Kanye West Unironically Declares Hitler 'Had Good Qualities' And That He 'Likes Him' On Viral Episode Of InfoWars - Comment #6,076,085

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I bet if you ask him which "good qualities" he will default to "he restored the German economy"… which is of course another dogwhistle.

Because to finance his economy he first disowned all the wealthy opposition and stole all their assets (mostly jews and pro democratic forces), and then later required the looting of other countries to keep it going which is one of the reasons he started WW2.

And then after the war broke out, the German economy was financed by becoming the largest slave nation in human history, employing more slaves in both absolute numbers and as a relative share of the population than any country prior.

"Hitler restored the economy" is the Nazi's way of agreeing with Hitler without having to specify the Holocaust, but the two are directly in correlation with one another!


in reply to Timey16

Remember that whenever someone tells you "if only Adolf Hitler had done X he would have beaten the Soviets".

Nazi Germany was running out of manpower and it's economy was built upon plundering others. It was in no way sustainable in the long term and his defeat was inevitable when Britain refused to make peace after the fall of France.


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