Twitch Streamer 'Girlfriend Reviews' Harassed And Bullied To Tears For Streaming 'Hogwarts Legacy' - Comment #6,108,125

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in reply to H-BOMB

1) who's "them"?
2) you know slippery slopes are notorious logical fallacies, right?
3) who's "taking away your game"? you're totally free to play hogwarts legacy if you want to, but people are also free to call you a bad person for doing it – "they" get free speech too, ya know.
4) what "things with much greater importance" specifically? can you name a few, or is this just ominous vagueness to drum up some kind of fear?


in reply to newintown

1. Left wing progressives
2. I have given an example of why this isn't a fallacy as it has already progressed to a point "they" (see point 1) claimed they wouldn't reach
3. Are you familiar with cancel culture? combine that with people willing to seriously harass someone online to the point they will call them ists by association and you get people being fired for playing Hogwarts legacy
4. I am not a prophet so no I can't name a few but should we wait until the issue is serious to stop it or realize it could progress to that point and nip it in the bud now


in reply to H-BOMB

1. What power do "left wing progressives" have over you? Seriously. Are they the majority in congress? Are they in the presidency? Are they… in ANY seat of power? What power over you do they have, seriously?
2. It HASN'T progressed to the point you've said. You claimed that you're not allowed to play the game. That's entirely untrue. Seriously, go buy the game and play it. Nobody's gonna stop you. The Stasi isn't gonna kick down your door. You've created this fantasy where you're the victim of some mass leftist queer conspiracy, and that's just not real life. And on top of this all, "slippery slope" arguments ARE a logical fallacy. I'm serious, as someone who studies logic for work.
3. Who's gotten fired for playing Hogwarts legacy? Can you give me an example? Can you even give me an example of something SIMILAR?
4. "No, there's no evidence, but there MIGHT be evidence in the future, and that's enough for me to proactively censor the opinions of an entire group of people" wow, that sounds like cancel culture to me…


in reply to newintown

1. Again as I said before are you familiar with cancel culture? That is the power they have the ability to get you fired from your Job because you upset them.
2.I refer back to my first point If the consequences for playing this game are you get fired will you want to risk playing it?
3.Bodega Bro. guy moved to the city as part of a new Job and complained about the Bodega's they have there and how they are inferior to other grocery stores/supermarkets and posted this online it gained traction and left wing progressives picked up on it and he got dropped from the position he had moved for.
4. I'm not saying there is a lack of evidence we have evidence of cancel culture already what I was saying was I can't name specific things they will go after because it could literally be anything. Someone was called racist because of the hair they gave their animal crossing character for fucks sake


in reply to H-BOMB

1. And I said, again, examples?? Is this actually a real thing that happens in real life, or are you just internet poisoned?? And I don't mean your average "Waaah I was CANCELLED!!" FOX news media tour, I mean serious evidence that this is an actual issue, that it happens enough to be a major concern.
2. See above.
3. Your problem isn't with people going to companies asking to get employees fired for whatever. Your problem is that the companies DO it. Which means your issue isn't with "the woke left mob," your issue is with the profit motive. Companies are always gonna fire people rather than risk a dip in profits, it's just basic capitalism. Your problem is that companies value profit over everything else. Welcome to the real world, where capital rules over everything else, not "the woke mob" or "the tr*nnies" or "the jews" or "the (((globalists)))." it's all class antagonism, always has been.
4. Okay? And I get called a socialist for saying we should have universal health care, a groomer for saying kids should have access to puberty blockers, and a Critical Race Theorist for saying that race shapes your life in the United States. Politics is always going to be filled with false accusations, and if you can't handle that, then don't say anything that could be considered political.


in reply to newintown

1. I'll give you another recent example Lauren southern's parents were recently banned from AirBnB, so now you don't even need to have committed the thought crime you can just be related to the person (This is a punishment imposed by North Korea btw) now granted it's AirBnB they didnt lose much sleep over it but what if it had been the supermarket they shopped at or the pharmacy they got their medication at?
2. 2 and 2 have kinda merged now so dont really need to say anything here
3. your solution to cancel culture is to treat a symptom and not the cause. News flash Einstein, corps wouldn't give in to the demands IF THERE WERE NO DEMANDS!!!
4. Again if it was just name calling we wouldn't have an issue but people are getting fired because of this meaning no income, no means to purchase necessities like food medicine or rent, no livelihood eventually means no life.


in reply to H-BOMB

1. I'm sure they were banned for reasons other than being related to Lauren Southern, especially given that I'm assuming SHE herself isn't banned from airbnb, no??
3. Corporations seeking profit at the expense of everything else is a symptom of cancel culture?? Are you high on crack?? Are you reading what you write before you send it?? "Corps wouldn't give into demands if there were no demands," so you're gonna tell people to… stop wanting things?? what about conservatives?? they "cancelled" m&m's because of sexy shoes and "feminist wrappers" or whatever. is that unjust as well, or is it just when the left has a problem with some type of consumption that it's unjust and wicked and evil??
4a. This sounds, again, like your problem is with capitalism. Getting fired from a job is only such a big deal because we tie the means of subsistence to money, we extort people for their necessities like food medicine and rent.
4b. You've mentioned precisely one person who was fired from their job, and I'm just supposed to ASSUME that this is some mass epidemic of the woke mob getting people canned for innocuous stuff. If you want to make a point, do it with evidence in hand.


in reply to newintown

1. No genuinely they were banned because they were related to her it states as much in the email they received.

3. No I'm going to tell left wing progressives to stop trying to get a person fired because they said something that person didn't like. Please try and take my arguments with a modicum of good faith.
Also seriously M&Ms was cancelled I guess the pack of them I ate yesterday was imaginary was it? Conservatives do not have the power or the want to cancel things can you actually name a single person that was cancelled (as in an individual whose livelihood was affected because of an unpopular belief or opinion) by the right?


in reply to newintown

4A. People aren't extorted because they need to buy food medicine and rent. People grow the food, build the houses and make the medicines they deserve to be compensated for their work. If you remove the need to pay for these things the only extorting going on will be to the people who produce the necessary goods.

4B. I'm sorry but if you've been on the internet since 2016 and don't believe in cancel culture you may have a vision problem or your domicile is comprised of sedimentary material. Either way I can't help you. But here's a video that might be able to shed some light on the situation.


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