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QWERTY's Drawing Thread

Last posted Apr 09, 2014 at 11:54AM EDT. Added Mar 21, 2014 at 03:16AM EDT
48 posts from 28 users

G'day mate, this is my first time doing a drawing thread, so I'm taking it slow and steady.
But first, a bit about myself:
-I'm a slow drawer, so expect some wait time. (First few drawings might be quicker)
-My quality will vary greatly from rough sketches to full colour depend on how confident I'm with the requests.
-I can't do every requests, so if I don't think I can do a drawing I proabably won't.
-It'll be very helpful if you can provide me references.
-This thread will either go pretty well or a complete trainwreck.

So fire away!

Can you draw Dr. Robotnik from AOSTH, Waluigi and King Dedede interacting with each other? They are some of my favorite game and cartoon characters and I think it would be awesome having them interacting with each other.

Here's ya go!

RandomMan, A Furry, BSOD and Lez in Go Karts.
It-it's not like I l-like you guys or anything… b-baka!

I chose these four because they are easy to draw and very recognisable.

Yo Stevo! I have animated your image a little!

I'll also upload the video version to my youtube channel later with this background music.

Hope that is okay..

Last edited Mar 22, 2014 at 11:11AM EDT

Ok that one was pretty fucking awesome.

And to not leave without a request: Please draw Sabin performing a Suplex on a 50 feet tall taco.

Natsuru Springfield wrote:

Draw a gay line.

And awesome work on the Mario Kart Drawing!

Bless you for the Kart request!

Have my internetz /)*(\

And you can have them to Qwerty :P You are the driver afterall, boss

Last edited Mar 22, 2014 at 11:09PM EDT

stevoqwerty wrote:

All requests accepted.

Your cross-over is finally here!

It's beautiful.

Bravo, you really are a talented artist. It would take me a long time before I could get this good (Mostly because I’m such a bad drawer :/)

As a reward, I give you a dancing Waluigi.

@Captain Falcon
Here's only two of the four manly men.

By far the hardest drawing because I've never draw anime/manga before other than Pokemon, I know the body proportion ain't right but it'll have to do.

Okay, the next few drawing will be a bit slower due to my uni works.

stevoqwerty wrote:

@Captain Falcon
Here's only two of the four manly men.

By far the hardest drawing because I've never draw anime/manga before other than Pokemon, I know the body proportion ain't right but it'll have to do.

Okay, the next few drawing will be a bit slower due to my uni works.

YES! YES! YES! I fucking love it!

Draw me throwing a bunch of knives at Natsuru.

I'm definitely loving this thread so far, especially the pic you made for Captain Falcon.

I'm also kinda jealous of your ability to put such a huge amount of effort into every single picture. Makes my own quick doodlings feel like crap in comparison to the clean lines and full digital colors of your works.

Wow holy shit this is an amazing drawing thread.

So ok ill bite.

Can you draw juggernaut From Dota 2.

Dueling Erza scarlet From Fairy Tail.

Have them either locking blades or have it so that they are about to deliver the final strike on each other. Your call. Either way make it look like an epic fight and if you can do it in anime style if you can.

Thanks a lot if you do this request for me.

Last edited Apr 05, 2014 at 01:15PM EDT

Muumi wrote:

I'm definitely loving this thread so far, especially the pic you made for Captain Falcon.

I'm also kinda jealous of your ability to put such a huge amount of effort into every single picture. Makes my own quick doodlings feel like crap in comparison to the clean lines and full digital colors of your works.

I guess you just suck too much as an artist Muumi. Better give up that Community Artist badge, seems you're just way too underqualified to wear it.


I'm just being modest as usual.

Would do good you for you too swagbunny.

But I've gotta admit, these pics are really awesome when compared to the usual stuff you see in drawing threads.


There is no modesty present when you're finally facing the truth about your own skills.

I'm already being modest for taking the time to speak to such a nerd as you.


You are assuming I have ever referred to myself as anything more than mediocore when it comes to art, my dear friend. I cannot "finally face the truth", when I have always been aware of it.

God complex or not, remember that you will always be the bigger nerd of the two of us, and that is an achievement in itself.

Anyways, let's save this thread for QWERTY's art instead of our bickering. I don't like posting too many times in a row. But do visit my wall if you please though, I always love your company.

Here ya go, was trying out a new artstyle.

And I think Muumi takes the cake when it comes to drawing anime/people, I'm more of a comic/cartoon animal guy.

Okay, some announcements, so far all requests are accepted, and I'm gonna take 5 more before I have to stop. Sorry for stopping this thread so early, but Uni works are pretty important. If this thread got locked before I can finish all the drawings, I'll PM them to ya.

Last edited Apr 09, 2014 at 06:20AM EDT

This one was from a dream I had so if it seems strange then that's why.

Can you draw these creatures that were in this dream I had. They were in a factory and they where the size of a city bus. They had many spindly mechanical legs, the tips of which also produce flashes of electricity. Their bodies were covered in this strange back mass of hair, wires, and smoke. Their faces were a Periclean-like masks yet with a few bits of mechanical parts there, parasitically with their teeth which appear as those of a chainsaw, hell they even move like one. From what I remembered they usually stayed at these grey cubes suspended in the air covered in strange symbols, the only reason those cubes haven't fallen down to the ground is because what's holding them up were grey cylinders that came down from the ceiling. Apparently these creatures in the factory are used to make eldritch technology the likes of which us humans can never comprehend, they also leave these cubes whenever intruders enter the factory, usually to kill them.

You don't have to do this part but maybe as an added bonus you can probably have a few KYM users encounter these creatures.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

This one was from a dream I had so if it seems strange then that's why.

Can you draw these creatures that were in this dream I had. They were in a factory and they where the size of a city bus. They had many spindly mechanical legs, the tips of which also produce flashes of electricity. Their bodies were covered in this strange back mass of hair, wires, and smoke. Their faces were a Periclean-like masks yet with a few bits of mechanical parts there, parasitically with their teeth which appear as those of a chainsaw, hell they even move like one. From what I remembered they usually stayed at these grey cubes suspended in the air covered in strange symbols, the only reason those cubes haven't fallen down to the ground is because what's holding them up were grey cylinders that came down from the ceiling. Apparently these creatures in the factory are used to make eldritch technology the likes of which us humans can never comprehend, they also leave these cubes whenever intruders enter the factory, usually to kill them.

You don't have to do this part but maybe as an added bonus you can probably have a few KYM users encounter these creatures.

This is very interesting, will definitely try my best, though it'll probably take a long time but I like the idea.

Okay 3 more requests left.

stevoqwerty wrote:

Here ya go, was trying out a new artstyle.

And I think Muumi takes the cake when it comes to drawing anime/people, I'm more of a comic/cartoon animal guy.

Okay, some announcements, so far all requests are accepted, and I'm gonna take 5 more before I have to stop. Sorry for stopping this thread so early, but Uni works are pretty important. If this thread got locked before I can finish all the drawings, I'll PM them to ya.

Thanks man, looks awesome.

As for your thread: Should it have reached the autolock before you were able to finish the drawings, just shoot me a PM and I can manually extend the autolock time for you. That way you can just post the drawings on here again.


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