To Be Fair, You Have To Have a Very High IQ to Understand Rick and Morty - Comment #4,027,245

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Being a cocktail of optimism and Christian beliefs, I obviously disagree with Nihilism, especially the type that has been butchered down to "life has no meaning, feel bad about it while I brag about how intellectually superior I am to you".

I am also a firm believer in cynicism not equating to intelligence, but this show doesn't seem to praise that line of thinking as shown with Rick, who while clearly being a genius, fails because of his arrogance. I have not seen anything from this show aside from a few clips and such, and what I saw made me laugh, even the more "anti-religious" jokes since they were clearly just jokes and not attacks on Christianity like the non-ironic fedora tipping Redditors would have you believe.

At least, that's how I see it anyway.

TL:DR= Don't be an elitist, please.

Have a nice day.


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