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[General] GotFunnyPictures sexuality and gender identity survey

Last posted Apr 01, 2015 at 01:56AM EDT. Added Jan 22, 2015 at 06:52AM EST
150 posts from 106 users

The following spoiler contains my current data. Please check to see if your username is in there before you post. A lot of the users have been categorized based on secondary sources, so feel free to issue a correction if your information is incorrect.

UPDATE: due to the size of the list exceeding the forum character limit, it has been moved to Google Docs. Link below:

KYM Forums and IRC users sexuality and gender identity list V2.0 (compiled January 22nd 2015)

The majority of the data collected so far has been on IRC frequents, which means that a huge portion of the forums has not been covered. If your name is not in there, and you would like to participate in this survey, please leave a post summarizing your sexuality and gender identity.

I will add new participants to the list for a while. Once some time has passed (no more than a month at the most) I will post an updated list, alongside some diagrams visualizing information such as the proportions of sexuality and gender identity.

Numbers are beautiful.

Last edited Jan 23, 2015 at 05:33AM EST

You know, I didn't expect so many non-straight or non-cis people, since I only know one lesbian person and one transgender person, and those are the only ones I've known.

And I honestly didn't know you can indentify as agender.

Anyway, you can add me as a boring straight, cis person if you want more data.

Look at all those cis people including myself! This website is officially scum approved [stamps]

Anyway I identify as Bi more than Pan. But since gender is nothing more than a design flair to me and I really don't discriminate, I suppose I can count as Pan anyway. Might as well leave me there

Tumblr User Celestia would be all alone in that bracket otherwise. Can't have that

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 08:19AM EST

Philip J. Fry wrote:

I visit IRC almost every other day. Why do people always forget me? ;_;

Bisexual cisgender.

I compiled the IRC’s data in under twelve hours, so only people who were online at the time were surveyed.

A surprising number of bisexuals here, by the way. A possible explanation for this is that bisexuality has only recently (compared to homosexuality) been recognized by society; the internet has been at the cutting edge of this, meaning that internet surveys tend to include fewer people choosing within the false dichotomy of straight vs gay.

What surprised me is that all the transgender and/or transexual people here are MtF….. But then again there are only 3 known transgender people so far.

Also, is it strange to say that I was worried that there wouldn't be a Pansexual section?

DCS WORLD wrote:

In my school people show off being gay when they are actually pretending.


What exactly would privy you to the information that they're all faking it? Is there something that you'd like to tell us?

As for me, I'm just a normal guy who has a penis. And… straight, I guess.

Also, I just gotta get something off my chest. "Pan-" is a Greek root meaning "all", so when you combine that with "-sexual"…
I'm just saying, unless you want to fuck monkeys, rats, and toilet paper rolls, it's probably at least a bit of a misnomer.

0.9999...=1 wrote:

What exactly would privy you to the information that they're all faking it? Is there something that you'd like to tell us?

As for me, I'm just a normal guy who has a penis. And… straight, I guess.

Also, I just gotta get something off my chest. "Pan-" is a Greek root meaning "all", so when you combine that with "-sexual"…
I'm just saying, unless you want to fuck monkeys, rats, and toilet paper rolls, it's probably at least a bit of a misnomer.

By your logic, all heterosexuals (hetero-, different) would be willing to have sex with anything as long as it's not themselves. Homosexuals (homo-, same) would only have sex with themselves or clones of themselves (although the latter goes into philosophical territory).

The assumption here is that the prefix should be viewed in a vacuum with no regard for social context, which obviously isn't the case.

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 05:46PM EST

Particle Mare wrote:

By your logic, all heterosexuals (hetero-, different) would be willing to have sex with anything as long as it's not themselves. Homosexuals (homo-, same) would only have sex with themselves or clones of themselves (although the latter goes into philosophical territory).

The assumption here is that the prefix should be viewed in a vacuum with no regard for social context, which obviously isn't the case.


Natsuru Springfield wrote:

Oh, just allowed edits to the OP post so you can update this, Particle.

Thank you very much. I'll give it a day or so, and then I'll add everyone who has responded up until that point.


Honest mistake. It's a frequent objection to the term "pansexual", though, so I may as well leave it there as an FYI for everyone else.

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 05:51PM EST

By your logic, all heterosexuals (hetero-, different) would be willing to have sex with anything as long as it’s not themselves.

I have sex with myself on a regular basis, AND I'm a ginger, thus I must be a flaming homosexual. :^)

So guys, even though this thread was created with the purpose of being a list, you can go ahead and discuss and stuff. Like I see lots of you guys aren't very sure about who you like or who you are. Go ahead and ask anything you want in this thread. If you feel it's too private, feel free to PM me, I don't really care. Helping people is what I do. Just know that I'm not a very good source when it comes to experience on gayness. I've just liked what I do my entire life. I'm more qualified to help you guys on trans-related things since I have experience with that. Posting in the thread is preferred since you can get answers from everyone and different perspectives.

By the way, this list is super surprising to me. Like I had no clue about lots of these things. Some people are super obvious with their sexualities but many people I interact with a lot I had no clue went a certain way, probably just because they never bother to bring it up.

By the way, this list is super surprising to me. Like I had no clue about lots of these things. Some people are super obvious with their sexualities but many people I interact with a lot I had no clue went a certain way, probably just because they never bother to bring it up.

I've had the LGBT badge on my profile for a few days, but I was afraid to actually say I was pansexual because I was afraid I would be called a hipster bisexual or special snowflake or something…. Seeing that there was a section for it on this list and that there were members on it took that away though. :D

Edit: Every time I try to use the blockqoutes it decides it doesn't want to work correctly…. Bah!

Mod Edit: To get Blockquotes to work, leave an Enter between the code and your quote.
Edit Again: And spell blockquote right.

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 09:44PM EST

Cecaelia Girlie wrote:

By the way, this list is super surprising to me. Like I had no clue about lots of these things. Some people are super obvious with their sexualities but many people I interact with a lot I had no clue went a certain way, probably just because they never bother to bring it up.

I've had the LGBT badge on my profile for a few days, but I was afraid to actually say I was pansexual because I was afraid I would be called a hipster bisexual or special snowflake or something…. Seeing that there was a section for it on this list and that there were members on it took that away though. :D

Edit: Every time I try to use the blockqoutes it decides it doesn't want to work correctly…. Bah!

Mod Edit: To get Blockquotes to work, leave an Enter between the code and your quote.
Edit Again: And spell blockquote right.

< blockquote > blah blah blah (no spaces or periods) < blockquote >

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 09:35PM EST

Cecaelia Girlie wrote:

By the way, this list is super surprising to me. Like I had no clue about lots of these things. Some people are super obvious with their sexualities but many people I interact with a lot I had no clue went a certain way, probably just because they never bother to bring it up.

I've had the LGBT badge on my profile for a few days, but I was afraid to actually say I was pansexual because I was afraid I would be called a hipster bisexual or special snowflake or something…. Seeing that there was a section for it on this list and that there were members on it took that away though. :D

Edit: Every time I try to use the blockqoutes it decides it doesn't want to work correctly…. Bah!

Mod Edit: To get Blockquotes to work, leave an Enter between the code and your quote.
Edit Again: And spell blockquote right.

Yeah, I can understand your fear to some degree, mainly because of the way the comments on this site are, considering how extremely anti-SJW or anything having to do with SJWs. Here on the forums you're pretty safe though. Just keep that in mind for future reference.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Yeah, I can understand your fear to some degree, mainly because of the way the comments on this site are, considering how extremely anti-SJW or anything having to do with SJWs. Here on the forums you're pretty safe though. Just keep that in mind for future reference.

Oh good. At best I was thinking I was gonna be bombarded with questions like "r u attracted to pans urself? :o" if I were to come out; this reality is much better. XD

I'm a <a href=""'>DUUUUDEsexual and is PartyVan-gendered :^)

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 09:53PM EST


A surprising number of bisexuals here, by the way. A possible explanation for this is that bisexuality has only recently (compared to homosexuality) been recognized by society; the internet has been at the cutting edge of this, meaning that internet surveys tend to include fewer people choosing within the false dichotomy of straight vs gay.

I think Bisexuality has always been more common than the world realizes, more common than even bisexuals themselves realize

It's easy to be bisexual and not know it. You might be able to do both genders, but if you pick one and ignore the other…how would you know?

A good obscuring factor is how being Bisexual does not entail a perfect balance of interest in both genders. EG: You might be more into the opposite sex than the other and thus assume you must be straight without ever trying some gay.

This happens surprisingly a lot. In fact it is what happened to me

I didn't accept that I was Bi until I actually tried the same sex and discovered how decidedly not-straight I really was, before that point I would have answered every poll and survey with "straight". I think this remains true for many bisexuals who still don't know how Bi they are

This trivialization has caused Bisexuality to go ignored for a very long time. Even today, some people don't accept that it exists

However, more and more people are beginning to understand that sexuality is far from black and white. Instead it is very fluid and dynamic to the point where there could be a bit of Bi in everyone

With places like Tumblr making the expansiveness of sexuality very clear, of course the internet would be the first place to come to terms with that

Last edited Jan 22, 2015 at 09:57PM EST

Alright, my last comment about the term "pansexual" wasn't really serious, but now I will be, especially with a couple more people using that as a personal lable.
What exactly do you guys think that word implies that "bisexual" doesn't anyway? Based on my understanding of the latter, it's functionally useless as it's esentially a synonym. My best guess is that "pansexual" includes the attraction to transgendered people. However, where does the assumption come from that "bisexual" isn't supposed to? Is there another classification I haven't heard of that's within the realm of sanity?


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