Ubisoft And Guerrilla Developers Ratioed Into Going Private After Complaining That 'Elden Ring' Is So Beloved - Comment #5,942,386

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I always enjoy watching people stirring the pot when a new FromSoft title comes out. Lots of complaining about Sekiro being too hard, this time with Elden Ring probably being their easiest Soulsborne title it's amusing seeing people struggle to find reasons to hate it. Complaining about the UX just tickles me however, given how Elden Ring does a good job being simple but effective while many open world games boast a bloated UI.

In some ways I feel for these devs, who are probably told over and over they need to make their games more guided, more tutorials to ensure people always know how to play, try to achieve maximum accessibility, etc and yet are outshined by a game that doesn't seem to take heed to any of that. Granted that sympathy is lost once they start whining on twitter about it.


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