The Best of "Lord Farquaad / Markiplier E" Memes | GotFunnyPictures
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The Best of "Lord Farquaad / Markiplier E" Memes

The Best of "Lord Farquaad / Markiplier E" Memes
The Best of "Lord Farquaad / Markiplier E" Memes
By Adam Downer

Published 6 years ago

Published 6 years ago

Earlier this year, a deep-fried image of the Let's Player Markiplier photoshopped onto the face of Lord Farquaad from Shrek captioned "E" appeared online. It was a perfect cocktail of surreal shitpost signifiers, combining YouTube culture, Shrek, gross filters, and the ultimate nonsensical text. In April, it spread like a mind virus infecting the meme subreddits, and eventually the meme reached its zenith when PewDiePie reviewed it (using many images culled from the KnowYourMeme gallery, thank you Felix).

Here are some of the staff's favorite examples of this brain-melting meme.

Memes Then, Memes Now

(Source: Reddit)

Get It?

(Source: Reddit)

Subtle, but Effective

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

It Is Maths

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

As Shakespeare Once Wrote…

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

Doki Doki Markiplier Club

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

Lord ThanEs

(Source: Tumblr)


(Source: KnowYourMeme)

Enternet Explorer

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

Hey bEter

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

Today's Episode Is Sponsored By E

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

Putting Descartes Before the Horse

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

And Then E Became M

(Source: Reddit)

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