Did You Just Assume My Gender? - Comment #4,442,248

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in reply to Leonardough Purebread

AMA takes several actions supporting transgender patents

American Psychiatric association

AAP statement in support of transgender youths

WHO works with international and country partners to address the varied health needs of transgender people, including HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment while also supporting partners to address structural barriers which impact on service access by transgender people.

Here are a few of them. literally search the organization and add "transgender" to the end and you'll find sources for basically all of those organizations supporting transgender people.

And here is a source for a article that gives various examples showing that being transgender might be something you are born as and you have no control over it. Source

The greater aerie
The greater aerie

in reply to Basilius

I'd assume it's the primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
Having a womb, ovaries, being able to reproduce, the bone, muscle and build structure, the early childhood psychological development. Hormones, including the lack of natural steroids and the list is quite long.

It's not a hill one would want to die on, and i understand it causes a great deal of angst to individual transgenders who i have spoken to that they cannot preform specific actions or have some of these trait by virtue of their biology. Worse yet the amount of danger this puts them under, from what i understand the treatments can cause damage and reduce life expectancy.

And as much as i dislike his phrasing he is technically correct, at this level of technology itisn't possible to change the manifest reality that one's birth doesn't align with their sex. ( i am assuming you are referring to gender dysphoria and not a more insular defintion of trans gender. there are some who define it very vaguely and inside the psychological NEED to transition is not necessary to be transgender. Which to me caps the utility of the term).


in reply to The greater aerie

Primary and secondary sex characteristics aren't a perfect indicator. Women can be born without being able to reproduce, some without ovaries or a womb, others have them removed because of biological issues.

Bone, muscle, and build structure are encouraged by hormones but are largely limited to genetic factors. Plenty of women are built bigger and stronger than some males. Plenty of men and women are born with hormonal problems and need to take HRT to make their hormones correct for their gender.

Modern medical science has shown that the human body responds to sex hormones to know how it should act. Give a body more estrogen than testosterone and it doesn't matter if its a male or female, their body will go "oh Girl now" and vise versa for testosterone. Many Transgender women report getting symptoms similar to periods on a monthly basis, just like cis women, after starting HRT (post or pre-op). The body reacts to the hormones to know how to function even if the parts are missing.

The greater aerie
The greater aerie

in reply to Basilius

When i brought up the p+s it was that while you will have anomalous persons born without or with issues regarding them, as a trend, you will have enough of them in a person. I think this is fixating on outliers. Generally there are enough traits that if dont fall out of it if you fall to have certian aspects of that sex.

Now i wasnt talking about strength necessarily either, with bone and muscles, i was thinking pelvic shape, wrist shape, etc. I dont know how much hrt has an effect devolping bodies in that regard, but where we get more confused is in psychological devoplement. From what i understand devoplementally girls display better linguistic skills the boyes and faster devolpment. And it might be intresting thouh unethical to test the hormonal effects on it. And since we are on that risk of brain damage, blood clots, etc in mtf is that universal, age dependent, affecting ftm?


in reply to The greater aerie

They aren't outliers. In order for men to have an average build, half of men must be more feminine and the other half more masculine than the average. Just like women can have more masculine women and more feminine women compared to the average.

And regardless of outliers, if a woman is born without a functioning womb or ovaries no one says "Oh you don't have a functioning womb you aren't a woman." so why does it matter if transgender women have a vagina that isn't capable of reproduction?

Looking at brain scans of transgender MTF or FTM both show brain structure closer in line with their preferred sex over their biological sex.

And about increased health risks, I believe the current consensus is their health risks aren't increased any more than any Cisgender male taking hormones because he has low T or a cisgender woman taking E because her body isn't producing enough.


in reply to Molemanninethousand

"Openly spreading ignorant hate against a protected group who gets murdered, ostracized, threatened, disowned, imprisoned, executed, discriminated and harassed around the globe because of my shortsightedness, ignorance and retardation and not fucking sorry!"

The greater aerie
The greater aerie

in reply to Basilius

Thats spmething my sister has told me, the brain scan bit generally she isnt trustworthy so its good to have it from someone else

And the beain damage is good to know as i had said i wasnt sure if it was just mtf and not effcting others.

As per what makes a woman, couldnt tell you the line on transgender, its an intuitive one. Aside that it falls somewhere between those points


in reply to Jill

Perhaps "transphobic" was the wrong word for me to use as opposed to "anti-transgender", as in against the IDEA of transgender being a thing rather than hating, let alone actively harassing, people who espouse it. I'm pretty sure I've never personally attacked anyone over the issue, and if I ever did it was surely a long time ago when I was very immature.

Jill Moderator

in reply to Molemanninethousand

Have you just tried not being against the IDEA of transgender being a thing?
(That's also pretty much squarely within the definition of transphobic. If you think other races are abhorrent and wish they didn't exist, it doesn't make you "not racist" if you don't single out anyone person for harassment).

Jill Moderator

in reply to Molemanninethousand

Who is going to explain to molemann what neo-nazis are?

You openly labeled yourself as Transphobic person. When you realized that people judged you harshly for it, you tried to claim that you were not actually transphobic, while just making it more obvious you really are. My post was pointing out how your claim of how you're not transphobic, just against trans-people being a thing, makes about as much sense as saying you're not racist, just against other races being a thing.


in reply to Jill

The point of my self-correction "claim" as you put it was that I do not practice or accept transphobic targeted harassment and bullying. You and some of the other commenters replying here have seemed to take the term "transphobic" to indicate acceptance of such aforementioned outright antagonism, which was not my intention of how I used it.


in reply to Basilius

Because they fall into a genetic outlier the execption doesn't change the rule.

Like an easy example would be an athleteics, look at Fallon Fox a mtf athlete in MMA. You look at his fights always dominates his opponets but's not through high skill or anything dude looks a bit ameaturish he's just plowing thorugh most of them with just pure brute strength.

That's just to point out the physiological diffrences like men even post op are gonna be generally stronger than women.


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