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Jr. Researcher & Archivist & Pundit & Media Chauffeur

Location: Not even I know at this point

Joined Aug 02, 2017 at 08:36PM EDT


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+49 +55 (90%) -6 (10%)
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+78 +80 (97%) -2 (3%)


I would say I'm somewhat of a "new" user, even though I've been here longer than some other well-known users. I guess that anything after 2016 just feels "new" to me.

Anyways, I mostly contribute comments and images. In terms of images, I upload things that I find either 1) notable enough to upload, or 2) interesting in my personal opinion. Just because I upload something with a controversial message doesn't mean I agree with it – just that I think it fits on KYM.

As for comments, my opinions (like most people's opinions) change over time with new information and/or events.

Recent Activity

Commented on Stephen Colbert's "Skibidi Biden" Segment

Colbert did humanity a favour here. By featuring a(n intentionally) unfunny Skibidi Toilet parody on late-night television, he is contributing to the death of that particular meme. Skibidi Toilet parodies have officially become a dead horse thanks to him. Think of it as accelerationism but for comedy. Thank you, Colbert.

May 25, 2024 at 03:16PM EDT

Commented on Trench Crusade

> "The church in Trench Crusade is meant to mirror the modern Christian churches issues. Ignoring teachings of Jesus and the bible in favor of the interpretations of mortal men, treating people who disagree with the interpretation of the book as heretics, a tendency to indoctrinate and harm children either through the many cases of sexual assault or abuse under the pretense of them being sinful."

If it's intended to be a "take that" at Christianity, then it's not a very strong one. Those are all things that Christians have said about other Christians for (checks notes) at least 1,000 years at this point. Nor is it a particularly "modern" critique of Christianity for the same reasons. "Hypocrites exist" isn't a message I think most Christians – even most right-wing Christians – would find objectionable.

May 18, 2024 at 12:46PM EDT

Commented on King Charles' Portrait

The painter said he wanted to "communicate the subject's deep humanity." How did he think covering everything except Charles' face and hands in a layer of red would accomplish that exactly?

May 15, 2024 at 08:23PM EDT

Commented on Frog lover🐸

Can't help but notice that there are no headphones, so "Listening to frogs" means she is listening to her frog good friend. How nice.

Apr 26, 2024 at 09:30AM EDT

Commented on Don't thread on my grift

Fascinating how a man who frowns on video games suddenly presents himself as caring about video games when it involves owning the libs in some way.

"Video games are a sacred cow in this country"
Which is why everyone from Hillary Clinton to (You) blames them for violence?

Apr 06, 2024 at 10:51PM EDT

Commented on We always liked her

Yes, people change their minds. But usually when people change their minds, they tend to openly say that they did so, and why they did so.

Apr 06, 2024 at 10:27PM EDT

Commented on Emperor Barron Trump / Caesar Trump

I can't help but find it funny how people make comparisons to both the late Republic AND the late Empire, and as a result, their whole USA = Rome analogy falls apart really quick.
Yeah, sure buddy, I bet that people like Pompey or Augustus would have been able to understand the problems of Majorian and Honorius.

Apr 05, 2024 at 10:06PM EDT

Commented on in a nutshell

I know this is making fun of the original comment, but while corporations (obviously) aren't known for leftism, many (mostly online) leftists are known for hypocrisy.

Mar 14, 2024 at 09:50PM EDT

Commented on StoneToss Doxxing

I think people are more focused on him being of Puerto Rican descent than his appearance.

Mar 13, 2024 at 01:59PM EDT

Posted in Do political beliefs correlate with morality?

As someone who is right-leaning and who believes morality to be objective, my answer is… not always.
Obviously I believe that my beliefs are morally correct (because if I didn't, then they wouldn't be my beliefs to begin with). But I also think that a lot of my opponents to the left of me aren't necessarily "evil," just very misguided on some big issues. That could just be me being overly optimistic, but whatever. (Even on the abortion issue, I know that some "pro-choice" people would never want to abort their own kid.) And I also know that a lot of people who share my beliefs on certain issues are also hypocrites who don't live up to what they say. Plus, there are some on the right who I would say support the right things for the wrong reasons.
There's also the fact that "left" and "right" are arbitrary categories; I only use them because words like "liberal" and "conservative" are often associated with specific political parties.

TLDR: Even if some political beliefs are (IMO) morally right and wrong, I don't think politics always correlates with individual morality; there are misguided people who unknowingly support bad things, and there are hypocrites who dishonestly endorse good things.

Mar 08, 2024 at 05:00PM EST

Commented on Sydney Sweeney's Anti-Woke Boobs

>"Most non crazy actually left wing media"

Well, people tend not to describe "non-crazy" things as "woke."
And the ones who do are usually, themselves, "crazy."

Mar 08, 2024 at 04:35PM EST

Commented on Sydney Sweeney's Anti-Woke Boobs

This feels like a situation that a left-winger (or self-aware right-winger) would make up as a joke. Like those TPUSA parodies where it's just Ben Shapiro saying something horny. Except it's not a joke, it's real.

Mar 08, 2024 at 04:24PM EST

Commented on We Need More Complex Female Characters

Most twelve year olds are at least capable of admitting when they did something wrong.
In fact… so did Mabel, even if it took very, very long for her to do so.

Feb 17, 2024 at 08:10PM EST

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