The Latest Tactic In Anti-'Hogwarts Legacy' Campaign Is Rampant Spoiler-posting - Comment #6,107,758

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Regardless of the effectiveness of this campaign, I can't really blame the LGBT and their allies. They have a vested interest in disrupting sales. For every copy of the game sold, more money is given to Rowling who in turn has made clear her intentions of spending it on anti-LGBT laws and policies. It can be hard when people care more about a video game than you're safety and wellbeing.


in reply to Sumarios

Respectfully, that seems like hyperbole. The fact that Rowling gets paid royalties for every sale of this game is incontrovertible. The fact that Rowling actively funds anti-LGBTQ political activity is incontrovertible. The fact that anti-LGBTQ politicians want to strip trans people of their freedoms, resources, and legal status is incontrovertible. So for many innocent people, this is a literal existential threat. Regardless of your worldview or personal beliefs, surely you can recognize that these are legitimate concerns?


in reply to A

True, but she only started to actively oppose trans people after she received hundreds of death threats from trans people. I think that the escalation to where she is now could have been avoided…


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