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Marvel is canceling multiple comic books.

Last posted Dec 31, 2017 at 09:55PM EST. Added Dec 22, 2017 at 03:53PM EST
16 posts from 10 users

It's no secret that marvel comic books aren't selling well, but apparently they're starting to cancel the poor selling ones. The thing is about comic books is that in order to break even they need to sell at least 30kā€¦. Considering how many comic books sell less than that I wouldn't be surprised if we see even more cancellations next year.

Even Gwenpool is getting cancelled.

This is what happens when you have no restraint. I mean seriously they didnt hold back trying the most bizarre gimmics, changes, appeal to sjw, etc. After a while your audience is just annoyed and leaves. They can still recover ( their movies have great success) they just really need to stop with this fellow kids shit.

NO! wrote:

This is what happens when you have no restraint. I mean seriously they didnt hold back trying the most bizarre gimmics, changes, appeal to sjw, etc. After a while your audience is just annoyed and leaves. They can still recover ( their movies have great success) they just really need to stop with this fellow kids shit.

I really hope they already are when deciding the cancellation.

This doesn't surprise. The comic industry in both sides of the DC/Marvel coin has periods of time where they fail HARD and start to re-do things

Before 2013, it was DC that was shitting the bed BADLY with the New 52 universe, and now it's Marvel with the current state of pandering they're constantly trying to do

Hopefully, this means they know people are reacting negatively so they dial back a bit with the pandering.

All they need is to get rid of Jane Foster Thor and America Chavez. Give new writers to Ms.Marvel, Captain Marvel and Squirrel Girl, and stop making events with the rest of their rosters and let the characters fucking breath on their own comics.


Surely adding more lgbt people would fix this? Are there many trans superheroes? I don't read comic books so I don't know.

I hope you're being sarcastic.

Marvels problem has been that it's comics are bloated. They have multiple different issues for the same character, all dividing the fanbases attention and forcing them to ration their funds. They've basically flooded their own market into over saturation. So maybe thinning some issues will help them consolidate their readership.

YourHigherBrainFunctions wrote:

It's no secret that marvel comic books aren't selling well, but apparently they're starting to cancel the poor selling ones. The thing is about comic books is that in order to break even they need to sell at least 30kā€¦. Considering how many comic books sell less than that I wouldn't be surprised if we see even more cancellations next year.

Even Gwenpool is getting cancelled.

Gwenpool is gettingā€¦ cancelled?

But Gwenpool is one of the few good comics they've made. Why would you cancel it instead of one of the 38 different Avenger spinoffs?

Are they really going to be foolish enough to double down on movie comics and get rid of their original content? Because that would be corporate suicide, considering they're trying to boost up their comic book readership. Who have become extremely tired of comic book event after comic book event, and so building your business on the foundation of "Moar Events" and removing original content from your line up is going to be a recipe for disaster.

Last edited Dec 23, 2017 at 07:21PM EST

YourHigherBrainFunctions wrote:

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if the Marvel comic books have a soft reboot.

With an Infinity Event happening to tie into the films, I wouldn't be surprised either. Sigh, it's the nature of comics but it never quite stops being irritating, does it?

Honestly I am overall happy about this hopefully learn that pandering to people who don't buy your stuff is a bad idea. It is always pretty funny to see the people push this stuff the most suddenly shocked that it isn't selling well. Shame gwenpool got caught into the crossfire though.

Do we have a list of what's getting cancelled yet?

I mean, tbh, other than serious fans, who is really buying comics? The whole industry is bloated with literally ever movie, tv show, game, and book getting a comic, it's an expensive hobby in the long run, and there are so many companies other than Marvel. It leaves long time fans frustrated at changes and re-boots every three months, and greatly intimidates newcomers with the amount of material and story lines they need to know.

Which begs the question, would this batch of cancellation really make a difference?

Since 2014 Marvel has been cancelling and creating new books/runs just to get a big boost in sales via the first issues. This practice was pretty much why Marvel keep having these ā€œchange in status quoā€ by relauching their books (Marvel NOW, ANAD Marvel, Marvel Legacy) as people would definitely buy the first issue of a new run.

And this is not going into mentioning the fact that alot of comic readers have been either reading comics for free on the internet through free comics sites or torrents; as well as buying through trades rather than the actual issues (which is pretty much where the idea of Marvel marketing to young girls came about as they make up most of the trade sales via Ms. Marvel, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur and Spider-Gwen).

Though looking at the list it cancelled America which I didnā€™t really care for, but also cancelled books like Gwenpool, Luke Cage, Iceman, She Hulk (I think that comic is cut), Hawkeye and Generation X (books that I actually like). And this is not even mentioning the fact that they cancelled Al Ewings books US Avengers and The Ultimates which were the best comics to come out of ANAD Marvel. So I have to say this isnā€™t really a good thing overall as pretty much Marvel are still making the same mistakes in the past.

They so far seem to be cutting the low selling comics, with a few exceptions. I think papa disney got mega pissed that Marvel Comics is wasting their money.

YourHigherBrainFunctions wrote:

They so far seem to be cutting the low selling comics, with a few exceptions. I think papa disney got mega pissed that Marvel Comics is wasting their money.

Yeah, that does makes sense considering the quantity of books Marvel has been producing lately. Which kind of sucks as a lot of the books I am currently reading are now gone. Hell, they are cancelling Guardians of the Galaxy just when it got started in its Marvel Legacy run.


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