OKCupid - Comment #1,403,331

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winton overwat
winton overwat

I kinda agree with conservatives on that one.

I support gay rights, mind you. It just strikes me as something odd that everybody boycotted this man and ultimately made him lose his job because of his personal beliefs. That does sound a little discriminatory.

Now, let downvotes come. My body is ready.


in reply to winton overwat

This wasn't about personal beliefs.

It's about supporting illegal behavior, harming kids, putting the organization before himself, and being clueless how to lead an organization out of controversy.

Prop 8 was not just a bad law -- it was an illegal law. That says something about the sort of person Eich is, and the kind of trouble he could lead an organization into.

Prop 8 wasn't just a belief. It was intended (and as the trial proved, actually did) harm the children of same-sex families. Should a person who harms children be the public face of a browser?

Last, this controversy, while based on illegality and real harm to children, could have been addressed with a few kind words about the thousands and thousands of same-sex couples who are married, or want to be married. He couldn't even do that. His hatred of gay people overrides his dedication to Mozilla.

winton overwat
winton overwat

in reply to Jbourdeth

So, I take it that military intervertions are NEVER illegal? Or that war NEVER harms children? That Climate Change Denial isn’t going to backfire horribly within this century? That the Death Penalty, even when morally justified, does not destroy families?
I get that rg57’s point is about intentionally harming children. But, at least in my mind, the is no difference between that and knowing the consequenses and collateral damages associated with any action, while still approving and supporting said action.


in reply to winton overwat

As someone who also supports gay marriage I also agree. It needs to be noted that the difference between donating personal funds to a cause and donating corporate funds to a cause is massive in both concept and scale. Lots of employees of pretty much every company in the world donate personal money they earn providing their help to that company to causes they believe in; you can't possibly boycott all of them.

Mangy Black Sheep
Mangy Black Sheep

in reply to winton overwat

No, that's not discriminatory, those are just the consequences for your own actions. Freedom of Speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism. That's something conservatives love forget when they get criticized for their own idiotic behavior, claiming that they are being 'censored'. However, when ANYONE says or does ANYTHING they don't like, they would immediately to the hilltops that the person should be fired or should apologize. What happened to free speech, you fucking hypocrites? Also, the very idea of us having to tolerate intolerance is fucking stupid.


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