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Joined Aug 19, 2012 at 08:15PM EDT


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Recent Activity

Commented on Dog In Car

Also, I would bet that the text in the OP image isn't actually generated by that Google search. Doesn't seem wrong in the way that LLMs tend to be wrong.

May 26, 2024 at 01:57AM EDT

Commented on Dog In Car

There is some disagreement over the lyrics.

May 26, 2024 at 01:52AM EDT

Commented on Graceful Degradation Technology

Pretty much any flashlight will do this. Dead batteries are still conductors, so if one dies then the others will keep powering it. The only thing different about this one is that you only need one up front if you never had enough to fill it.

Digital components require consistent voltages and can't do this.

Nov 11, 2023 at 12:02PM EST

Commented on Straight people dnd be like

I know a guy who posted that dwarf image in our game chat, and even added the comment "'dead elf wagon' lol". Then two weeks later, he showed us some article that was like "Don't Pretend Your Hatred of Elves Isn't Based in Misogyny and Homophobia". I see meme I share meme self reflection is for the weak

Oct 19, 2023 at 10:51PM EDT

Commented on The end of an era. But also…the start of another. 😉

The cool thing about Godot is that you have a lot of options for how you want to write the game code. They have their own scripting language, sort of like how Unreal does, if you want to do that. They also support C#, which is good for people coming from Unity (I've come around on C# since I first learned it for Unity, it's a good language). That support isn't built in to the engine though, so there's a separate download and some setup before you can start writing it.

What's REALLY cool is that Godot has a native code interface, so you can write dynamically-linked libraries in any low-level language and execute those in Godot without needing a special loader. If you need a component to be as fast as possible, you have that option.

I did write a little library to test this out a few years ago, and my antivirus thought it was malicious and deleted it. Not Godot, but a file containing only my own code!

Sep 14, 2023 at 08:29AM EDT

Uploaded an image to Hi-Fi Rush.

Aug 24, 2023 at 05:29PM EDT

Commented on Derogatory pepperoni

This makes a lot of sense. I was reading about someone trying to categorically define slurs, as opposed to the usual way of thinking of slurs as a specific list of words. In other words, "how to tell if a word is a slur even if you've never heard it before". This comic explains part of it, and one of the other factors is if the word is an exonym (which I had to look up). Since nobody refers to themselves as "pepperoni", yeah, it fits.

Jun 24, 2023 at 01:54PM EDT

Commented on Not so infungible now

Saying that the NTF Bay "decrypted" those ugly ape and lion NFTs is like saying I "decrypted" your Minecraft world when you gave me your seed. The ability to produce the image from the token is the point of those. The NFT guys updated their ownership model to better reflect the technology and we were all too busy making fun of it to notice. I only figured this out the other day.

Dec 03, 2021 at 11:43PM EST

Commented on Rantsona

I thought we started calling these "VTubers" instead? "Rantsona" is so 2018.

May 31, 2021 at 01:08PM EDT

Commented on Last stop is coming

The year is 1910 and you're on a train.

Don't push, the train is moving forward

And what are you doing on the train's roof?

When it slows down, the women and children hop on

"Hey, when this stops, we can play at my house"

"Is it in the next town?"

"It's here! On the train. We live in the last wagon, so hang tight because it's speeding up."

200 years of proudly being Mexican. Federal government

Jan 22, 2021 at 09:44PM EST

Uploaded an image to Buying GF.

Buyingg GO fl
Nov 25, 2020 at 09:47AM EST

Commented on ビートと旅パ

Something about the use of colour here really bothers me. This picture looks like it smells bad. I can't explain why.

Oct 01, 2020 at 02:33PM EDT

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