GotFunnyPictures Editorials

News, research, and dispatches from our editorial staff.

Monthly Review: May 2011

Monthly Review: May 2011

This month's highlights: Osama bin Laden's death, UK Royal Wedding, Forever Alone flashmob, Planking, May 21st Rapture Hoax and more!


Visual Analysis: Bodies on the Floor!

Visual Analysis: Bodies on the Floor!

According to Google Images data, Australia's latest craze "planking" is the most popular photo meme that involves people lying on the floor, surpassing Lying Down Game (UK) and Playing Dead (S. Korea).


So Bad It's Good

So Bad It's Good

Sometimes we find a piece of content entertaining because of its amazing production value, exceptional writing, or spectacular performances. These are the recipients of Oscars, Grammys, and other distinguished awards reserved for what we consider quality works of art. But entertainment is mired in complexity, and sometimes we find amusement in what is obviously a horrid creation.


Retrospect: OBL in the Media

Retrospect: OBL in the Media

As a both political and fundamental religious figure whose radical messages were broadcast around the world, Osama bin Laden certainly made himself an easy target for mockeries online as well as parodies and satires in pop culture.

Take a brief look at how Osama bin Laden has been portrayed in the Western media and on the web.


Q&A with Ned Hepburn (Origin of F Yeah Tumblrs)

Q&A with Ned Hepburn (Origin of F Yeah Tumblrs)

If you use Tumblr to any extent, you're no doubt aware of the large number of blog subdomains that begin with "F Yeah."

I caught up with Ned Hepburn, the creator of the very first "F**k Yea Shark" to see if we could pinpoint why it has become such a success.


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