Joe Rogan's Use Of N-Word In Old Podcasts Prompts Massive Pushback And Deletion Of A Hundred Old Episodes - Comment #5,924,232

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Why are they going after Joe Rogan so hard, though? First the COVID thing, and now this. I've said this before; Joe is generally pretty humble about when he makes a mistake and does his best to own it. If you actually understand the context, his crime here and with the COVID nonsense really wasn't that bad, and he's been contrite about both of them. I'm not normally a conspiracy guy, but this is looking more and more like the powers that be seeing someone not playing by their rules and trying to put a stop to it.


in reply to Nymanator

Because he simply has become a center of attention and a lot of high rating (and high earning) artists have left Spotify because of it. Some artists just noticed him and then they acted be de-publishing their works from the platform.

He burned up billions of stock value. It's really that simple: he has become a liability for Spotify.


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