The Latest Tactic In Anti-'Hogwarts Legacy' Campaign Is Rampant Spoiler-posting - Comment #6,107,953

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in reply to WeenieMan3

Well, in the U.S. we live under a two party system, and the leading presidential candidate for the conservative party has said that when he wins in 2024 he will use emergency power to bypass the other branches of the federal government and all state governments to begin the mass arrests of every doctor, teacher, and advocacy group that supports trans people.

So "ongoing" not exactly, imminent, possibly.


in reply to go8briel

Genocide: Violent attacks with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.

Ethnicity: A grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups.

By definition it was a genocide, and what Trump is proposing is also genocide.


in reply to SSmotzer

Regarding ethnicity, Touché.

The part about "mass arrests of every doctor, teacher, and advocacy group that supports trans people" is just misleading though. I'm guessing it's about preventing people from getting HRT or surgeries, which isn't genocide in the slightest. Considering how easy it is for someone to get any of these and permanently ruin their life, (if they regret getting HRT or surgery), that's just a precaution, and a good one at that. Besides, can't you be trans without being on HRT or getting surgery? It won't be prohibited to identify as trans even if they were to be a bit stricter on who could get access to these things.


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