Report That Truth Social Is Down 93 Percent In Signups Causes Wave Of Schadenfreude On Twitter - Comment #5,956,329

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A Concerned Rifleman
A Concerned Rifleman

If you want to be a better Twitter, then just be a better Twitter, don't lean into this "free speech platform" horseshit. I legit think more people would sign up for your site if you rebranded and kept the political angle to a minimum. Have you seen the way Twitter is run? It can't be that hard to surpass them on quality.


in reply to A Concerned Rifleman

Even "Social Media but Better" is fraught with nonstarters like Diaspora. The main reason people stay on a social media site is that's where everyone else is. When an alternative gets made, either you get some early adopters who abandon it when no one else joins, or you get only the people who got booted from the main platform. Most people on Twitter agree it's a hellsite, but short of them banning porn, people will still keep going back to see their friend's tweets and get their daily dopamine hit.


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