Spotify Unsurprisingly Chooses Joe Rogan Over Neil Young After Ultimatum, Eliciting Wide Range Of Reactions On Social Media - Comment #5,920,057

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in reply to KZN02

Nice strawman. That's not freedom of speech. But anyway, if people want to not wear seatbelts and die, the only person they're harming is themselves. However, it should still be illegal for a parent to not belt up their child--that would be harming another person. Why bother protecting stupid people from themselves? The world could do with a lot less idiots.


in reply to hexkeybushing

Then again, if there is a reason that seatbelts protect other people--say you have a mild impact and the seatbelt prevents you from flying out of the seat so you can regain control of the car before running over a pedestrian--then it is justifiable to make seatbelts the law. Again, it's all about whether you're hurting yourself or someone.

But again, that has nothing to do with freedom of speech.


in reply to hexkeybushing

Hmm, I guess I'll concede since in the case of seat belts, the internet wasn't prevalent at the time and there doesn't seem any instances of people being cancelled for speaking out against them, likely under the same reasoning you have that protesters probably died out over time.


in reply to KZN02

I would not want people to be cancelled for speaking out against seat belt laws, even though I disagree with their stance.

One of the most insidious mentalities in our society is the belief that the people need to be "protected" from information that we personally disagree with "for their own good". If you believe someone out there is publicly distributing incorrect information or even lying, it is your freedom to present a counterargument. It is the individual's responsibility to think for themselves, and if they believe in the lies then that is their own fault.


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