Twitch Streamer 'Girlfriend Reviews' Harassed And Bullied To Tears For Streaming 'Hogwarts Legacy' - Comment #6,107,606

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>Bot nets and sock puppets harass someone
>TERFs are infamous for using bot nets and sock-puppets to harass people (typically trans people)
>This all makes trans people look pretty bad
>TERFs want to make trans people look pretty bad
>Would they really false flag trans people?
>The "Adele controversy" was started with a tweet from a fake trans woman account, run by a TERF
I dunno guys, call me a tin hat, but this is wayyyy too fishy to be just random disgruntled trans people.

Görktürks are furries
Görktürks are furries

in reply to newintown

>this is wayyyy too fishy to be just random disgruntled trans people.
I think you underestimate just how spiteful they can be. Hell, just look at how the whole rowling terf controversy came to be. it started with an innocuous tweet that amounted to "firing someone for stating sex is real is wrong," and people just dogpiled on her for it. And they still haven't let up on it, like that one who wrote a book that features a trans character straight-up assassinating her, or the other one who rebinds harry potter books solely to remove her name from them. saying that they wouldn't be that petty is simply giving them too much credit.


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