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[General] Former KYM neo-nazi (& brony) plans mass Columbine-style shooting, gets arrested

Last posted Mar 06, 2015 at 01:45PM EST. Added Feb 20, 2015 at 08:15AM EST
114 posts from 82 users

Does anyone remember Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron?

KYM oldfag, deactivated a few years ago. She apparently had quite the hard on for Neo-Nazism and fascism, and owned a lot of Nazism-inspired items, especially clothing. She was pretty well-known around here by the looks of things.

Anyways, we've just found out that she was arrested about a week ago, charged with conspiring to commit mass murder. She lived in Captain Blubber's hometown, so chances are that he would have been affected had her plot succeeded. Police also targeted three people connected to her – one has been released, one has been taken into custody with her, and one committed suicide before police could make the arrest.

The Daily Mail Reports

Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath, from Geneva, Illinois, posted about her admiration of Hitler, the Columbine killers and other murderers on her Facebook page, Tumblr site and forums, and even hinted at the deadly plan, writing last Wednesday: 'Valentine's Day. It's going down.'

She ran a Tumblr blog called cockswastika and frequently reblogged from her friend James Gamble, who was the aforementioned suspect who committed suicide.

HOH was discovered to be Kantha Souvannarath thanks to the folks over at Kiwi Farms. Horse News got wind of the fact that she was a brony and published a piece on it.

Just the thought that some one from this site and the fandom has the balls to even attempt such a thing is surreal. I only seen HOH a little in my early KYM days. I would have not suspected her for that kind of person, I thought she would be a /pol/ troll at worse, based on the posts I last remembered seeing.

Like seriously, this is making me trip a little.

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 08:22AM EST

well that's…..interesting

but how do you know that i'm not killing right now?

how do you know that any kym user has dark secrets?

I was pretty startled when I found out HackerOnHacker, a user I had known and chatted with planned to shoot up a place that my friends and loved ones worked and visited. If they had succeeded I'd be a wreck.

I didn't think any KYM irl story could be more fucked up than the Jack Candle story but this one takes the cake.

Also lol that the fact she was a brony is in the title but not that she was a neo-nazi

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 08:41AM EST

Also lol that the fact she was a brony is in the title but not that she was a neo-nazi

Yeah I'm just gonna go fix that lol.

Brony and neo-nazi is the most bizarre and unlikely combination of a person. expecially considering its a show about love and tolerance.

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 09:15AM EST

Celestia Ludenburg wrote:

Brony and neo-nazi is the most bizarre and unlikely combination of a person. expecially considering its a show about love and tolerance.

The internet never fails to amaze/cringe

I've always wondered if anyone on this site (even if this person was an oldfag who deactivated) would do some crazy shit like this.

Spider-Byte wrote:

Love and tolerate my fucking ass, not even their own kind can do that.

"So there you have it. If you take only one thing away from this, it's that criminals come in every shape size and background" – horse news

TillsterRulz wrote:

I've always wondered if anyone on this site (even if this person was an oldfag who deactivated) would do some crazy shit like this.

I was thinking that myself a while ago actually, and then thought "surely I can't be the only one thinking this..?"

I just never expected it to actually happen.

not that it matters a lot and it's certainly not the main point here, but what's startling me is not the nazi-brony mix, but the fact that she's not "white".
she'd be trash in the eyes of the nazis and their allies.
the white power movement, or any kind of racist ideology, is fucked up, but things get even more twisted when people who usually are the victims of those groups suddently consider themselves part of that movement.
the comments on the article are make me sick too though.

Dabiddo - Kun wrote:

not that it matters a lot and it's certainly not the main point here, but what's startling me is not the nazi-brony mix, but the fact that she's not "white".
she'd be trash in the eyes of the nazis and their allies.
the white power movement, or any kind of racist ideology, is fucked up, but things get even more twisted when people who usually are the victims of those groups suddently consider themselves part of that movement.
the comments on the article are make me sick too though.

The Daily Mail son. The UKs first stop for racism and jingoism. But that's a good point on the whole 'not white' thing.

I find it odd that the Daily Mail is the newspaper with all the info on this, and not, you know, an American one. Unless they're a global paper and I just didn't realise.

So, do you think KYM might end up being told to dig up info on her account here for investigation?

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 10:16AM EST

Doh-ho-ho! This is rich!

>sees this isn't posted in /riff-raff/

Wow. I can't even. HOH was seriously planning this?

Her website is still showing new updates. Police said that she had pre-programmed online messages before she was due to carry out the attacks and ultimately kill herself.

Lindsay had several accomplices, one of whom committed suicide before he could be taken into police custody.

Holy shit. I wonder if there were more of them among us. o.O

Captain Blubber wrote:

I was pretty startled when I found out HackerOnHacker, a user I had known and chatted with planned to shoot up a place that my friends and loved ones worked and visited. If they had succeeded I'd be a wreck.

I didn't think any KYM irl story could be more fucked up than the Jack Candle story but this one takes the cake.

Also lol that the fact she was a brony is in the title but not that she was a neo-nazi

What exactly was the Jack Candle story? I'd rather get a summary than look it up myself.

I remember we were talking about her on the IRC one day, when Muffinlicious mentioned to us that she apparently supported anti semitism. We spent maybe 30 minutes looking for proof of this (I believe it may have been in one of the cam whore threads), but we found it inconclusive and went on with our day.

So Muffinlicious was right for once.

Jack Candle is a very nice guy, and I don't think he would want it out himself. Lets keep it at his girlfriend was a massive bitch and manipulated him to do some really fucking weird stuff.

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 10:31AM EST

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

One of her last post was in a holocaust thread:

I’ll still lurk from time to time but feel very little motivation to post because the Emperor’s been overloading me with quests.

But it’s HoHlocaust time now.

Wait. Who is this "Emperor"?

It's like a "spiritual successor to Nazi Germany" thing. Which is an actual quote btw.

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 11:01AM EST

What the fuck HackerOnHacker?
Behind your photos of a girl who kinda liked to dress as Carmen Sandiego, there was this?
I mean, yeah, I was there when she shared links to her "nazi-themed drawings" from Deviant Art but I didn't think much of it at the time. She wasn't a bad artist and I also thought that the "nazi" thing was just an inspiration to her art and nothing else. I also thought it was just some kind of trend actually.
I'm as appalled as Blubber right now.

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 11:50AM EST

RandomMan wrote:

It's like a "spiritual successor to Nazi Germany" thing. Which is an actual quote btw.

Oh gawd. Makes you wonder how far back this goes. That post was made 2 years ago, so was this in the works for over 2 years?

Also, I just realized their target was Canada. Why Canada? If you're a white supremacist, wouldn't your target be somewhere more racially diverse?

This whole thing is super weird. Maybe it's just the naivety in me coming out. I'm pretty bad about judging people's character. :/

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 11:28AM EST

Precious Roy wrote:

What exactly was the Jack Candle story? I'd rather get a summary than look it up myself.

if you wanna know you gotta ask the irc, because we're not allowed to talk about it outside irc.

TripleA9000 wrote:

Taken from her tumblr page

You're fucking serious about this, aren't you?

[looks at page]

YEP. You're serious. [sigh] Goddammit, HoH. If this shit gets to national news outlets, you just know GOP fuckbags are going to blame KYM and MLP for it. I hope she gets help, but god fucking dammit.

Jersey Jimmy wrote:

You're fucking serious about this, aren't you?

[looks at page]

YEP. You're serious. [sigh] Goddammit, HoH. If this shit gets to national news outlets, you just know GOP fuckbags are going to blame KYM and MLP for it. I hope she gets help, but god fucking dammit.

There's no such thing as bad publicity. National news attention = more users. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 11:58AM EST

TripleA9000 wrote:

if you wanna know you gotta ask the irc, because we're not allowed to talk about it outside irc.

Ok, just asked up on it. Turns out I knew what it was but didn't realize it was Jack Candle who it was associated with.

This is all kinds of fucked up.

On one hand, I'm glad that she got arrested before she could do any harm, and I hope she gets help.

However, I know that the second people find out that she was a brony and used to frequent KYM, there's going to be scumbags and soccer moms using memes and ponies as a scapegoat for Neo-Nazism and mass murder.

Celestia Ludenburg wrote:

I hope she gets some mental help

My first post was pretty poorly worded because I woke up in the morning (I was meant to say something more along the lines of Shockwaves first post) and I was being an asshole. I agree with Shockwave. There is obviously something up in her to drive her to do that.

Good thing no one here came here to demonize her.

TripleA9000 wrote:

Taken from her tumblr page

You see this Red Flag?
Well, that Red Flag isn't big enough of a red flag to represent how much of a big-ass motherfucking red flag this shit was.

Also, apparently Riff-Raff threads are coming to life in the real world. I expect the Apocalypse shortly.

It's so surreal when you find out that someone in your online community was actually a nazi plotting mass murders irl. I guess it goes to show that people drawn to these sorts of ideologies can exist in any community.

Jersey Jimmy wrote:

You're fucking serious about this, aren't you?

[looks at page]

YEP. You're serious. [sigh] Goddammit, HoH. If this shit gets to national news outlets, you just know GOP fuckbags are going to blame KYM and MLP for it. I hope she gets help, but god fucking dammit.

Who is worse though: A news outlet that might link this to MLP in your very vague and unlikely scenario, or you who decides to use a planned mass murder as a perfect opportunity to shoehorn his opinion on the GOP again?

So to quote you, Jimmy: You're fucking serious about this, aren't you?

Fucking opportunists.

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 03:24PM EST

Oh hey look, somebody posted their Riff Raff thread in General, time to go mo-

Dear God… and up to this point I had brushed HoH off as some dork apart of an ironic fandom. I wasn't a member for very long when she left, so my memories of her are pretty vague and probably why I wrote her off as one. This is just… WELP.

Last edited Feb 20, 2015 at 03:35PM EST

why am i still here wrote:

@Jimmy Lethal and Fedorable Neckbeard

I highly doubt that Mainstream News would mention KYM if they report this.

My bet is on video games. Doesn't matter what it is or how much she played if at all, someone will find a way to blame video games because that's what I always hear.

I spoke to her only a few times. I honestly thought the whole Nazi persona was only irony for the sake of making people mad.

I guess not.


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