel is a mainstay himself, so between the two, they make a solid battery for the presidency and vice-presidency. Also, cats is one of those "memes" that have always hit the Internet hard like rainbow/unicorns, bacon, and pr0n. If you know of web-culture to any extent, then you know about cats. You simply can't miss them. It's a solid party from top to bottom.
  • But then again, the Gamer Party has more open supporters involved in the election as of now, and we have our own juggernaut in Cyber6x. I'm sure I hold significant sway myself, and we have a solid line of supporters who have contributed all throughout the forum. We have a claim to fame similar to the Cats Party, but we could stand a couple more powerhouses to take on amanda, Patrick, and the bronies.
  • Homestuckers. They have the best line of open and active support in this thread by far. Look at those names: madcat. Gamzee. Kaskrai. MDF. DPF. Fridge. F*ckin Kalmo. Vlad. ArdentGamer is a mystery but he's well-liked, and I feel as if RPP holds more sway than I know. There isn't a single weak name there. But that's all the party has going for them. Homestuck itself is a bit of a mystery to me, and I've heard complaints about Homestuck fans that almost approach that of bronies' zeal. If their names don't get them support, then they're probably out of luck.

I see the Cat Party, the Animu Party, the Homestuck Party, and the Brony Party as being the leaders going into the primaries. I feel like the Brony beast will be awakened, so they are the clear leader depending upon how the party is or is not split. If it is split, then Homestuck will rely on their supporters to garner support. The Cat and Animu Party will probably focus on their superstars and their solid platforms.

The Gamer Party will need something to put us into that top tier. We're a solid party, but I'm not sure if any of our candidates can beat out Kalmo/DPF, amanda, and Patrick in a campaign.

Have some music and nostalgia to serve as an emotional appeal whilst I think of some tactics.

Last edited Apr 17, 2012 at 03:42AM EDT

>mfw you call me our party's juggernaut

Thanks Verbose. Just to let you know, I'll be running for candidate as well. But should I lose to you, I'd love to be your vice-president or vice-versa. Either way, good luck! (Also, get on the IRC sometime so I can chat you you about the party as the Homestuckers seem to be incredibly organized).

User Name wrote:


Ask Alejandro that question. He made it yesterday at about the same time he requested to be a running mate. I should add that I have not actually decided who should be VP yet. But I'm considering making all of my supporters VP's

Now to address Verbose…


I like the ideology of the Jimmy Party. However, I don’t know if they have the charisma to carry the most of the vote. There is also some fundamental differences between the two open supporters (i.e., stances toward the Brony Party,) so I’d expect some issues in finding a proper VP

If it is charisma we need then it is charisma we shall obtain.

Regarding our fundamental differences, you should know that they are not relevant in the Jimmy party. For we are united under a common goal: to unrustle your jimmies.

It would be hypocritical of the Jimmy party to pursue this goal if we allowed petty differences in our own party to rustle our jimmies. Therefor we agree to ignore our differences no matter what they are so we can focus on what is best for everyone on the forum: a life less rustled.

To put it another way: the members of the Jimmy party are leading by example. We are proof that there is no need to be upset.

Despite the things we may disagree on, our jimmies remain unrustled. We are still able to collaborate, cooperate and have fun with eachother. If we can do it, so can you. This is our vision for the forum.

Lastly regarding a VP: As I said before, I have not decided on a VP yet. But then I ask if it is even necessary to have only one VP. I am considering the option for have all party members as my VP's

Last edited Apr 17, 2012 at 06:49AM EDT

Jackal Lantern wrote:


I think I should give my image editor a break. They're getting worse. ಠ_ಠ

Phillip J. Fry wrote:

Are we really doing the votes by karma? I hope you realize someone can just make a bunch of alts and rig it.

Good job giving away my plan! Some running mate you are…

But seriously, Karma based polling is a bad idea. How about we just message Troll King with our vote when the time comes? I doubt anybody is actually desperate enough to create alts to win a forum popularity poll where the prize is jack and shit, but users should not get to downvote participants. If you tried to nega-vote in the real world, you would flunk out of Electoral College, and that isn't even feasible.

Now this is politics.

Last edited Apr 17, 2012 at 06:51AM EDT

Brucker wrote:

Okay, made it through the thread, and assuming Verbose is correct and one can still enter the elections…

I considered running under the Communist Party, but since RF wasn't doing so, I wondered if there was a point in making my own party.

I then considered that in some ways, joining an existing party as a candidate rather than just a supporter dilutes the efficacy of the "primary" season, whatever that may end up being in this case. (You all witnessed the clusterfuck that was the Republican primary this week, right? It was like this thread in real life!) So I thought maybe I should make an entirely new party, like the Tea Party (Not about taxation, just about tea.)


For a while, I was thinking about parties whose platforms I liked, such as the Cat Party or the Meme Party (which is now apparently disbanded) and then I realized that I was continually missing the real opportunity, and there was only one rational choice:

I, Brucker, am announcing my candidacy as Forum President…running as a member of the Pony Party. Why? Why else?


Vote for me because you know that in this glorious nonsense, I am the only candidate who makes sense.

If you really liked the Meme party, we have absorbed it and adopted it's ideologies.

Not bad Verbose, but you forgot some stuff. Let me fill it up a bit for you.

  • The cat party might have Amanda, but I don't think that'll help that much. No offense to mai waifu, but I doubt she'll continue with it. She probably launched the party in an expression for her love for cats. But we can't forget she's still staff and has responsibilties. She won't sit through this game. After that the cat party probably doesn't have enough to win.
  • The animu party might have Patrick, but it only has two members. Derpy Yagami is a troll and just bored, I doubt he'll this this game seriously. Patrick isn't as active as he used to be, so his activity in this game will also be lacking because of that. If they want to win, they need to complete the KYM Animu Pentagram. Patrick, Aristo, Lich (Gespenst), Natsuru, Anako, yes I just came up with that. If Patrick gets those users to join his party, he'll have a much higher chance of winning.
  • The Karma party is a joke. Philip already said in the IRC he isn't planning to take this game serious with that party. So no danger there.
  • The Brony party still lacks on multiple sides. Twins is currently the only member capable of good discussion. To use Citation effectively they need Bob or Opspe to join. Not only then will they be able to control Citation, but Bob and Opspe will also be of great value to the party in general. Without them, they probably have to win through brony votes by posting links in the comments on the article.
  • The Homestuck party is good organised and has some well known members, but that's where it stops. Their major advantage is that a lot of their members are IRC regulars. This will make planning a whole lot easier.
  • The Gamer party is the people's party. Everyone loves games. But besides Verbose and Cyber, they don't have much value in discussions. Either they get organised better, or they'll need some more well known members.
  • I'm still suprised nobody started a Pokémon party yet. It's the one fandom nearly everyone here shares.

Verbose wrote:

  • I like the ideology of the Jimmy Party. However, I don't know if they have the charisma to carry the most of the vote. There is also some fundamental differences between the two open supporters (i.e., stances toward the Brony Party,) so I'd expect some issues in finding a proper VP.
  • The Troll Party would be the opposite. They've got some strong candidates along with a KYM mainstay. However, I think it would be hard to get support for their platforms.
  • Patrick will carry the Animu Party well into the actual election. I think if there is a user who could win the election regardless of his allegiances, Patrick would be that user. No one dislikes Patrick. In fact, I think everyone that knows him loves Patrick.
    • Also, Mio.
  • Again, I easily recognize the supporters behind the Karmmunist Party, but I fear that the ideology is flawed along with many other users. Personally, I believe that karma should be earned by the sweat of your own lifting (assuming they do lift…lazy bronies taking our forum space,) and users should pull themselves up by their own wats. I think that belief will be hard to turn without an event of historical proportions involving the distribution of karma.
  • Ah, the Brony Party. The silent beast. The open supporters here will likely rely on the notoriety of CitationNeeded, but that could work to their disadvantage. Ric and Twins are known about the forum at large, but Ric has green hair (there has never been a green-haired president) and Twins may have some sexism to deal with. As is the problem with many bronies, their activity is limited to certain parts of the forum and the site. But if you mess with the Iron Will, you get the horns.
  • The Cat party has amanda. Much like Patrick, she could carry any party to victory by her own merit (although, we know she's historically had a bent toward Cat ideologies.) Daniel is a mainstay himself, so between the two, they make a solid battery for the presidency and vice-presidency. Also, cats is one of those "memes" that have always hit the Internet hard like rainbow/unicorns, bacon, and pr0n. If you know of web-culture to any extent, then you know about cats. You simply can't miss them. It's a solid party from top to bottom.
  • But then again, the Gamer Party has more open supporters involved in the election as of now, and we have our own juggernaut in Cyber6x. I'm sure I hold significant sway myself, and we have a solid line of supporters who have contributed all throughout the forum. We have a claim to fame similar to the Cats Party, but we could stand a couple more powerhouses to take on amanda, Patrick, and the bronies.
  • Homestuckers. They have the best line of open and active support in this thread by far. Look at those names: madcat. Gamzee. Kaskrai. MDF. DPF. Fridge. F*ckin Kalmo. Vlad. ArdentGamer is a mystery but he's well-liked, and I feel as if RPP holds more sway than I know. There isn't a single weak name there. But that's all the party has going for them. Homestuck itself is a bit of a mystery to me, and I've heard complaints about Homestuck fans that almost approach that of bronies' zeal. If their names don't get them support, then they're probably out of luck.

I see the Cat Party, the Animu Party, the Homestuck Party, and the Brony Party as being the leaders going into the primaries. I feel like the Brony beast will be awakened, so they are the clear leader depending upon how the party is or is not split. If it is split, then Homestuck will rely on their supporters to garner support. The Cat and Animu Party will probably focus on their superstars and their solid platforms.

The Gamer Party will need something to put us into that top tier. We're a solid party, but I'm not sure if any of our candidates can beat out Kalmo/DPF, amanda, and Patrick in a campaign.

Have some music and nostalgia to serve as an emotional appeal whilst I think of some tactics.

I hope my upcoming advertising campaign will make up for the small chance I have at becoming the leader of the party (let alone forum president). This shouldn't be a popularity contest or else it would be best user competition which it's not, it should be the one who presents themselves the best (or something along those lines).
oh don't worry, Pokemon is most definitely being covered by gamers.

Last edited Apr 17, 2012 at 11:55AM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

Not bad Verbose, but you forgot some stuff. Let me fill it up a bit for you.

  • The cat party might have Amanda, but I don't think that'll help that much. No offense to mai waifu, but I doubt she'll continue with it. She probably launched the party in an expression for her love for cats. But we can't forget she's still staff and has responsibilties. She won't sit through this game. After that the cat party probably doesn't have enough to win.
  • The animu party might have Patrick, but it only has two members. Derpy Yagami is a troll and just bored, I doubt he'll this this game seriously. Patrick isn't as active as he used to be, so his activity in this game will also be lacking because of that. If they want to win, they need to complete the KYM Animu Pentagram. Patrick, Aristo, Lich (Gespenst), Natsuru, Anako, yes I just came up with that. If Patrick gets those users to join his party, he'll have a much higher chance of winning.
  • The Karma party is a joke. Philip already said in the IRC he isn't planning to take this game serious with that party. So no danger there.
  • The Brony party still lacks on multiple sides. Twins is currently the only member capable of good discussion. To use Citation effectively they need Bob or Opspe to join. Not only then will they be able to control Citation, but Bob and Opspe will also be of great value to the party in general. Without them, they probably have to win through brony votes by posting links in the comments on the article.
  • The Homestuck party is good organised and has some well known members, but that's where it stops. Their major advantage is that a lot of their members are IRC regulars. This will make planning a whole lot easier.
  • The Gamer party is the people's party. Everyone loves games. But besides Verbose and Cyber, they don't have much value in discussions. Either they get organised better, or they'll need some more well known members.
  • I'm still suprised nobody started a Pokémon party yet. It's the one fandom nearly everyone here shares.

Ah, but you see, we have the advantage of crappy MS paint propaganda posters!

Cyber6x wrote:

>mfw you call me our party's juggernaut

Thanks Verbose. Just to let you know, I'll be running for candidate as well. But should I lose to you, I'd love to be your vice-president or vice-versa. Either way, good luck! (Also, get on the IRC sometime so I can chat you you about the party as the Homestuckers seem to be incredibly organized).

>Also, get on the IRC sometime so I can chat with you about the party as the Homestuckers seem to be incredibly organized.
>Also, get on the IRC sometime so I can chat with you
>get on the IRC

Ok, ok. I'll come by more often during the campaign. I was supposed to get with Don anyway about my account, so when I'm on the forum, I'll sign in there as well.

Last edited Apr 17, 2012 at 03:08PM EDT

Although I can definitely relate to everything you've said, I just blame the Internet for the power of ponies, which is why I'm still in the Brony Party. I've been a gamer long before I was a brony and I'll remain a gamer long after I'm no longer one, but… well, I'm not sure.
Blame the Internet, I guess.
I suck at debating.

Verbose said:

It’s no Mischief Makers, I’ll tell ya that.
When people talk fondly about the N64, they talk about Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Pokémon Stadium, Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask, among others. I don’t hear Beetle Adventure Racing in the conversation much. I generally have to bring it up.
Which is sad. The police car was boss. And Sunset Sands was Best Track.

I never got to play Mischief Makers. ¯\(°_°)
Also, I know I'm getting off track with this, but was Blast Corps a popular game?
Also also, I am disturbed at your list of popular games lacking Star Fox 64.

Verbose spread the vicious lies:

Again, I easily recognize the supporters behind the Karmmunist Party, but I fear that the ideology is flawed along with many other users.

If my ideology were really flawed, you would have written a two-page essay on how it's wrong and why. Your loss for words could only mean one thing: I'm probably right or something.

Checkmate, Verbose!

A vote for verbose is a vote for

Ric Tesla said:

I fart in your general direction, your mother was a hamster, and my hair is green.

I bet you're not a real fedora either. |:< And you still think Rainbow Drash always dresses in style.

Captain Swag of the S.S. Swag said:

The Karma party is a joke.

>implying forum politics aren't a joke

Jackal Lantern wrote:

Verbose said:

It’s no Mischief Makers, I’ll tell ya that.
When people talk fondly about the N64, they talk about Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Pokémon Stadium, Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask, among others. I don’t hear Beetle Adventure Racing in the conversation much. I generally have to bring it up.
Which is sad. The police car was boss. And Sunset Sands was Best Track.

I never got to play Mischief Makers. ¯\(°_°)
Also, I know I'm getting off track with this, but was Blast Corps a popular game?
Also also, I am disturbed at your list of popular games lacking Star Fox 64.

Verbose spread the vicious lies:

Again, I easily recognize the supporters behind the Karmmunist Party, but I fear that the ideology is flawed along with many other users.

If my ideology were really flawed, you would have written a two-page essay on how it's wrong and why. Your loss for words could only mean one thing: I'm probably right or something.

Checkmate, Verbose!

A vote for verbose is a vote for

Ric Tesla said:

I fart in your general direction, your mother was a hamster, and my hair is green.

I bet you're not a real fedora either. |:< And you still think Rainbow Drash always dresses in style.

Captain Swag of the S.S. Swag said:

The Karma party is a joke.

>implying forum politics aren't a joke

Ric Tesla has labeled the post above him as:


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