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Sleuth & Cataloger & Orator & Media Bus Boy

Location: Oklahoma

Joined May 22, 2014 at 06:43PM EDT


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Commented on PatrickBateman96's wall

I found my favorite meme(that I made myself and didn't copy and paste from another site) today

Jun 07, 2024 at 01:00PM EDT

Commented on Mistress Fortune's wall

It's medically legal where I live(in Oklahoma) but last year there was a state voter initiative to legalize it and it was "No" in a landslide. Of course it helps that the governor was successful in limiting voter turnout.
It's worth noting that there hasn't been blue county in Oklahoma in the presidential election since 2000.

Jun 06, 2024 at 07:35PM EDT

Posted in I had an alternate history dream!

2: In my dream all U.S. plane flights were grounded because reasons and ATC inadvertently stopped 9/11 then al-omari and waleed al-shehri took me, my Dad and some others hostage since they couldn't help hijack Flight 11. My Dad helped fight them but I was to scared to.

1: I've seen the film "United 93" twice and read its Wikipedia article and created an alternate history where my Mom and I are passengers(in seats 14e and 14f specifically) on Flight 93 and while my Mom joins the attempt to stop the hijacking I try to avoid violence and simply assume(even after the plane is hijacked) that the terrorists plan to land. As a result, Flight 93 crashes as expected. My Father, knowing my mother and I are on a plane calls her(after 10:05 a.m.) and spends the day watching local and national news until he figures out our flights number and connects our flight and the crashed flight in Pennsylvania.

Jun 03, 2024 at 07:35PM EDT

Commented on AI / Artificial Intelligence

The stuff I can remember from the movie "A.I." makes realize it was a good movie and really wish it that ending wasn't there because of how terrible it was. Though to be honest I'm not judging the poster which is awesome. I love good movie posters that are simple.

Jun 02, 2024 at 09:28PM EDT

Posted in Dumb factoids about yourself

a guy kissed me once when i was in high school also he4 was in my theater class and i played his dad in a school play. i'm not gay though most guys in theater were gay. my highschool was on the edge of the northeast dallas metroplex so i think that's why i wasn't consistently accused of being gay like in florida
god am i still typing

May 31, 2024 at 09:25PM EDT

Commented on Mistress Fortune's wall

hey WAZZUP! MAKING A HIGH dial to my favorite KYM user you! u seem like a cool person who is also nice so i wanted to say hi.

May 31, 2024 at 09:07PM EDT

Commented on Sleep well, Kabosu. You were such good, very wow!

Thank you for posting this. This is going in my favorites. I've had some wholesome dogs grow up with me and not be there for some of them when they died(when I could've easily) and Kabosu reminded of them.

May 26, 2024 at 06:12PM EDT

Commented on The Death Of Kabosu / Doge

I'd delete my comment but I want to tell I hate everyone getting paid to work here so they can act like a congressperson. I shouldn't have corrected you. Sorry. I had three female dogs that I grew up with and they died in my life. One of them died because of me. She lived to 14 and unsurprisingly got dementia. My Mom and step Dad built a small pond in our backyard. I live in the South and it get's insanely hot. I had to watch our dogs(especially the dementia one) when I let them out. I decided to play videos games so long that I forgot I let the dogs out. I found the healthy ones quick but I had to search for the one with dementia until I realized she drowned herself in the pond because of the heat. My Mom, Dad, and younger brother forgave me for it but I'll never forgive myself.

May 26, 2024 at 10:40AM EDT

Commented on Doge

NO I didn't want her to join my gals and guy. I used to have four dogs. Hopefully they become friends with her. I may not have known her but I loved her.

May 24, 2024 at 03:16PM EDT

Commented on Bomb Voyage Cosplayer at FWA 2024

True crime is just fun to read about. But mostly mass shootings. School shootings mostly. I highly recommend the book "Columbine". The author writes about the shooting, the shooters, the victims, survivors, and families. Reading about Patrick Ireland a.k.a. "Boy in the window" was very interesting.

May 14, 2024 at 08:27PM EDT

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